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Everything posted by KipWellsFan

  1. For me I would give Cotts another year in the minors. 1.Loaiza 2.Colon 3.Buehrle 4.Garland 5.Wright If Cotts could make some good starts the rest of the year we could keep Wright in the pen. I also don't think we will resign Colon. Unless we do very well in the playoffs, and just making the playoffs is very questionable.
  2. I know Manuel is sort of a bonehead but why so many today. Is it just because he decided to start Cotts?
  3. As I check to see the score at work today I have come to realize one thing. The White Sox sure are one interesting team.
  4. KipWellsFan


    What was that whole tax refund thing? Didn't seem like it was the best time to be giving away money.
  5. KipWellsFan


    I think the US needs a lot of new faces in power and I definitely don't see many promising potentials. One guy I've noticed is Howard Dean but I'm not a politics expert.
  6. KipWellsFan


    I want to clear this up before I start hating Romo. I've heard that he is kind of a racist. Is this true at all?
  7. KipWellsFan


    I've heard lots about the Bush administration and their new tax cuts or whatever completely favoring the rich. I also heard a quote from a nobel prize winner in economics saying this was the worst economic plan he had ever seen (something like that). Is it really as bad as I've heard?
  8. Just wondering, what is your reasoning for him being overrated? Kip is having a very fine season this year.
  9. I saw that tonight for Kippy, he hadn't won in quite a while. This was after Lloyd McClendon called out his starting pitchers.
  10. He was hitting 93 constantly when we were there. Had a really good fastball and good secondary pitches. Kid looked for real to me in the one start I saw of him. He has good tools and I think next year people will really start hearing about him. He's from the Chicago area, if I recall. Thank you, sounds good.
  11. Seattle is going nowhere but downhill now I think.
  12. Very true. After all this is a team game. You win as a team. You lose a team.
  13. I don't know much about Tom Deinenger... ahem
  14. Willie is such a sparkplug. I wish he got more at bats to get his average up. I'm pretty sure if he just got some more pt he would be well up over 200.
  15. lol.... whats in the glass????? It's Guiness and we had this conversation last night.
  16. WEll Colon ended his night with authority ending up with 10ks.
  17. I don't think Bartolo has a chance at a complete game. He has already thrown 78 pitches through 5 innings.
  18. He was just trying to make something happen!
  19. I just came on line, I predicted to myself earlier the Sox would score 7 in the 4th inning That's great as long as you keep them to yourself lol!
  20. I'm going to play my asshole card again. No one predicted in the game thread that this outburst of offense would happen.
  21. No need to feel sorry, now just never do it again.
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