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Danny Dravot

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Posts posted by Danny Dravot

  1. 8 minutes ago, Tony said:

    So you brought it up, Poppy. Explain to me why you want to keep the electoral college in 2020 and beyond. What's the argument? 

    That we are a collection of states and those states deserve representation in their own right. Strong bastions of partisan thought centered in certain geographic locales should not determine the overall direction of the country.

  2. 46 minutes ago, pettie4sox said:

    M4A, UBI, Legit GND, $15/min wage, Affordable housing, etc...

    When will people realize they are getting played....................................................  Keep taking it up the ass with no lube lol

    I don’t want any of those selfish things and I think the purpose of the federal government and this nation as a whole is altogether different, so get outta here with your belief that I’m getting screwed.

  3. 24 minutes ago, Texsox said:

    First off understand by religious we really mean Christian. A few issues that cause folks to vote for a Republican candidate.


    Continued tax deductions for donations.

    Merry Christmas not Happy Holidays. 

    Private school choice.

    I’m Catholic. God will judge my devoutness, and He’d probably say, “not enough”. Either way, I try.

    I find my religion is better defended, however, by not placing it in the public square in the first place. The key message is humans are flawed, after all. So it’s understandable that Trump divorces twice and cavorts with porn stars, but he probably shouldn’t be the spokesman for the belief system.

  4. 1 hour ago, jamesdiego said:

    I’ve seen this argued before that the Dems and Republicans both voted for it and are equally responsible.  That to me is a complete whitewash of history and a load of bullshit.  

    Cheney was making trips everyday to pressure the CIA to link Iraq/ Saddam to Al Qaeda.  And to make up more and note outrageous claims about WMD’s.  Uranium from Africa nonsense.  The entirety of Colon Powell’s speech at the UN was bullshit and lies.  The Bush administration lied to Congress as well as to the American people about WMD’s.  

    Many Democrats certainly could have had a stronger backbone and stood up to the administration more and questioned the claims.  But they were also getting fed lies as well about the hyped up threat level.  Bush mentioned a mushroom cloud at his state of the union speech.  There was all kinds of propaganda pushed by the neocons.   

    The authorization passed by Congress was according to the Bush administration only necessary to pressure Saddam to let inspectors in/ give up the supposed weapons.   We could have used some more Bernie’s in there standing up against it for sure.  But to try and claim both sides are responsible for that war is nonsense.   

    I was overseas in the military during the run up.  My buddy in the Air Force told me a full year before the war started that it was a certain we were invading and there will be war, before much of the UN discussions with trying to get inspectors in Iraq to prevent war according to the Bush administration.  And far before the authorization from Congress.  We were moving so much supplies, tanks, humvees, weapons through Europe toward the Middle East that they made up their minds long before to invade   

    They didn’t just stumble or listen to the evidence from the CIA.  They themselves forged and shaped that evidence to suit their agenda.  They knew there was no threat from Saddam against us, he was contained.  There was no real evidence of WMD’s, no Al Qaeda link with Saddam.  We still don’t even know Why the fuck they even invaded, never had an official investigation into it.  Which I blame the Dems for not holding them accountable when they came into power.  

    What is it an estimated 300k Iraqis were killed, 4 thousand of our boys.  Many more of ours forever wounded mentally and physically.  Some 22 veterans killing themselves every single day, which of course many are Iraq Vets.  

    Not to get pissed at you, more frustrated with this line of thinking and giving the Bush administration a free pass.  You did say they use the time in office to obtain wealth but then look at the no bid contracts to Cheney’s old company Halliburton.  

    In my opinion the Bush people are war criminals and belong in prison.  Trump and his cronies are disgusting for many other reasons.  But both administrations are vile to the core.  


    A genuine bit of gratitude for your service, but I respectfully disagree with almost all of this. Like it or not, we are the world’s police, and in that role, Saddam Hussein is exactly the type of regime that we need to end.

