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Danny Dravot

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Posts posted by Danny Dravot

  1. 6 minutes ago, caulfield12 said:

    Except back then, working across the aisle didn't automatically risk your political career.   It made you a maverick, at worst... see McCain, John. 

    It shouldn't destroy your career today, either. Probably something we need to work on.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Soxbadger said:

    I dont think its fair to say Americans could have done something. Dems likely will win the popular vote by millions of votes.

    Hopefully some Republicans are reasonable and bring back normalcy. 

    We do better when we work together.

    As a Republican, there are plenty of nominees that I would support. Saw something about Michele Flournoy for either SecDef or SOS. I'd support that. I'd be disappointed if McConnell and co did not (but I think they will, based on both her resume and Mitch's rumored feelings).

    I'd also support Tony Blinken for one of those positions. I think that's reasonable.

    And while obviously individual Americans can't change much, the trend matters. The trend here seems to be to reject Trump but not go overboard in the opposite direction either. So I don't think more progressive candidates will get approved and I don't personally see that as an issue.

  3. 6 minutes ago, caulfield12 said:

    They should just let McConnell appoint them all and then blame him in 2022 when everything has gone to all hell in a handbasket. 

    This would be the first President with an oppositional Senate in most everyone's lifetime. 

    Bush 41 was inaugurated with an oppositional Senate. Every president since Carter has faced one at some point.

    Joe Biden should appoint moderates. You can be upset about it, but IF the Senate races hold this way and one of Perdue/Loeffler win their runoff, Biden doesn't have a progressive mandate. He'll find a reasonable way to handle it.

  4. 9 minutes ago, caulfield12 said:

    Shocking out of McConnell... 


    As a stream of key swing state votes begins to turn the election in presidential nominee Joe Biden's favor, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., wasted no time in signaling that he would block potential progressive nominees for Cabinet positions if the GOP keeps its grip on the upper chamber.

    A source close to the majority leader told Axios that a Republican-controlled Senate would work with Biden to confirm centrist nominees but reject so-called "radical progressives" or other individuals who rankle conservatives.

    The source said Republicans would do all they could to limit a Biden agenda, adding: "It's going to be armed camps."

    source: Yahoonews.com   Axios

    And? This is exactly how balance of power is supposed to work. As long as they're not roadblocking every nominee just for the hell of it, I see no problem. If Americans wanted Bernie Sanders as Sec of Labor, they'd have given Dems the Senate.

  5. 6 minutes ago, mqr said:

    Liberals are not leftist and leftists are not liberal. Words have meanings. 

    I’d add that it’s not uncommon for the two to be bitter enemies, either. Saw a video of a march in Denver the other day with a banner at the front that said, “Death to fascism and the liberals that enable it”. Woof.

  6. Just now, soxfan49 said:

    That stuff between Van & Axelrod just now on CNN was powerful as fuck. It genuinely brought tears to my eyes. It was like the world stopped. Fuck.

    Missed it. Recap please?

  7. 1 minute ago, Yearnin' for Yermin said:


    Not sure if this was posted before, but just lol at the Trump's tearing down the GOP. The funniest and most enjoyable time in politics for me was when Trump was taking out every GOP candidate one by one in 2015. I thought there was no way he wins in 2016 though. 

    As a Never Trump conservative, I never get this. How does Trump fight? He just whines about things on Twitter. Is that “fighting”?

  8. 2 minutes ago, joesaiditstrue said:

    democrat governor? I think I missed the joke

    You did. I’m not watching but I’m assuming Trump is ranting about the process in Georgia, which is a state run pretty much entirely by Republicans. So not a group likely to cheat him.

  9. 2 minutes ago, southsider2k5 said:

    So you are knowingly spreading lies?


    Just now, KrankinSox said:

    I didn't lie about anything.

    You lied about Russia. You still are afraid to admit it.

    Answer my question.

    Are either of you going to make a point here, or are you just going to make dead end statements about how the other is lying?

  10. 5 minutes ago, NWINFan said:

    Just like what happened in 2000. I wonder if Trumpies have failed to realize something. Their orange-headed hero has lost the popular vote two times in a row. There is no fraud. Just a bad candidate who won under an out-dated system. Biden has won more votes than any other presidential candidate in history. This stuff should have been over two days ago.

    To be fair, with population growth, it’s reasonable that the record for getting the most votes ever will continue to be shattered. I mean, Trump 2020 got more votes than everybody ever except for Biden. So it’s kind of a meaningless metric.

  11. 3 minutes ago, soxfan49 said:

    Honest question, do you think it's any coincidence that this thread has somehow went 62 pages by being peaceful and now you enter- because your boy is being bent over- it's about to become combative? 

    He's going to lose. Maybe when another asshat runs in 2024 you can vote for him again. Go away

    It’s peaceful mostly because everyone’s on the same side. I voted for Biden but otherwise don’t really agree with most here, and when I’ve gotten more explicit with some of those opinions, things have gotten a bit testy. Telling him to go away probably doesn’t help the combativeness either, nor does it persuade him to change his opinion, assuming he was even willing. Just FWIW.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Texsox said:

    A clear sign of voter fraud.


