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Everything posted by KipWellsFan

  1. interesting Obama/ Charles Barkley 2008!
  2. Who has been saying Edwards was pushing him to not concede?
  3. That doesn't mean I'll believe it. If its real then she's worst dressed!
  4. I disliked P.Diddy's campaign from the start and guess what the f'n thing failed. "Vote or Die" thats the stupidest thing I've ever seen
  5. She fell for the spin guys, damnit! Curt Mildner is a smart guy. I think this article really lays out exactly why Bush won, thanks for sharing.
  6. I'm no democrat, I'm an admitted commie pinko son of a b**** but I really liked John Kerry. He was a real stand up guy who was maybe just too nice to win the presidency. As a frontline documentary I watched the other day explained, his difficulty in explaining himself and being to much of a professional may have oddly enough killed him. I hope he goes on and continues to do great things in America.
  7. It was over! and everyone concedes. By the way if you already knew this... sorry.
  8. Well good news for Canada, the Canadian dollar also rises 4/5ths of a cent today against the American dollar. This was preditced to happen if Bush won and opposite if Kerry won.
  9. Well if you still want to call your president the leader of the free world you best think again.
  10. Good job that's something that you can say to have accomplished in your life, and don't let anyone tell you it's unimportant.
  11. Well I'm off to bed peeps and when I wake up tommorow I'll be glad that I'm in Canada, where we are not ruled by the relgious and rural population. Good Luck... you're going to need it. :sleep
  12. Just go to cnn.com Bush by the way by almost 3 million votes.
  13. What are these people's reasoning behind claiming Ohio will be democratic? Do they not know math or is there something we are all missing?
  14. Yah but it's okay for Bush to bash Kerry's undeniably great record as a vietnam veteran. John O'Neill can suck it.
  15. Now more than 50% reporting and Kerry is only getting 63% percent of the vote.
  16. Kerry is now winning in New Hampshire by a percentage point with 56% reporting.
  17. I'm just basing that on some ultra-conservative things he's said. Age seems to bring these types of comments out of people.
  18. From what I've heard it sounds like this guy is a complete tool... but a good pitcher.
  19. Your poll stations should be uniform, not machines here and old fashioned polls there. I never fully trust voting systems and it would be even worse for me if I had to use a bloody machine to do it.
  20. KipWellsFan

    Sex Education

    agreed... for once
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