    Moreover, and I don’t know if you meant it this way, but I don’t like talking about US soldiers as if they are victims. Those 4,000 heroes knew what they were offering to their country. You knew what you were offering to your country. So did I. There are things that will haunt me for the rest of my life from my service, but that’s a risk I took on when I swore my oath. We got what we chose.

  5. 7 minutes ago, Soxbadger said:

    I cant speak for anyone else, but if the Democrats nominated someone like Trump, I would  go scorched earth on every single politician and person who supported the Democratic candidate.

    4 years ago, I was extremely vocal on why Trump was far worse than what people imagined. I said that his election would be the greatest thing to ever happen to GWB's legacy. I may not agree with GWB on a lot of things, but I think that he for the most part tried to make decisions that were best for the US. That doesnt mean all of his decisions were good, that doesnt mean he didnt make mistakes, but it means that at the end of the day he tried.

    Trump doesnt try. He would burn this country down if he thought it would make him an extra dollar. I can understand the people who 4 years ago voted for him because everyone gets conned or makes a bad decision at some point in their life. But after the last 4 years, if you still want to vote for Trump, I have no sympathy. 

    I am also hard pressed to give "moderate GOP" a pass, because by hitching their wagon to Trump they really cant be considered "moderate." Trump in many ways has decimated everything that the "moderate GOP" supposedly stood for. Just because he has a little "R" next to his name, doesnt make him a conservative, it doesnt make him a Republican. If anything the "moderate GOP" are the ones who should bear the most responsibility. I was always taught when one of your own does something wrong, its your own responsibility to take care of that problem.

    Where were the "moderate GOP" when this could have been reigned in? Where are all the "moderate GOP" arguing "every vote counts?" What type of society have we become where we dont want every person to have an equal chance at voting?

    Its gone beyond anything that can be reasonably accepted by a Americans. 

    If you mean that, I've got a lot of respect for that. Hopefully we don't ever have to find out whether you'd follow through.

    I've always voted for the "KAG" candidate. To me, that always meant Republicans, and I continued it in 2016 because I figured Trump was more or less a continuation of the same but in a rougher package. I was wrong. I agree with you now, I don't think he genuinely cares about the USA. Sure, he'll come out on stage and kiss the flag, and maybe that's what people sneer at here when they talk about "faketriotism". I fought in a war for that same flag but Trump skipped his war and said avoiding STDs was his personal version of it. So all of his MAGA and KAG stuff is fake.

    I probably won't agree with many of Biden's policies, but he does talk about everything America is capable of. He's optimistic about the future of this country. Trump promises the country will die without him. So I'm still voting for American patriotism, but the obvious party for that goal has flipped.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Soxbadger said:

    Yes that was Donald Trump's response. 


    Here is the full response:


    In my opinion, these patriots did nothing wrong. Instead, the FBI & Justice should be investigating the terrorists, anarchists, and agitators of ANTIFA, who run around burning down our Democrat run cities and hurting our people!



  7. 15 minutes ago, Soxbadger said:



    I hope these actions sway some moderate GOP to see why this cannot go on for another 4 years. I will agree you cant judge supporters by the actions of other supporters. But you can absolutely judge supporters by the actions of the person they voted for.


    "In my opinion, these patriots did nothing wrong."

    - Donald Trump

    In a just world, that should be the end of his Presidency. A President should never support violence against a political opponent. If you vote for Trump in 2020, you should be judged accordingly.

    Was that quote in regard to the recent Texas incident?

  8. 3 hours ago, Texsox said:

    Let's remember the folks who supported Bush, Reagan, Romney, McCain, etc are continuing to vote for the Republican candidate.

    I'm honoring John McCain and his memorable defense of Obama. There are idiots on both sides of the aisle. Trump is the first successful candidate that fired the fringe up in this way. Let's not judge the mainstream GOP supporter to these people. 

    I really appreciate this post.

