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Everything posted by Marqhead

  1. ‘Member when the NHL rigged the draft lottery so the Hawks got the #1 pick? I ‘member.
  2. Good, hit him in the only place he cares about.
  3. I will also not be watching or attending Sox games until JR is no longer associated with the team. I'll still hang out on SoxTalk though, some of you are cool.
  4. No Sox wins and no beer make Soxtalk something, something…
  5. Big time bummer, great songwriter
  6. I’m usually a guy who watches 130-140 games start to finish, and goes to about 10 or so. I watched opening day, and then due to being out of town missed the next few and then things started spiraling out of control. There’s a good chance I won’t watch more than 5 games this year for the first time since I wasn’t able to watch them due to blackout rules when I was in college I'm usually the eternal optimist and have given the front office the benefit of the doubt time and time again. I kept thinking the players are young and they still have a chance to be good. I can’t do it anymore, I’m pissed off. I just want to watch competent, entertaining baseball, with a shot to make the playoffs occasionally. That shouldn’t be asking too much, but apparently with this asshattery of this Owner and front office it is. The promise of this team going into 2020 and the complete 180 to today. It’s a damn shame. I have no optimism until the team is owned by someone else.
  7. I was at this one as well. Same night Kane scored his first NHL regulation goal. Same feeling of this might be the start of a turnaround that we've been waiting for.
  8. Take that intro home, throw it in a pot with some broth and a potato, you got a stew goin.
  9. They got 3 first round picks. 1 this year 1 next year DJ Moore If you swap DJ Moore for a 2025 1st round pick would you like the trade?
  10. Grab a couple cold ones and enjoy it before they f*** the whole thing up ?
  11. I used this one, pretty easy to install. Recommend installing it without slack to reduce tipping potential. https://www.homedepot.com/p/SIMPLE-MOUNT-Furniture-Anti-Tip-Kit-TK400L/206411011 I'm also lucky that I don't have a climber, so it hasn't really been tested yet and hopefully never will be.
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