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Everything posted by KipWellsFan

  1. Its actually a really cool video, looks wise. I like the song too.
  2. I wonder if this will swing the wanksta and wiggah population in Kerry's favour.
  3. but my dads dead Yah I don't know where I was going with that one.
  4. I have a hard time believing this but whatever. And yes the arguments are getting annoying but,your stupid for supporting Bush.
  5. Well those good defensive players are completely overcome by Manny Ramirez being a complete tool in left, Bill Mueller at 3rd and David Ortiz actually having to play defense against the national league. And Johnny Damon having one of the worst arms in all of baseball doesn't help. World Champions, but nothing special.
  6. I don't see a huge need for it. Don't go messing with a good thing.
  7. You just need to look at there defense to know that they are not the best team ever.
  8. "campaign of fear" What was Dick Cheney doing when he said terrorists would strike again if Kerry was elected? :fyou
  9. Jeeze and I said they could never win with donuts like Manny Ramirez and Johnny Damon.
  10. here we go, courtesy abc news http://abcnews.go.com/sections/us/DailyNew...poll020910.html
  11. Wasn't Bush's approval rating very high after 9/11 occurred? Anyone have any numbers?
  12. bump How could Bush possibly try to get re-elected on the merits of his qualities as a defender? "Bring 'em on"
  13. KipWellsFan


    Yup those I see all the time, they are pretty awesome. Once I saw them while me and a bunch of friends were playing basketball in the fall when it was getting real cold and the things were just dancing in the sky.
  14. KipWellsFan


    Damn it's completely clouded over up here north of the border.
  15. Ju-On (2000) Written and Directed by Takashi Shimizu First off this is the movie that kicked it all off. It was followed by Ju-On 2 , Ju-On The Grudge, Ju-On The Grudge 2, and now the Sarah Michelle Gellar version The Grudge all directed by Shimizu. These movies have since become sort of a mystery due to the fact that very little people actually know there are so many of these movies and that there is an actual order in which they proceed. So I personally decided to buck that trend and watch them from the start. So.... Anyways this movie eerily begins off with a teacher played by Yûrei Yanagi who must visit the ominous home of one of his students Toshio whom has not recently been to school and who's parents have not been able to be reached. When he arrives at the house he discovers the boy is alone at home and his parents are out and about. This is when the movie flashes back into an almost short story mode where it tells the tale of others who have lived and been in the house and what has become of them. One of the characters being played by Chiaki Kuriyama who has gone on to bigger and better things with Battle Royale and Kill Bill. This movie is confusing and made even more confusing by not being used to watching a movie with all Asian people and subtitles. But from what I've understood these people have all been cursed with The Grudge as is described in the beginning of the movie as After these sequences are finished Shimizu once again returns to the main story of the teacher and his student Toshio. Where we quickly learn what has really become of Toshio's parents. These short story like sequences are very frightening and creepy, and it wasn't the limited amount of gore that got me. It was the great direction and incredible use of sound to freak the s*** out of me. I've never really seen any American horror movies made like this one, and it's almost hard to explain even to myself how a movie with such an erratic and confusing timeline could still be so satisfying. Although maybe I'm just ignoring the fact that many of these confusements(is that a word, if it isn't it should be) will be explained in the sequels, which I now must absolutely see. 8/10 -------------------------------- The Actual Order of the movies is Ju-on (2000) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0330500/ Ju-on 2 (2000) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0330501/ Ju-on: The Grudge (2003) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0364385/ Ju-on: The Grudge 2 (2003) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0367913/ The Grudge (2004) Sarah Michelle Gellar one http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0391198/ I also believe there is an extremely unknown one that they all follow from 1998. I think it's a short story or something. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0330312/ ------------------------------------------ Other movies I've seen since my last review 8mm 6/10 Going Upriver: The Long War of John Kerry 8/10 Ringu 7/10 My Little Eye 6/10
  16. What kind of gaping holes are we talking about Jas, not that I don't believe you its just that you didn't give any examples, maybe a link would be cool.
  17. Russia pariliament voted for it 139-1, now all it needs is the expected signature of Putin himself. http://www.cbc.ca/story/world/national/200...yoto041027.html
  18. As funnily stupid as that was, I think that would be pretty easy to fake.
  19. courtesy cbc.ca http://www.cbc.ca/story/world/national/200...llar041026.html
  20. I'm not anti-american just anti-douche bag.
  21. Yah I still don't know what he's talking about.
  22. I don't understand your American humour.
  23. You know your president is a f***ing douche bag when...
  24. James Gandolfini is not in the Big Lebowski. But he was a gay hitman in The Mexican. Maybe who you're thinking of is Jon Polito who I believe drove a VW Bug in The Big Lebowski.
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