    Try to imagine what progressives would do if the Democrats nominated a reliably left-wing but personally repulsive candidate. Say, Alan Grayson. Would they realize that he’s not fit for the job and give up progressive policy goals to vote for a Mitt Romney?

    Some would. Some wouldn’t. I voted for Biden but that’s also because Trump’s ideology doesn’t match mine in many ways. Put up an obnoxious, thrice-divorced neocon (with no conspiracy or racist tendencies) and yeah, I’d vote for them.

  9. 11 minutes ago, Texsox said:

    I know a lot of Trump supporters, none would ever do something like that. They are as outraged as you and I. 

    I agree with you. I want Trump to lose and I want Trumpism as an ideology to go away, but I dislike the attacks on Trump supporters. Most of them (to include many personal friends of mine) are not racist Q fanatics who have parades and try to run campaign busses off the highway.

  10. 9 hours ago, caulfield12 said:

    If qAnon is perceived by the 70% in the center to be the antithesis but moral equivalent of BLM and Antifa, the US is in more trouble than I previously thought. 

    "Both sides" brings the country closer and closer to pulling apart at the seams. 


    But who could be against Trump as a Christ~like symbol or FOR pedophiles? 

    I’ll mock extremists on both sides, thank you.

  11. On 10/27/2020 at 5:38 PM, Harry Chappas said:

    I have voted for the winning President in every election I have voted in except 1992 which was the first year I voted.

    If you don't mind sharing, I'm somewhat curious what political philosophy you hold that led you to vote Bush 41-Clinton-Bush 43 (x2)-Obama (x2)-Trump. Not judging any of it and respect your position, but interested to hear what overall outcome you're trying to achieve with that particular history of decisions.

    Myself, I voted McCain-Romney-Trump-Biden. I was a collegiate Ron Paul fan who hated Bush but fell into a sort of binary thinking by the time ED rolled around in 2008. By 2012, I was a "standard" Republican and Romney was the obvious choice. In 2016, I held my nose and voted for Trump because I was still a Republican and figured he would do conservative things but simply in a more obnoxious package. I've done a lot of reading over the last few years and broadened my political beliefs, and it's now clear to me that even if he wasn't a bombastic, racist, conspiracy-mongering idiot, his philosophy still isn't mine. My juvenile hatred of Bush as a chickenhawk has long since disappeared and I'd now give my left nut to vote for his type again. I want reasonably limited government and respect for the Constitution, but absolutism is stupid. Capitalism should be defended, free trade makes us all better off, and Tucker Carlson nazbol-type stuff is blasphemy. Culture wars are counterproductive, if you don't like "drag queen story hour", don't attend one and the best way to protect Christianity is to disentangle it from the state entirely. The United States should use an interventionist foreign policy to promote liberal democracy around the world and prevent atrocities. Honestly, I'll never mention it to anyone I know in person, but if 2016 happened again, I'd probably vote for Clinton. I strongly disapprove of the Sanders wing of the DP, but Clinton-Biden simply isn't that and I don't buy into the idea that said wing will control Biden. After all, if that's what Democrats wanted, they would have gone straight to the source rather than opt for a puppet show.

    Anyways, I think Trump gets destroyed next week. Using 270towin.com, I could see Biden getting up to 412 EC votes. The high turnout suggests voter rage, and all Trump has done for four years is entertain his base rather than expand it, so it's not new folks voting FOR him. Realistically, I think TX, NC, and GA remain red, and Biden wins with 343. I think Republicans keep the Senate with 51 seats, showing that voters wanted to punish Trump rather than the entire GOP. Loeffler, Perdue, Tillis, and Ernst win, Collins loses.

  12. 8 minutes ago, RagahRagah said:

    There's a time and place for humor. Humor is general is good. Humor used to deflect the argument or attack the person challenging you to get out of having to take it seriously is not. There is a big difference. And you ignored so many of my points for so long while doing this that it pretty much outs you as someone who can't handle it.

