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Everything posted by KipWellsFan

  1. Huff also pops out to second. 3 up 3 down for Loaiza. 12 pitches
  2. Ad-Aware is what I got, I used to have Spybot but it got bumped off for bigger and better things.
  3. Keep in mind that CBS sportsline makes lots of mistakes, but that is a weird one to make.
  4. WEll unless Dransfeldt could play third that wasn't an option.
  5. I doubt we'd be able to do that against this lineup. Especially with Scho pitching.
  6. Is that Valido in your avatar Jason?
  7. That calls for a.... Hooooooooooeeeeeeeya!
  8. Me doing my best Soxfest impression "Olivo sucks"
  9. Does that count as a hit for Uribe or an FC?
  10. Probably been posted somewhere but when Dransfeldt got called up to the Sox, Reyes was promoted from AA to AAA.
  11. When the US runs out of natural ressources you know you're going to come knocking on our door.
  12. I'd love to see his career pinch-hitting numbers.
  13. I don't think Jon Adkins is coming out just yet.
  14. Yah now that I know what you guys are talking about, it was on tv up here too.
  15. What is this powder puff thing you guys are talking about? Sounds fun.
  16. Harris has got to get that OBP up above .300 lol. And that means getting on base anyway possible, and he could take a walk once and a while.
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