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Everything posted by RG23SoxFan

  1. Well Kopech should be one of the 3 or 4. Cease & Kuechel can be put in the bullpen.
  2. Lol, just messing with you...Bummer looks good, hopefully we can come up with something in the bottom of the 7th.
  3. I understand what your saying, but seriously why do you have to manage with a sense of urgency? I really don't think Crochet pitched that poorly. The Burger play was a killer. Needed extra innings to score a 2nd run in game one and looking like one run in game two. Pitching really hasn't been the big issue today. Come back and win tomorrow...
  4. Starting Lopez is definitely a head scratcher to me also. Just feel like once you get behind and see that we aren't swinging the bats well tonight then it's a better time to use some of the other arms in the bullpen.
  5. Well, generally you want your best bullpen arms available to pitch in games where you are leading. You need other pitchers to handle situations when you are losing. If it's a playoff game then yes you probably use the better arms but doesn't happen alot in a regular season game in July.
  6. That's fine, but unlike people on this board managers believe in their players. I don't think Larussa looks at it like he is giving up by putting Foster in the game. Maybe if we can get a lead or at the very least tie the game then Kopech can come in.
  7. Kopech & Hendriks can't pitch every damn game. The offense is showing zero life so to put Kopech in this game makes no sense at all.
  8. yes, why would Arizona or anyone else trade for him? I would think that would be grounds to be fired.
  9. because he didn't want to get thrown out at 3rd on a walk.
  10. When I am frustrated watching a game all I need to come on here to get a good laugh.
  11. It's incredible, either win every game or your traded lol.
  12. Exactly, the running narrative on here is to blame TLR for everything. How about the pitchers/players out there make the plays? This talk that they wasted Kopech/Hendriks yesterday is simply ridiculous. If they blow the game yesterday then all the message board managers would complain Kopech and Hendriks weren't used.
  13. This...in the playoffs our opponent would be wise to add some AA nobody pitcher to their playoff roster because we certainly wouldn't hit against him.
  14. This is exactly why I hate the stupid little league start with a runner on 2nd. You probably get a double play on Donaldson's ball, instead you get bases loaded and no one out.
  15. We scored one run so unless Rodon throws another no hitter we probably lose anyways.
  16. Of course it is and I haven't read where anyone suggested that TLR deserves 100% of the credit. It's hard for me to take anyone seriously who believes that when a team is successful that the manager doesn't have a hand in it. The amount of credit a manager deserves is definitely debatable and it varies from team to team. However, anyone who states that a manager deserves no credit sounds just as silly as someone who wants to give a manager all the credit.
  17. So if the front office and many fans believe the manager really doesn't make a difference then why is there constant complaining about TLR's managerial decisions? If he has minimal impact on the game then the players will make the plays to win the game and it really doesn't matter what decisions he makes.
  18. I honestly don't know of any analytics specific to managers. It seems like the team's win/loss record indicates how well the manager is doing. I guess it boils down to whether someone believes a manager makes much of a difference or not. It seems like most on here think the players deserve most or all the credit and the manager makes little to no difference. It's good you are able to separate what you think of him as a person versus a manager as most on here are incapable of doing that.
  19. Yes, it seems like most on here believe the manager doesn't matter as long as you mentioned they are not a buffoon. The truth is that people personally don't like TLR so they are incapable of giving him any credit for the team's success. Bringing up DUIs and stuff like that makes no sense either. How something irrelevant like that enters a discussion on how he is managing this team is puzzling. I was indifferent about his hiring and was actually in favor of them hiring Hinch. However, TLR has done a great job and the only people who can't admit that are those that have some sort of personal issue with him.
  20. yeah bringing in Fry a batter earlier would have made a difference lol
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