    You know, my brother gets equally as hurt and upset by trivial things as you do. You don’t live in the DC metro area by chance, do you?

    I’m going to bed. Please don’t get too despondent if I don’t immediately address your grievances.

  13. 3 minutes ago, RagahRagah said:

    I pointed this out to you when you originally said it.

    So I could be a dick and say, "maybe you should have paid attention better when I originally said it and not make an ass of yourself with all the snarky comments." But I'm more reasonable than that.

    Are you?


    Really? You don't think it's ruining lives? You don't think some guys getting cheated out of many of their biggest dreams could have an effect on people to a tragic extent? And possibly affect their pay in future contracts? I don't think you've thought this through. And whether you care if I "like it" or not, it's poor logic. This is legitimately how children think, not adults. The fact you *assume* it happens all the time is logic flaw #1, and then you have the perception that since you *think* that is true, it's ok for others to do it, no big deal. Wrong on both accounts.

    Honestly, dude, you tooting your own horn about how reasonable you are in every single post is just annoying. Try to take it down a notch.

    No, I don’t think a scheme that a few Astros hitters used in their own stadium for a year or so forced anyone out of baseball who would have had a long and prosperous career had the Astros not concocted said scheme. I think that’s totally ridiculous. It’s hard to quantify one way or the other, but I’ll try to put some actual data together tomorrow. But for now, no, I don’t believe it at all.

  14. 15 minutes ago, RagahRagah said:

    You missed plenty at the time. You're still ignoring virtually all of my points NOW so asking me what you missed in retrospect is frankly obtuse.

    You think I am babbling because you lack comprehension. You keep deflecting everything I say and keep responding with childish remarks. Over and over. I'm glad you are amused but I am not. I have already proved you wrong numerous times just by your unwillingness to even address most of what I say. Yet you keep responding to me. One of these days maybe you will post a response that actually is relevant and doesn't dodge everything.

    Whatever you want to call it. A few posters tend to resort to ad hominem and childish remarks and there's only one reason for it: lack of ability to actually argue a point. Period.

    I gave you a serious response that addresses what I believe to be most of your points, but this is why I give you so many jackass retorts. There is no reason to take this so seriously. There is no reason to not be amused by this. We will never meet. If I die in my sleep, you will never know. And vice versa. This isn’t life or death. I want to have the conversation, but ultimately, it’s meaningless. It doesn’t impact our actual lives at all. So...chill, man.

  15. 5 minutes ago, RagahRagah said:

    Yeah, that's such a pinpoint accurate, totally non-hyperbolic representation of how it happened.

    Saying something disgraceful doesn't bother you simply because you accept that it happens all the time is grade-school level stuff. "Everyone's doing drugs so it's totally ok."

    I've heard this nonsense regarding political figures. "Seriously, who cares that he cheated on his wife? They all do it." (I have heard people say that verbatim) It's absurd.

    Thank you!

    Genuinely, thank you for finally pointing out what bothered you so much.

    You can dislike that it doesn’t bother me, but that won’t change it. Sorry you think it’s childish. I grew up in the 90s so I looked at baseball as some sort of holy thing. It was innocent. Everyone played baseball, everyone followed baseball, me and my friends knew all the records and traded cards over lunch. Rickey Henderson, Tony Gwynn, Wade Boggs, Kirby Puckett, and, of course, Frank Thomas were household names to us. I could have recited certain of their stat lines like the back of my hand.

    Then 1998 came around. Maris’ record, something that was absolutely meaningful and untouchable to us as kids, was gone, the victim of a couple of drug pounding lunatics. Couple years later that new “record” was smashed by another guy in cartoonish fashion. 61+ has now been done multiple times, all meaningless. 500 homeruns was special and when I was a kid we could name all those guys- now, that list has names on it like Gary freaking Sheffield.

