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Everything posted by KipWellsFan

  1. QUOTE(Rex Hudler @ Feb 28, 2005 -> 02:33 PM) Screw the reruns, when is the new season beginning?? I'm not sure how the edited reruns will do..... Not sure the show will have the same punch. Don't get too excited as the earliest we'll see the next season is 2006, and I don't even think they've begun shooting yet. Interesting rumours I've heard is that Furio will be coming back and that the season will be the final one. It's supposed to be 10 episodes and there have been rumours about a 2 or 3 hour season finale movie type thing.
  2. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Feb 28, 2005 -> 01:35 PM) Compare: Eric Byrnes.........................Brian Anderson.........................Jeff Weaver................Owen Wilson WTF
  3. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Feb 28, 2005 -> 01:26 PM) I thought the first televised game was on Comcast, Wednesday. Is it just me, or am I totally confused by the thread...? Nope, I am too But I'm pretty sure that our very first game is on Wednesday and apparently a Colorado radio station will probably be carrying it online.
  4. This is great news for HBO, which in my opinion is probably the best supplier of entertainment in North America. It also proves that taking time to craft a series as opposed to rushing it is more than worth it. Anyone else looking forward to season 2 of Deadwood? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  5. QUOTE(YASNY @ Feb 28, 2005 -> 10:13 AM) It's about time it ended. But that's just my opinion. :banghead
  6. QUOTE(YASNY @ Feb 28, 2005 -> 09:38 AM) I'm glad you found yourself such an uplifting hobby. This isn't about me.
  7. QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Feb 28, 2005 -> 08:34 AM) Did anyone see all five best picture movies? I saw four of five...sideways being the missed film. Finding Neverland was my pick. anyone else? I'm kind of embarassed to say I haven't seen one of the 5 that were nominated for Best Picture. But I did see Hotel Rwanda and a bunch of the other nominees.
  8. Iraq suicide bomb kills at least 125 :headshake
  9. http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/sto...sp?story=614229 While it's obvious that many people close to the administration are raking it in, is 450,000 really that much to these people? And is it really enough to make news? Why isn't there more about the Cheney family's profits? Or am I just not looking in the right places?
  10. KipWellsFan

