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Everything posted by KipWellsFan

  1. Your going to have to be a little bit clearer than that.
  2. Like I've sad all along Joe Crede is the ONE. He will bring balance to the organization.
  3. Mlb.com couldn't handle that last play obviously, its been stuck for more than 5 minutes now.
  4. No run scores if it was interference correct?
  5. Lol you probably won't be any happier as a Cubs fan.
  6. Yes there was a thread yesterday I believe. I love the Hawk.
  7. As usual I'll be following on mlb.com, up here in Canada we don't get many games. I'm actually pretty lucky that I at least get all the games on WGN.
  8. That's huge that we don't face pedro or lowe. I'm really hoping the Sox play some awesome ball this weekend.
  9. There really are no stand outs and with Frank with such a low BA and Boone tailing off I think it should be Garciaparra.
  10. I really like Indian food. Some good spicey stuff. You just have to forget that every bit of it was created by terrorists
  11. If the Sox lost the last 2 games because of Paniagua then they are as mentally patethic as I thought they were.
  12. What is Planes, Trains and Automobiles?
  13. How does Eddie Guardado do it? His stuff seems so bloody ordinary.
  14. You screw with Pauly you're screwing with me.
  15. Add Goodfellas and Snatch to my list.
  16. Oh just a little bit lol... Eddie has nothing on Latroy.
  17. Or maybe if Daubach got more than an at-bat a week.
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