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Danny Dravot

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Everything posted by Danny Dravot

  1. https://www.trumpaccountability.net/ If a member of the Trump administration committed a crime, bring forth evidence and try to have them charged with that crime. Don’t put them on lists with no due process that serve solely to punish them in the court of public opinion. I pondered whether to even share the link to this garbage, but if you want to be a fascistic idiot and contribute, that’s on you. Just don’t delude yourself to thinking you’re any different from Trump if you do.
  2. I’ll side with you, sort of, on this. I think Trump’s going to be a butthole until the end, but I find it incredulous that it’s going to take some sort of military operation to drag him out of the WH. Maybe it will, but I don’t see it. With his wealth? Go retire to a yacht somewhere and disappear, man!
  3. I want reasonably limited government (being made to wear a mask during a pandemic isn’t government overreach, banning semiautomatic weapons is, etc). I want a limited welfare state that takes care of the truly needy but doesn’t practice redistributionism on behalf of those who can stand on their own. I want our government to use diplomacy, foreign aid, military might, and a network of alliances to spread liberal democracy and its values around the world. Withdraw from the UN? No- I want Pete Buttigieg to go there and tell the world’s homophobic dictators exactly how hard they can suck it. I want all of this from courageous leaders who give speeches for the sole purpose of making fun of racists and conspiracy theorists, because I don’t think anything I just said lends itself to either of those forms of idiocy. In short, I’d really appreciate a political party that represents me again.
  4. Completely tangential, but I’ve been trying to imagine how history textbooks will remember Trump in 100 years. My guess is “hardly at all”. He’ll be there Warren Harding, Chester Arthur, and Millard Fillmore as ex-presidents who most people can’t even name. I did pick Harding deliberately because if you pay a bit of attention, you’d know he was super corrupt. Trump might get mentioned for that but if his blurb is longer than 100 words or so, I’d be very surprised.
  5. Here's a thread from Erick Erickson, Greg. Hardly a progressive. Basically, voter fraud happens in every election. It happens by the dozens in races that are decided by tens of thousands. You find an election where it hinges on one state and that state is decided by twelve votes? OK, scour that shit. But by 200,000 across six or so states? Fuhgeddaboutit. I'm a process guy, like I've been arguing across this thread. Don't like a law? Challenge it in court. Vote against its supporters. I like the way our systems work. But in this case, I'm not even lending this the fairness of, "oh, try it in the courts and let them decide!" No. That's just a cynical attempt to smear the American system and convince millions of people that Biden is illegitimate (this part will probably work, unfortunately). Trump needs to have his bags packed on January 20th, because it is OVER.
  6. Then a court should overturn the law. I have a SIG 5.56 rifle sitting in a safe in my closet. I would disapprove of an assault weapons ban or a law stating that I must register that weapon with the authorities, and I would want a court to overturn such law as a violation of 2A, but, until that happened, I would comply because that's the way our system works. Edit: Before anyone comes along and says, "Would you comply with tHe NuReMbErG lAwS?!?!?" Umm, there's a MASSIVE difference between, "you must follow these steps to exercise your vote"/"you must not own a weapon that has these features" and "your grandmother had a strange name so let's put you in a gas chamber". So, please don't.
  7. I saw something earlier in the thread last night where he was described in the most recent arrest as being "argumentative". So if you want to know if this can get worse, video will probably come out soon showing him mouthing off to a cop.
  8. Eh, I was joking. And I know how dishonorables work- your mileage may vary, but I wouldn't personally want to test the job market with anything less than an honorable.
  9. I read Greg Palast's website article wherein he complains about this. He complains about exactly the way the law works. He points out that if you move from one side of Savannah to the other, you don't have to re-register. Well, that's irrelevant to HB 889, which considers "no contact" to mean that the elector has not filed and updated registration card, has not filed a change of name or address, has not signed a verified petition, has not signed a voter certificate, and has not confirmed the elector's continuation at the same address during the preceding three calendar years. Again, I think a use your vote or lose it law (especially based on no activity over three years, which could mean merely missing a freaking midterm election) is idiotic, but it's the law. If you don't like the law, then overturn it. Until then, enforce it exactly as it sits upon the books.
