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Everything posted by KipWellsFan

  1. Plame's husband wants Post to probe Woodward http://reuters.myway.com/article/20051117/...SH-LEAK-DC.html more at link
  2. Still no one has explained what the deal with Pentangeli was in Godfather 2. I could never figure out that scene in the bar. I gotta watch it again.
  3. KipWellsFan

    "My Humps"

    QUOTE(The Critic @ Nov 17, 2005 -> 05:15 PM) That song is an embarrassment and Fergie is quite the butterface. I thought it was a 'butherface'. I can't keep up with the hip slang.
  4. Missing Fla. Teen Found Safe; Sex Offender Dead http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,175849,00.html
  5. I don't remember Tim saying that. I remember him saying "How do these things happen?", as Scott was rounding the bases.
  6. You probably didn't notice I posted a conservative blog then.
  7. http://powerlineblog.com/archives/012292.php some more at link It's probably really not that big of a deal, just like the leak of Plame's name in and of itself probably wasn't that damaging to American security. I think I'd be more worried about Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld, and Hadley meeting with Chalabi who's also suspected of leaking secret information to Iran as recent as 2004.
  8. QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Nov 17, 2005 -> 12:00 AM) man, it was so good. I can't wait to see the next one. I knew a little about this one going into it. I won't spoil anything. I hope this inspires people to go out and rent it. A+ film. Damn I miss decent oscar worthy movies. Watch the second one and tell me what happened with Pentangeli, I never really could figure out exactly what happened with him.
  9. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 02:03 PM) And then there's a reference that basically says "sources say" but then "it's not proven"... :rolly I don't know what you're trying to get at.
  10. http://rawstory.com/news/2005/National_Sec...ource_1116.html also http://rawstory.com/news/2005/National_Sec...ource_1116.html more at link
  11. http://www.cnn.com/2005/POLITICS/11/16/cia...d.ap/index.html http://www.rawstory.com/ To be honest this whole situation is getting way too complicated for me.
  12. QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 12:49 PM) WTF: What the Freak .. conservatives try to avoid excessive profanity despite the primitive nature of liberals to feel the need to supersize it. Nuke is a liberal?
  13. QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 12:43 PM) What is moral is what promotes kindness, discipline, honor & loyalty in the world. What is immoral is that which promotes the opposite. Pretty simple stuff. Democrats or Liberals for that matter are in no way less moral than Republicans and Conservatives.
  14. So you really think that the Dems stand for these things? Do ever really think about hwat you just wrote and realize 'man I make a lot of dumb generalizations, that are ridiculously untrue'. Well aren't you complimentary of the American people. Who are you to judge who is moral or not? You haven't a clue. Like people on all those talk shows say "YOU DON'T KNOW ME!". There are gay people in the world get over it! If I ever were to believe a word you say a Democrat without the party having made some major changes will never ever win majorities again in the United States. But considering how evenly divided the country is politically and the idea that we have Conservative Democrats but really no Liberal Republicans leads me to think things are still wide open. I mean if the religious have so much power why not change the name of the party to the Christian Republican party, surely people would be more comfortable to vote CRP than Democratic. With my last post I didn't want to argue about Dems and Repubs, but you went there. What do you have to say about what I said about Rome?
  15. You are completely on crack Juggs, crack. People on the left and right enjoy Rome for its realism and in general that's what people nowadays like to see. Entertainment of all kinds and even mainstream entertainment will become more open with ideas of sex, violence, and radical politics, that's just the way it's going. Desperate Housewives, Will and Grace, Sex and the City. Entertainment censors are losing the battle, not winning. Rome naturally is not going to be the most popular show in the world and I was quite surprised to even see shows like it and Deadwood on, because I wouldn't think they'd cater towards a mainstream audience. Which tv and radio shows are the most successful for their exhibitionsim? O'Reilly and Rush, both exhibitionist fools. How are their ratings doing? They're obviously slumping because of their exhibitionism right? So are you saying you don't think the left hates these things?
  16. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 10:52 AM) I shoulda read the article first. Representatives of these companies go to Washington to lobby for stuff all the time. So representatives met with Cheney. It doesn't mean that the executives on the Hill last week KNEW that people had been a part of the conversations. Then this gem. That's 100% DIFFERENT then the title indicates on the article. And you people wonder why I HATE the NY Slimes and the Washington Compost. People are grasping for straws here to throw crap to see what sticks. The thing is, all these high-powered bigshots rub elbows with these people all the time. There's so much corruption and crap they talk about, that you could infer just about anything from these "meetings". Did they set policy? Hard to say. But my point is the inflammatory headline is different then the actual content of the article with the "should bes and maybes and not sures". I admit that it does stink to high heaven though. The title of the article is 'Document Says Oil Chiefs Met With Cheney Task Force', I don't see anything wrong with that.
  17. Executives from big oil met with Cheney aides while developing national energy policy. They recently denied this at the hearings, maybe they should have been under oath. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...5111501842.html more at link
  18. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Nov 15, 2005 -> 06:23 PM) So you're telling me that people I know that have come back from there are lying? Let me guess. They're lying to cover George Bush's ass. There's two guys from my church who have been over there, another friend of mine as a civillian contractor, and my cousin was over there for 6 months. And they all tell me what amount of work is being done over there, and how many Iraqis are GLAD we are there. So why is it that I come here, and read the papers, that a lot of people, such as yourself in these posts, wants to pile on the hate and the s*** heap about being over there? Don't take that wrong, again, you're reading what you believe to be true to your belief system and damn near everything you post is through that prism and point of view. I disagree with a lot of it, but I do respect it. But, help me out here. For every "positive" story, there seems to be about 10 negative ones. People like yourself find s*** all over the internet such as the post above - to make a point that we're not doing jack s*** over there, and "anti-war", and IT'S A f***ING LIE, etc. The people who are over there and come back home are amazed, and I know this FIRST HAND. Why is that? I seriously want to understand. Come on, we all know where soldier's loyalties tend to lie, and just like a liberal newspaper has a bias, so do soldiers. I remember a documentary where each soldier they interviewed in Iraq said they were there was because Saddam struck them, and it was the right fight, so forgive me for being cynical.
  19. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Nov 15, 2005 -> 05:58 PM) Welcome to three days ago. We went from tornado to blizzard. Yah, I was just shoveling for 45 minutes and its only half done.
  20. says report http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20051115/pl_nm/..._tomlinson_dc_1
  21. QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 10:56 AM) Another prime example of failed socialist policies. http://www.socialistparty.org.uk/News2Fram...stcountries.htm meh.
  22. QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 04:31 PM) You will be happy to know that I crashed at 7:45 last night and slept till 6:30. I can honestly not remember having ever gone to bed that early, ever!
  23. QUOTE(Mercy! @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 03:28 AM) No. I find his delivery annoying. I'm talking about the HBO show about Ancient Rome.
  24. Anyone watch Rome tonight? It was an amazing episode.
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