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Everything posted by KipWellsFan

  1. I don't see how Ozzie could make this team any worse. Someone with some energy and entertainment and maybe he could keep some of the dueches on this team in line and make sure they remember they are playing for a TEAM.
  2. What the lol, I made that post thinking it was a new thread. But I guess I put in the exact same title and subject as an earlier thread???
  3. As reported by chisox.com these 2 were signed and added to the 40 man roster, there are now 39 men on the roster man roster.
  4. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that the girl in his avatar is his girlfriend and he's the guy. By mission accomplished he was probably talking about the kiss he was planning to do.
  5. I have no idea what this was about, can someone tell me or point me to a previous thread.
  6. You don't do the most funding in the world, take a look at percentage of GDP given to other countries. Also look at the child poverty rates in the U.S. they are some of the worst of first world countries. Obviously you're not feeding or clothing enough children.
  7. General Wesley Clark for President, finally Americans can be proud again. That would be my slogan, he seems like a respectable choice.
  8. Please find it in you heart to vote for someone other than Bush for president Jas. For the sake of the world! p.s. we need a begging emoticon
  9. Go to download.com then search and download a great free program called spybot-search and destroy.
  10. I'm pretty sure that if Bush did anything positive for the environment he would make damn sure the media said something about it.
  11. I just have trouble seeing how people aren't discouraged to vote for someone who doesn't seem to care about the environment. But I guess that's just me.
  12. I don't know about any other parties but the Bush administration has done nothing concerning the environment. Kucinich seems like he would agressively pursue the environment issue though.
  13. I may be wrong but I have seen absolutely nothing done by the Bush administration on topics of the environment. I really don't understand how this could basically be completely ignored by someone and still have the support of so many. Do people just not care about the environment? I.E. Does Saddam Hussein pose as much threat to the world as environmental problems. Get with it Republicans!!!
  14. Not too familiar with American colleges but I assume you mean Lousiville. I think going to collge is a good idea, no matter how talented he is it would have been extremely hard for a little guy to have tons of NBA success.
  15. Far left, not far right. I think she meant to put sideshowapu in green.
  16. Cough, Cough, the world would be a better place.
  17. I kind of like Kucinich, he is the real definition of the left and he seems like he'd be agressive to do things he believes in. Although he doesn't look like a president, he needs a new look if he wants to stand a chance. I'd really like to see what happens if someone far left was in charge of the most powerful country and what affect it would have on the world.
  18. So what did the little guy decide? Go Sebastien!
  19. If the same type of thing happened in that big of a game at The Cell it would have been much worse. Someone probably would have tried to cut the guy.
  20. I see 2 fans in this pic that are trying to stay away from the ball, and one of the guys even looks like hes going to be sick.
  21. And the Curse of Billy the Goat Lives On for at least another day!
  22. My list of whom I'm most excited about 1. Jeremy Reed 2. Neal Cotts 3. Joe Borchard 4. Kris Honel 5. Enemencio Pacheco 6. Ryan Wing 7. Ruddy Yan (I just love speed) 8. Corwin Malone 9. Jason Stumm 10. Ryan Sweeney (Just because we "stole" this guy in the draft makes it more exciting) I'm sure that I'm fogetting some of the guys I'm excited about, like Rick Hummel.
  23. I agree with you abo, Joe Bo deserves a mention on any Sox prospects top ten list at least for the time being.
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