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Everything posted by KipWellsFan

  1. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Jan 3, 2007 -> 08:12 PM) I agree. Saw it at the theaters, you wouldn't be pissed at giving up 4 bucks for it. Have not been able to find anything even remotely interesting at the video store lately. Any recommendations? Perhaps if you're in the mood for another western you could check out The Proposition. I haven't actually seen it yet but I've heard good things.
  2. Do yourselves a favor and check out The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada.
  3. The people make the religion. In some cases Nuke you're absolutely right and the religion of peace becomes quite the opposite. But in the other cases it's just another religion and not some kind of enemy or antagonist to vilify.
  4. KipWellsFan

    Films of 2006

    Checked my IMDB vote list and I actually haven't seen that many movies from 2006 but The Departed, Babel and An Inconvenient Truth were my favorites.
  5. QUOTE(YASNY @ Dec 19, 2006 -> 01:50 PM) If we had terrorist attacks on the US, what would the world stage matter to the American people. Not a damn thing. Afghanistan? Iraq?
  6. QUOTE(YASNY @ Dec 19, 2006 -> 01:39 PM) Here's your assmuption based on a whole lof of nothing. We haven't had any successful attacks on us since. You are assuming that would be the case with Gore in office. I'm not willing to jump to that conclusion. Well those are Northside's "assumptions" not mine. And I said I think Gore would have done better on the world stage. I don't really think of terrorist attacks on US soil as a indicator of this. I don't really assume anything. Like you say this is all speculation.
  7. QUOTE(YASNY @ Dec 19, 2006 -> 01:35 PM) It sounds to me like you are making pedictions on 'what ifs'. Yah I just did.
  8. QUOTE(YASNY @ Dec 19, 2006 -> 01:21 PM) Who's to say we wouldn't have had 5 more 9-11's since then if Gore was in office. You guys are make making some hellacious assumptions based on a whole bunch of nothing. Well I don't really like making predictions based on "what ifs" so yes I'm making some leaps of faith.
  9. I can't really make the call on the domestic side but it would be hard for me to imagine how Al Gore could have done any worse on the world stage.
  10. If this means that Jack Bauer can finally do his job without worrying about silly laws then I'm all for it!
  11. New trailer. Looks pretty awesome. better quality http://playlist.yahoo.com/makeplaylist.dll...480&qth=300
  12. http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/stor...?hub=TopStories
  13. Thought 1 or 2 or you might be interested. Dion made quite the comeback this weekend in the most politically exciting time I've ever experienced. I didn't support Dion but my guy, Gerard Kennedy, threw his support behind Dion which gave him the push he needed to win the crown. This will ensure that Kennedy will gain a prominent position and be touted as a likely successor. Dion's number 1 campaign item was Environmentalism and he's been a leading figure internationally on the Kyoto Protocol. He's French Canadian, from Quebec with some slight troubles with the English language and as you can see is nerdy as all hell. He was an academic before being brought into politics. No relation to Celine.... that I know of. Decent little summary http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/stor...me=&no_ads= Not my first choice, but my second. A big win for environmentalism today.
  14. Bush Approval: 31% http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/15667442/site/newsweek/
  15. Associated Press is now saying that the Democrats have won the Senate.
  16. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Nov 7, 2006 -> 10:48 PM) Webb with the lead. I definitely opened another beer for that. Huge win. See you later Mr.Macaca!
  17. In light of impending exit polls. Do they actually tend to have a bias against Republican candidates or was that only the case in '04.
  18. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Nov 6, 2006 -> 12:49 PM) Isn't it amazing how the races are "tightening"? These pollsters are trying to safe face. Republicans are the dominant party in America and the voters do tend to come home to their more comfortable choice. Same thing happens in Canada with the dominant Liberal Party.
  19. I guess this Rothenberg guy carries a lot of weight. He's now saying they think the Democrats will take the Senate. http://rothenbergpoliticalreport.blogspot.com/ We'll see.
  20. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Nov 2, 2006 -> 04:48 PM) The GOP needs to get something positive going and fast otherwise it could be a nigthmare election that could have a real negative effect on our country (sorry but I have my strong leanings to the GOP and I think them losing control of the house and/or senate will be a terrible thing for our country). I've already seen the democratic party hamper a great state like California. Albeit we have great weather, but economically we've lost tons of big time businesses to other states because of our ridiculous anti business laws that pretty much cripple big and middle businessman (even small businessmen). I'm sorta of the opinion that "how could they be any worse than these guys" but looking at the would-be leaders in the House if the Democrats win is a little scary.
  21. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 31, 2006 -> 03:27 PM) Polls for NJ have been trending towards GOP, with the gap shortening. If they are it doesn't seem like it's a pronounced trend.
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