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Everything posted by Marqhead

  1. Disagree. He pushes the analytics stuff well and defers to Stone on in game experience. They work well together.
  2. Bunting there is fine, I suppose, but not with really shitty bunting form.
  3. Even I know not to throw the bat at the ball on a bunt
  4. I actually do as well. Give him a little more time with still a three run lead.
  5. That hit has been happening to us all year, nice to get one back
  6. Yes, Bennetti throwing flames. Madrigal more XBH than Gallo.
  7. 2 scoreless is what you’re looking for from your opener
  8. Brock Holts mustache is fantastic
  9. I believe an earlier estimate in this thread estimate was 1000 times
  10. Alright team, we survived. Big deep breaths.
  11. Have you heard the good news?
  12. This has the opportunity to provide a gamethread of epic proportions.
  13. When my wife got hers she felt like the flu for 12-18 hours and then she said it flipped like a switch and she felt fine. I'm sure it's different for everyone, but what I've generally heard is that it's a short duration no longer than a day and then you're back to normal. I've got my second coming up Tuesday morning and anticipating I might need to take off Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday, but no more than that.
  14. As someone who is new to SoxTalk, I find this thread fascinating. The discussion on Madirgal certainly, but also for so so many more reasons.
  15. I had to follow Buerhles first on MLB gameday cause I was in college, but I also just happened to watch the other four. I feel pretty lucky as a fan being able to see so many great performances and historical achievements.
  16. Just brutal, a little too much adrenaline for that pitch
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