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Everything posted by KipWellsFan

  1. QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 28, 2005 -> 10:41 PM) He could also cure what is making you ill We already have a rally hammer -----> Hammer '08 Is that him banging on Dubya's noggin'?
  2. Most Valuable Player:Paul Konerko Most Vauable Pitcher:Jose Contreras, our 4 top starters have been great but I give the nod to The Count because he's been great when we needed someone to step up Most Improved Player:Jon Garland Most Pleasant Surprise:Jon Garland Biggest Disappointment:Shingo Takatsu
  3. QUOTE(Mercy! @ Sep 28, 2005 -> 07:45 PM) Uh huh. Far off camera so some pesky reporters don’t ask embarrassing questions. Hey, I just looked at a map of Manitoba. Y’all sure do have beaucoup bodies of water in your province. Also totally unrelated to this thread – do you ever go watch the garter snake emergence at any of the local dens in the springtime? I hear it can be spectacular I think I'm the only kid in all of Manitoba that never checked out the snakes. From what I hear it's Mating Balls like a muthaf***a!
  4. Nice job updating the Tampa game Hawk.
  5. Win tonight and clinch a playoff spot?
  6. QUOTE(Mercy! @ Sep 28, 2005 -> 07:18 PM) Oh puhleese. No need to pussy foot around. The guy's a big ol' self-loathing closet case. I was looking forward to some great media moments, but I see someone must have given Hastert the 411 about what they had to look forward to with Dreier as even temporary Speaker. Apparently Dreier will be helping Blunt with his leadership duties.
  7. Yah didn't look like Scott was trying that hard, but he wasn't even close to it anyways.
  8. QUOTE(kman @ Sep 28, 2005 -> 07:04 PM) jose dealin! 9k's LA PARKA OMG!!!!!!!!
  9. So rain is going to strike any second now in Detroit?
  10. QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Sep 28, 2005 -> 04:56 PM) Wow! First they want to condemn Bush for not doing enough & now they want to condemn him for keeping the Army Corp of Engineers & supporting Natl Guard in New Orleans. They? Where are you getting this from?
  11. QUOTE(G&T @ Sep 28, 2005 -> 03:58 PM) This woman also said that Bush has to pull the military out of occupied New Orleans. Drudge Report I really don't know how accurate this is, but it seems about right. This is just some other radical that has latched on for a ride on the popularity train. Joe McCarthy did the same thing. He never actually cared about communism, he just liked being in the spotlight so he dragged a whole nation down with him. This is another demonstration of the silent majority. A lot of people in the country support Bush, they just aren't on the radio or in movies and don't bother to skip their jobs to show it. And wasn't this the same woman who supported the war when it started? I can't find where I read that. That is accurate, its in this huffingtonpost.com blog of hers but I can't find it
  12. http://www.editorandpublisher.com/eandp/ne...t_id=1001181569 more at link
  13. Tight, but the picture seems too blown up.
  14. Look at what MRC (Media Research Council, ie liberal media witchhunters) claims is an example of media bias a couple of days ago. http://www.mrc.org/mp3/2005/audiobias09.asp
  15. http://www.breitbart.com/news/2005/09/28/D8CTEKLO0.html In today's world politicians sure do have a tough time acknowledging that sometimes those on the other side of the argument aren't playing politics.
  16. http://www.breitbart.com/news/2005/09/28/D8CTCK201.html
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