  10. I wanted AJ Hinch. A fellow Sox fan and in the office announced that we had hired LaRussa and my immediate, out loud reaction was “What the fuck.” So I wasn’t a huge fan but it did grow on me slightly. But I still wouldn’t take back Ricky fucking Renteria.
  11. No. I don’t expect anyone to like this take, but this is a game. A very enjoyable game, but a game nonetheless. I don’t use it to teach my children morals. I use it to be entertained. Ricky made the game suck. I’ll stress morals when I talk about politics, but here, give me the best possible gameplay.
  12. My previous joke aside...is this really that bad? Sure, they should have done some due diligence and not hired a guy with these sorts of very recent legal (and moral) troubles, but canceling season tickets and players not showing up for ST? Is that a thing? Really?
  13. Get a DUI as a Private in the United States Army? You’ll probably scrub the latrines every single day while they take months processing an awful discharge that provides no benefits and prohibits you from ever getting a good job again. Get a DUI as a guy who’s been in and around Major League Baseball for nearly sixty years? You’ll get to manage one of the hottest up and coming teams in the game!
  14. From one vet to another, just delete this and approach the mods privately. It’s not like you have a constitutional right to post here. They can enforce their rules however they like. Your suspension is over so forget about it and hang out. It’s not the end of the world.
  15. There are many conservatives who haven’t joined in on that garbage. Then again, they’re the ones who never liked Trump in the first place. I condemn it- I’ve worked on elections in the Third World and ours are damn near perfect. Whatever your beliefs are, you need to accept the results and your political fate, whatever it be. I think a state law that the vote is something to “use or lose” is dumb, but that’s what GA decided to do twenty years ago. Until the law is repealed or overturned by a court, it should be enforced. That’s what happened in 2018. Additionally, I despise the low-rent name calling and “lock her up” bullshit endorsed against Trump. It’s absolutely un-American. I turned against many of my personal policy preferences to end it this year. @pcq, on the other hand, pines for it as long as it goes in his preferred direction. He also wanted to punch Kayleigh McEnany the other day. Locking up disagreeable politicians, calling them pigs, wanting violence against the same, the dude is Donald Trump in every single way. He should try developing a principle or two.
  16. Then surely it’d be easy to address. I can read GA Bill 889, passed by Democrats in 1997. Can you?
  17. Seriously, if Donald Trump was a mean-spirited buffoon who denigrated our institutions and our democracy and admired dictators while pushing hardcore progressive policies, some of you would trip all over yourselves to vote for him. Some of you, while normally very progressive, would continue to detest him. I’ll leave out how little I think of the first group. To the second group, you really have my lasting respect.
  18. Haha. I’ll take that as, “I’m too much of a partisan hack to form an intelligent response.” I hate Donald Trump because he is a racist, conspiratorial idiot with authoritarian tendencies. The only reason YOU hate Donald Trump is because he doesn’t advance your political preferences. Be better.
  19. https://www.westernjournal.com/truth-1-5-million-voters-kemp-purged-ga-election-rolls-terrible-dems/ You’re wrong, and wanting to lock up people who disagree with you is pretty fascistic. Stacey Abrams lost a legitimate election which saw record minority turnout. Her nonstop whining about it is as idiotic and demagogic as Trump’s.
  20. Duty? Like, the kind you leave in the toilet?
  21. I keep tabs on enough Trumpy sites to know that they've loathed Fox News for a while now. They were melting down last Tuesday when Fox dared to call Arizona and Virginia relatively early. They considered it some sort of "et tu, Brute?" moment.
  22. https://thediplomat.com/2020/10/potential-biden-administration-defense-pick-outlines-pentagon-priorities-for-next-decade/ ???
  23. This makes me sad. Esper fended off Trump's worst impulses on the military as best he could, rejecting use of the Insurrection Act against protesters, advocating the renaming of traitor bases, and issuing guidance which effectively banned the Confederate flag from bases. Also, unlike his boss, he served his country voluntarily and honorably. He deserved better than getting fired by that shithead via tweet.
  24. Congrats, dude. Good name, too- my own son's name is William Bruce. I do call him Billy Bruce every once in a while just to irritate the Mrs.
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