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Everything posted by KipWellsFan

  1. QUOTE(3 BeWareTheNewSox 5 @ Mar 1, 2005 -> 11:09 PM) It was supposed to be "Guerilla Unit" but then that animated band "The Gorillaz" came out around the same time so now they just use it as "Gangsta Unit" I can't wait for Jadakiss' and Fat Joe's responses, I wish Nas would do one but it sounds like he's not worrying about it too much. Interesting stuff said by 50 in the NY radio interview (allhiphop.com), not sure how much is believable, but seriously Piggy Bank and his new CD is garbarge, and The Documentary s***s all over it. The Game is probably better off this way, it's all for publicity though, funny how this all happens 2 days before the album release I could have sworn I've seen clothing that says Guerilla Unit.
  2. QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Mar 1, 2005 -> 10:29 PM) I have no idea. Even if I was completely in the legal standing, I don't think I have the cold heart to do something like that to another person. I'm gonna call the dealership tomorrow, just to see if anything is wrong with the car without mentioning the price. I'll let you know. Dealership owners aren't real people so don't worry.
  3. QUOTE(Goldmember @ Mar 1, 2005 -> 07:52 PM) don't know why but i can't stop laughing... lol Maybe you've seen it before but the real video has a cat jumping on the kid. Zangief from Street Fighter was just inserted. So as unbelievable as it may seem, Zangief hasn't been going around terrorizing toddlers.
  4. Speaking of Asian players what's up with Yofu? Is he still in our system?
  5. QUOTE(flippedoutpunk @ Mar 1, 2005 -> 06:40 PM) isnt it though?? we should start a john mayer thread so that we can make fun of the lifestyles of white people, that would be like totally awesome! Man those two are holdin it down!
  6. This thread is gangsta
  7. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Mar 1, 2005 -> 05:57 PM) That other thread has joined Kotex-Boys writings in my mental ignore list, and I doubt I am alone. I posted this for the benefit of the others who had quit reading that stuff too. It's pretty obvious that most people aren't reading that. It's become more of a personal reference and study. It's also obvious that I've pissed off a bunch of people and am stongly considering stopping the thread.
  8. I made this in honor of someone doing this exact same thing last year during spring training. But I believe Shingo was pitching. If anyone knows where it is please tell me, it was hilarious. For some reason I can't get it bigger.
  9. Can't we all just agree that 99% of guys like 50 Cent, Young Buck and Fabolous are overpaid assholes!
  10. Oops I look bad on this one. I wrote in my Iraq thread "Protests in al-Hilla demanding more security after bombing" Which I got from al-jazeera . The protest was definitely a protest against terrorist attacks and against the lack of security, and not one or the other. I stand corrected and my post has been edited.
  11. QUOTE(Cerbaho-WG @ Mar 1, 2005 -> 12:21 PM) Black gangsters really need to learn how to aim. 50 is shot 9 times and doesn't die? That doesn't mean 50 is a badass, it just shows that the f***ing moron trying to kill him was too infatuated with holding his gun sideways to look down the f***ing sight. Man if I had a gun I would so hold it sidewise and call people b****es.
  12. QUOTE(WilliamTell @ Mar 1, 2005 -> 09:36 AM) Glad to see Joe Borchard to good, but Orlando Hernandez is starting to worry me, I hope he plays gets off to a good this regular season. I've never been really happy about us getting El Duque but isn't he notoriously bad at pitching to his own teammates? Excuse me if I'm wrong but I thought I saw that written somewhere.
  13. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Mar 1, 2005 -> 09:20 AM) Rogowski is going to be such a stud, I hope they never get ride of that kid Rogo's going to be a stud? Want to explain why?
  14. http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/2A3...40C196F9996.htm Good luck!
  15. http://www.cbc.ca/story/world/national/200...quez050301.html I wonder why it took so long to announce this if the election happened on Halloween?
  16. Tuesday Updates -Protests in al-Hilla condemning terrorist attacks and demanding more security after bombing -A video has been released of a French journalist kidnapped in January pleading for her life -1 Iraqi national guard was killed by roadside blast in Baghdad -2 unidentified corpses found floating in the Tigris river in Wasit -Iraqi Interim Gov't Cited for Abuses Monday Updates -106-127 deaths yesterday in the Hilla car bombing -2 US soldiers killed in a vehicle accident north of Baghdad -4 civilians killed in clashes between Iraqi commandoes and insurgents -2 Sudanese insurgents killed by Iraqi soldiers http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/meast/02/28/...main/index.html http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/meast/03/01/...main/index.html http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,149060,00.html http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,149050,00.html http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/64C...8D72EDF4F67.htm http://apnews.myway.com/article/20050301/D88IBJF00.html updated
  17. QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Feb 21, 2005 -> 01:27 PM) Well there's already going to be a sequel, directed by a different guy. And so far the only for sure cast member coming back is Shawnee Smith(helmet thing girl). http://www.upcominghorrormovies.com/movies/saw2.php Steff must have me on ignore.
  18. QUOTE(qwerty @ Feb 28, 2005 -> 11:49 PM) Also found this. http://www.alexa.com/data/details/?url=soxtalk.com This too. According to this soxtalk.com is link to Rawlings Leather Goods?
  19. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Feb 28, 2005 -> 11:43 PM) http://web.archive.org/collections/web.html Just thought this site was kinda cool...figured I'd share it with you guys. I'm sure some have probably seen it before, but it's worth it. Also... Do you know how far Soxtalk as REALLY come? Holy s***, a thread I made about Pat Borders in 2002!
  20. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Feb 28, 2005 -> 10:37 AM) After stalling for a couple of weeks, my wife finally broke me down and we rented "The Notebook". Now men, for those of you who don't know anything about this film, it's supposed to already be like in the top 3 all time love story tear jerkers. I must admit they have a solid, powerful ending, but everything leading up to it is so drawn out. Thoughts? I agree with you here, the film was a little slow until a wonderful finish. James Garner was awesome and with Gosling and Mcadam's great chemisty this was a very good movie. My sister had rented it and seeing your post I thought I should check it out too. 8/10
  21. I've got hos, I've got hooooooooos, in different area codes, areeeeeaaaa, areeeeeeeaaa coooooodes I'm repping 204 strong!
  22. QUOTE(Spiff @ Feb 28, 2005 -> 07:19 PM) Pretty sure that's more a product of nobody having seen the movies up for awards than Chris Rock hosting. I guess that's also a possibility, but personally I like the more traditional choices.
  23. Oscar ratings sink with Rock he's done
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