    Hey guys

    Welcome, there are never enough Seinfeld avatars!
  11. The Oscars shouldn't be about who deserves to win because of their body of work or about spreading the winners over a bunch of movies. The Oscars should be about a group of movie 'experts' who make their one choice in every category on whatever basis they chose, trusting that the honor of being in the academy would negate the basis being a stupid one.
  12. Jeeze some spoiler warnings would have been good for this thread. D'oh
  13. Sunday in Iraq -Saddam Hussein's half brother was caught, he was #36 on the most-wanted list ---Syria apparently caught him -8 Iraqis killed by bomb inside a municipal building in Hamam al-Alil --at this time foxnews.com and al-jazeera reports it as only 5 dead -11 people including 4 women, a police officer, and 2 gov't workers have been kidnapped on a road between Latifiya and Mahmoudiya in recent days -2 US soldiers killed by an ambush in Baghdad -4 Iraqi police officers killed by an ambush soutwest of Mosul -2 police officers killed in Baghdad by gunmen -A headless Iraqi woman found in Iraq with note pinned to her body saying 'spy' -4 members of a right wing Shiite party found beheaded near Latifiyah -Feud over who controls security of Najaf has begun Saturday Updates -1 US soldier killed while performing military operations in central Babil province http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,148864,00.html http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/meast/02/27/...main/index.html http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,148878,00.html http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/0BA...2E790780F74.htm A very deadly day in Iraq today.
  14. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Feb 27, 2005 -> 03:34 PM) And Kip, how do you know the Democratic Party cares more about people? You really just have to look at the poeple running the Republican party. Where do their loyalties lie? Oil and big business. And this has really been the tendancy as I see it since Goldwater and the right wing of the party had taken over in the mid 60s. I'm not saying Democrats are god's gift to the earth but in comparision to say... Wolfowitz, Delay and Cheney they look like saviours. There's really nothing anyone could say that would make me think Democrats are just as bad as Republicans on all levels. They for the most part disgust me.
  15. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Feb 27, 2005 -> 02:19 PM) Holy hell yes. I saw that last weekend, and I was like wtf? There's no point to that movie. It pissed me off. LOL wasn't it supposed to be about existentialism.
  16. QUOTE(CubKilla @ Feb 27, 2005 -> 01:24 PM) Trust me when I say that the liberals are taking care of no one but themselves. They may make you think they are, but lies about what conservatives will do to necessary social programs wouldn't be drastically cut by conservatives. The Democratic Party has brain-washed minorities, particularly black America, into thinking that without them, the Republicans would wipe every social program off of the face of the earth. 11% of black America that voted in 2004 has come around and knows that that is not the case and they voted Republican. The Democrats are losing the hispanic vote. Without winning back those minority votes already lost, the Democratic Party may one day outlive it's usefulness under it's current political set-up. Well for one I know the Democratic Party cares more about the people than the Republican party and 2 the democratic party doesn't run Canada.
  17. QUOTE(Mathew @ Feb 27, 2005 -> 01:08 AM) The only reason the U.S. wanted Canada to join the missle defense was to give the U.S. the much needed credibility that it absolutely doesn't have. Thank God Canada didn't sign and piss away a 30 yr history of trying to rid the world of offensive weapons like this one, the weaponization of space and for example the hard work done on the land mines issue. The U.S. is not creating a defensive weapon here and everyone with half a brain knows it. Good thing the Canadian government has demonstrated having half a brain, though likely not much more then that at times. I obviously only have half a brain. Why is this so obviously an offensive action?
  18. QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Feb 26, 2005 -> 01:00 PM) Assuming you live long enough to get an appointment to see a doc and get the drugs, that might be a good thing. As for Kyoto, it will be dead in 5 years, when all the nations that thought it was a good thing, see how it totally f***s their economy and productivity. European countries are so far behind in their 'goals' that it would take a miracle for them to meet their targets for reduction. Kyoto was a good idea, bad execution. Call me oblivious, but I'm not scared of some rogue missile hitting me or my country. And seeing as the majority of Canadians didn't support involvement in missile defense (anyone actually know what this involvement would include?) they don't seem to be too worried either.
  19. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Feb 26, 2005 -> 06:37 PM) My point exactly. The purpose of government is to govern not to play nursemaid to everyone who lives under it. While I agree I don't think we'd have consistent views as to what qualifies as playing nursemaid.
  20. Saturday in Iraq -2 Iraqi civilians killed by car bombing in Baghdad -Pipeline blown up in Northern Iraq -1 Iraqi national guardsmen killed by car bombing near Mussayib -1 insurgent killed in Tikrit -2 Iraqis killed in clashes between US forces and insurgents in Ramadi Friday Updates -The Female Iraqi reporter kidnapped last week was found dead in Mosul http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/meast/02/26/...main/index.html http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,148824,00.html http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/B80...B450B9261F4.htm
  21. http://www.yearoftheyao.com/trailer/large.html Looks like a fun movie.
  22. Sheesh I agree with Nuke and BigHurt on this one. James Bond has to be a bad mamajama.
  23. QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Feb 26, 2005 -> 12:57 PM) Your point was that somehow the pursuit of a missle defense system was not a worthy one, and that the US should be doing other things, such as those mentioned. Maybe when North Korea launches a rouge nuke at the US, and due to their crappy targeting systems it appears that it would take out Ottowa instead, we should just let it drop? Canada is being a wuss in this. Publicly 'withdraw' from the missle defense shield, while knowing that if a missle WAS heading towards Canada, that the US would try to stop in anyway. I haven't yet made my mind up about missile defense and whether we should have pulled out yet. So my point was not to say it's not a worthy pursuit, but that it takes a backseat to things that I believe have higher risks to mankind. And I'll always trust the Liberals to take better care of me than Republicans.
  24. I was just pissed off last night and finally was fet up with how everyone jumps on everyone of my posts. While, my post was overly agressive and under the influence(not an excuse) I stand by my my general point that I think it's a lame excuse to note how our economy will suffer, because WELL OUR BLOODY WORLD IS SUFFERING and that Republicans don't do nearly enough to make me think they really give a damn.
  25. QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Feb 25, 2005 -> 11:30 PM) And just what is Canada doing towards accomplishing those goals that the US is not? Is that my point? No.
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