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Everything posted by Marqhead

  1. Is this a really obscure Genesis reference?
  2. Of course there are always exceptions, but this is a very very very small percentage of people and it's being thrown around like 1 of every 2 people is going to die from the vaccine - by some, as a reason not to get it. I'm speaking in general terms for the majority of people.
  3. I'm very happy to see private business starting to require vaccinations so I don't have to hear more complaining about "government mandates". The majority of people want to get back to normal. Let those of us who have chosen to take a logical and careful approach to this get back to normal, if others want to hop on they need to do the sensible thing and get vaccinated. There is zero reason not to, and as you stated those who are refusing are thinking of no one but themselves. It's beyond frustrating.
  4. I think one of the big metrics is hospitalizations and ICU use. In my mind that's another big difference between this and the flu, it's much more transmissible and people are much more likely to land in intensive care. We need to get this to a point where those in need will be guaranteed a hospital bed and our healthcare facilities/workers aren't overstressed - just like we do in the worst flu seasons. They are comparable, but it's not apples to apples.
  5. The bottom line (for me) is that it’s not that hard to wear a mask or get an approved vaccine, yet many people have chosen not to do that and the rest of us have to suffer the consequences. I’ll feel a lot better when there’s a vaccine approved for kids, but in the meantime there’s some pretty simple steps people can take, but are refusing to. It’s selfish and harms others, even when that’s not the intent.
  6. Shredded body checks the final box on my list.
  7. Cubs opponent run line still performing well.
  8. No matter what, it’s great this club could battle for a Keuchel no decision
  9. If Reynaldo does well here you’ve gotta look at making the swap
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