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Everything posted by Marqhead

  1. Definitely needed Engel to score there, way to leg it out.
  2. He’s been terrible. He’s interjected himself into the game more than any other guest host.
  3. Marqhead

    2021 Catch-All

    Jeopardy champ 17 days in a row, now third all time in earnings. It’s been fun to watch his run (despite Joe Buck being part of it.)
  4. I wonder if the text was an auto reply from Tony's phone.
  5. It’s a monsoon in Naperville right now
  6. Does Davies have the space needle tattooed on his arm?
  7. He’s embiggened this thread with the proper use of cromulent.
  8. I used to go to at least one of the game each year in high school and through college. Now as you said it’s too much of a circus to bother with. If I get free tickets I’m there but I don’t go out of my way to find them.
  9. This series used to get me really fired up, now it’s more of an annoyance.
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