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  1. surfgannon


    The Coup-de-Surfgannon pulls a terminator on the door (Boom boom BOOM!) then kicks jason in his b**** ass chin. "This thread is under new management, b****es":cool:
  2. surfgannon

    Best TV Show

    Pardon The Interruption i love watchin kornheiser and wilbon goin back n forth... keeps you interested the whole time with the whole time deal.. lol
  3. well i can understand shaq, kobe, iverson etc... its the off season they need their rest, especially after winning the championship. The rest of the guys are pussies though, they got too f***ing cockey and im glad they lost. Im NOT glad that America lost at America's game, but hey, the better team won. One thing that really pisses me off though, is how athletes represent their former countries in the Olympics and NBA world championships like this. I dont like Vlade, etc goin back to yugoslavia or whatever f***ing third world country they come from. If you live and professionally play basketball in the United States, YOU f***ING PLAY FOR THE UNITED STATES. Thats what i hate the most about olympic hockey... i love hockey, i wish America could be represented with the players that play here. Everybody else comes from russia or canada or belarus or whatever. Canada isnt so much of a problem to me since there are 6 canadian hockey teams, and the NHL has american players playing in canada teams and visa versa... but its the bigger things that really piss me off. If you ask me all this talent is going to waste... youll get like one star on a piss poor team from a piss poor country. Bottom line: You live in America... you play in America... you SHOULD REPRESENT America. This country has done so much for you... its time to give back a little.
  4. if you got ne interest in russian mafia, read Red Mafia... its pretty cool. MY fav book is Fox in Sox... "fox sox box knox, fox in socks on box on knox"
  5. my names surfGANNON... so... RAIDERSSSSS!!!! welcome to the black hole you chi town pussies
  6. surfgannon

    Best TV Show

    well as the sig says, i like king of the hill like jason does also, family guy: "peter you know you always screw up during the interview..." *peter is remembering an interview "so peter, where do you see yourself in five years?" *peter looks at boss's family photo and thinks "dont say doin your wife dont say doin your wife dont say doin your wife" "doin.... your son" but the best show of all time is married w/ children and since this is a sports forum... i thought of this quote by al "if god had wanted women to play sports he would have made them men!"
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