    Where do they get information for race and gender anyway? I early voted but don’t remember if I provided demographic info at the end. Is that it, or do they have my demo info on my voter registration? If it’s exit polls that are used to correlate that, I suppose it would be easily falsifiable.

  13. 7 minutes ago, Dick Allen said:

    The Trump boys are getting real nervous. They both are crying Republicans aren’t jumping on Trumps stop count votes train.


    Just followed your post down a brief rabbit hole. I don’t buy in to Kirk’s assertions, but what is the truth here? Are Dems trying to stop Republican poll watchers? Why would they do that? If the Republicans can similarly sue to stop Dem poll watchers, why is that? Wouldn’t poll watchers be a good thing in all cases? I love politics but I don’t pay a ton of attention to the method side of things, so I’m genuinely curious about how this works.

  14. 36 minutes ago, Texsox said:

    Is there a John McCain base anywhere? That would be the biggest kick in the balls. 

    There’s an Arleigh Burke class destroyer USS John McCain.

    I’d love it if Esper renamed the ten traitor bases. Trump whined about it a while back by saying we weren’t going to have Fort Cesar Chavez, but that ignores an absolute shitload of actual American heroes who deserve bases named after them.

    Fort Hood gets named after Texan Audie Murphy, Fort Jackson (where army chaplains train) gets named after Emil Kapaun (need to figure out how to pronounce that, but he was a Korean War chaplain who won the Medal of Honor and could soon be sainted by the Vatican), Fort Benning gets named after Rick Rescorla (a Brit who fought for us in Vietnam and later died at the WTC on 9/11), etc.

    I don’t at all understand how Trump could be a patriot’s choice. He doesn’t know or appreciate anything that makes this country great.

  15. 1 hour ago, mqr said:

    Hopefully it's jumping ship and not a SecDef being unwilling to carry out whatever crazy ass plan he might have. 

    Nah. Saw reporting the other day that second term Trump intended to fire Esper, Haspel, and Wray. He probably decided that working for an idiot for two more months of pay isn’t worth it.

  16. 5 minutes ago, pcq said:

    That is the most punchable lying face I will ever see. 

    I hate Trump too, but maybe we could take it easy on talking about how punchable female members of his staff are? Thanks.

  17. 2 minutes ago, Dominikk85 said:

    The biggest issue with trump is his resistance to good advice. His racist talk, lies, insults whatever but the biggest problem is that he isn't able to listen to good advice and either alienates or fires any smart people that were around him.

    Had he done all this crazy stupid talk but listened to experts especially on covid like for example merkel did in Germany trump would have easily been re elected.

    This is a good point. As a military member, his employment of Mattis, Kelly, McMaster, etc, was enormously popular throughout the force. Of course, he ended up dumping all of them in less than friendly circumstances. I don’t know the stats on it, or even where to find them, but I think he’d be the worst performing Republican amongst service members in a long time.

  18. 20 minutes ago, joesaiditstrue said:

    I've had the feeling Mcconnell almost preferred Biden at this point. I honestly think he hated Trump

    Wouldn’t surprise me. I work with a lot of people I disagree with politically. We get along just fine and I consider them friends. However, I tend to avoid any loud mouthed, idiotic carnival barkers with racist and conspiratorial tendencies who might exist at my workplace. If I were Senate majority leader, I’m sure I’d behave the same way.

  19. 17 minutes ago, greg775 said:

    I doubt that. The hatred of Trump totally envelopes America.  Yes he has a zillion supporters but they for the most part are quiet. The media narrative that they are a bunch of thugs running amok beating people up is wrong. They may be shining their guns but for the most part have their guns locked away until needed. Trump hatred has been a daily occurence in media, sports, pretty much everywhere except one cable channel (Fox) and one broadcaster (Rush). I think Joe woulda won in a landslide even w/out COVID. The kinder, gentler, nice polite Joe was destined to win and win big against a more rude, crass Trump. Just my take.

    I hope and pray Joe brings the country together, stays healthy and wards off the ideas of more radical Demos. Best of luck to Joe!

    COVID took away Trump’s greatest strength- the economy. Yeah, the left would have ran on him being a racist asshole, but in a non-traumatized world where people were living the high life, they’d overlook that. With that gone, however, the racist asshole with a shitty economy is bound to lose to just about any alternative.

  20. 1 minute ago, Jose Abreu said:

    I remember asking my 6th grade teacher why this was the case and how it hasn't ever caused any issues. Don't think I got a good answer haha

    I mean, who would want to be that guy? You can criticize the EC if you want, but if they said, “Hey Danny, you’re an elector now”, well I’m just a symbol, aren’t I? I’m not supposed to think about it or insert my own desires, I’m just supposed to mechanically follow the orders of my state’s voters. Honestly, it’s a little weird they even have specific people in those slots at all.

  21. 3 minutes ago, Rowand44 said:

    I mean it's always batshit insane but woooooo buddy is Trump's twitter timeline something right now.

    It’s really hard to read in any coherent form because Twitter has hidden every third post or so.

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