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Everything posted by KipWellsFan

  1. Well I'm bringing this back because my comp is slowing down again and I don't know why. Any new ideas?
  2. http://www.cbc.ca/story/world/national/200...orea040913.html
  3. Forwards thinking! Not Backwards!!! Military-style assault weapons for sale again in U.S. http://www.cbc.ca/story/world/national/200...guns040913.html
  4. That is a great methaphor, thanks for sharing.
  5. You gotta chill man! Everyting will be ireeeeee!
  6. Cheney really tried to use Ebay as an excuse!
  7. http://www.apple.com/trailers/paramount/team_america/ http://www.teamamericamovie.com/ watch the trailers at both sites Absolute must see!
  8. I don't need Ben Barnes to tell me what kind of scum Bush is. Bush and his administration have lied a million times and people ignore it, so why does this matter.
  9. I missed these bad comments by Jon Garland, can someone explain more or provide a link?
  10. from cbc news www.cbc.ca http://www.cbc.ca/story/world/national/200..._flu040909.html
  11. So in the entire state of Illinois the best the Republicans could comeup with is Keyes? s*** they'd be better off with Nuke.
  12. Wow that's interesting do you have a link for that, I'd like to read about it.
  13. Good points, there are many things wrong in the transportation area.
  14. Good points about tabacco, liquor and speed limits. I'd have a hard time imagining a world without liquor, but it does cause many deaths. I'm also proud to say that in my city cigarettes are almost completely banned. You cannot smoke cigarettes in any indoor public place, not even a bar. And I certainly wouldn'tbe surprised if they become like any other illegal drug. Speed limits don't need to be lowered, that shouldn't be a priority. It should be getting more fuel efficient cars on the road, and more alternate sources of travel. http://www.americansforfuelefficientcars.org/ads/default.htm
  15. Well my opinion is simple; banning public use of guns would save lives and I don't think home defense, hunting, or recreation are good enough reasons for them to be allowed.
  16. Well perhaps Ididn't use appropriate wording but I think it's a very dated and oldfashioned right.
  17. Not exactly sure what is meant by a defensive gun use? Like against a break-in or car theft?
  18. There really is no intelligent reason to have guns. It's just a stupid thing many Americans and Canadians claim to have the right to have, when they certainly should not have the right to. It's very oldfashioned and backwards.
  19. I could have sworn that Israel4ever was pro-bush when I used to be on here like 2 or 3 months ago?
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