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Everything posted by KipWellsFan

  1. Driving a Cadillace Escalade and paying 40$ for sex, what a f***ing tool.
  2. So Kerry's a very honorable man and the American public made a huge mistake, what's new. :banghead
  3. http://www.cbc.ca/story/world/national/200...urt-041203.html Also interesting to hear Ukraine is pulling out of Iraq.
  4. come on guys http://media.ebaumsworld.com/gijoe-firealarm.mpg http://media.ebaumsworld.com/gijoepsa6.mpg
  5. Well I won't have to hear how he is the greatest baseball player ever anymore, thank god!
  6. http://media.ebaumsworld.com/gijoeice.mov If you thought that was funny theres a set of them here http://www.ebaumsworld.com/gijoe.html Some of them are hilarious and some suck. But overall, funniest things I've ever seen.
  7. Well it would make sense that he'd have more wins in a big park if he was a fly ball pitcher but hes suppoooooosed to be a ground ball pitcher.
  8. I don't think there is going to be a season this year. The NHLPA is just being unreasonable and the owners just aren't going to cave in or anything because they are f'n losing less money not playing than if they were playing!!!!
  9. Report was presented today at the UN. And more countries are being asked to join the Security Council than the previous article stated. courtesy cbc.ca http://www.cbc.ca/story/world/national/200...orms041202.html
  10. You should send that pic to Jay Leno for Headlines.
  11. Come on Jason the source is People magazine, they're never wrong.
  12. My god I can't believe I even wasted my time posting about her.
  13. Well I was hoping he adressed the house so he would get heckled but whatever. I also thought no one was expecting him to make any major statements on beef and soft lumber lumber issues, so I wasn't really surprised. He's still a dink, but I thought he did a good job.
  14. KipWellsFan


    Well I understand that but I think it's pretty obvious that the majority of Fed-Ex or UPS employees are not white collar workers. Anyways doesn't matter anymore I guess Ken is just dumb as a doornob.
  15. I'm listening to his half hour speech today and he spoke very well. I salute him for making an honorable gesture. He also made some funny jokes. http://www.cbc.ca/story/canada/national/20...licy041201.html Thank You
  16. Like I mentioned on page 139 of this thread Podsednik stole 70 bases last year while only hitting .244. If he could even put up 2/3s of that total he'd be a major asset in our lineup. Plus I think he's most definitely going to hit for a higher average next year.
  17. courtesy reuters http://www.reuters.co.uk/newsPackageArticl...81&section=news ------------- Seems only fair that "enemy state" clause be removed. Germany is as dangerous as Royce Clayton with a bat.
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