    That was when baseball grew up for me. I still enjoy the game. I love the Sox. I even understand that steroids helped baseball draw in more fans and survive as a business. But I hated how it denigrated the game and, because it did, denigrating the game doesn’t have the same impact it would have had on me in 1997. Maybe that makes me a sentimental old fart, and maybe you think the logic sucks, but no, I am not going to be all that worked up about what the Astros did. It just doesn’t raise my hackles at all, really.

    Drugs and marriage are totally different and not comparable to this at all. If you cheat on your spouse, you’re ruining lives. Same with drugs. Apples to oranges.

  16. 3 minutes ago, RagahRagah said:

    Again, transparent excuse.

    When someone asks you questions and requests explanations, gets them and then totally ignores them and ignores the questions you pose to THEM... you can say whatever you want but you're not fooling me.

    I wasn't presenting *my* logic, but just logic. Everyone who seems to have friction with me really loves their fallacies and are terribly unaware of how many they wrap their arguments around on a consistent basis.

    You’re welcome to point out the exact fallacy. Did I miss a question you asked? I don’t remember ignoring any specific question. By all means, remind me.

    I don’t have friction with you. Frankly, you’re not worth having friction with. No one here is. You amuse me, and I do think you are just babbling when you talk about logic because I still never see you use any. Feel free to prove me wrong.

    Also, I do enjoy @hi8is clear annoyance at this conversation.

  17. 8 minutes ago, RagahRagah said:

    Notice I don't do any of the name-calling around here. When someone has to call someone a "little man" it shows you how weak their arguing skills actually are. And then they only intensify that once you call them out for it. A person with strong comprehension skills doesn't need to enact such behavior. Period.

    I never have a problem with civil discussion. Unfortunately any debate eventually has to have a closing point and once an ego is bruised that usually tends to be it.

    Are you this insufferable in person? We get it, you’re great! Your logic is impeccable. You are totally civil! You never take a joke, because everything, even sports, is super serious and must be discussed with nothing less than the utmost focus and concern!

    Geezus. Lighten up, Francis.

  18. 7 minutes ago, RagahRagah said:

    Again, this shtick is so transparent.

    You call it "pretentious" when I actually take your arguments/takes seriously after I've invalidated them and only after as a way of softening the blow to your ego.

    Only a person who has lost an argument attacks the other person's acuity and then fires childish remarks at them after disappearing from said argument; I'm not the one who ran away. I don't need to make snarky remarks about "SATs" and call someone "little man" like a schoolyard child because I don't have that insecurity and I don't ever quit on a discussion unless I'm conceding a point.

    You making these snippy remarks and attacks is only rationalized by a blow to the ego, there's literally no other reason to resort to that. A person always takes an argument seriously until they have lost, and then suddenly they have to puff their chest out, namecall and hurl childish remarks. Anyone smart can see right through it. Guess what? I never have to resort to that because I'm not insecure and I'm not afraid to be wrong like so many people are. That's why I pick and choose my arguments very carefully. I care very little about "opinions," but when I see something that's just plain incorrect I call someone on it.

    tl;dr version: If you have to walk away from an argument silently without a counterpoint, clearly you don't have one and you lost that argument. Clear as day. If you can't answer a question then it's obvious you just don't have the answer.

    Feel free to point out where you kicked my butt the other day. You said the Astros didn’t get punished enough, I said Hinch and Luhnow got suspended, you said that wasn’t enough, I said cheating was less meaningful to me in light of baseball’s steroid issue. You then started going on about how great your logic was compared to mine. I walked away because I got tired of talking to a rock.

  19. 8 minutes ago, The Hawk said:

    Patriotism is not politics the way I see it. Flyovers and standing for the national anthem are not political and do not reflect anything other than honoring our veterans and those who died and were wounded in defending out country. As for "knowing my type", leave this alone with me. I do not want to get into it with you on anything that has to do with politics.

    I agree with you 100%. I think there should be police reform and I think it’s valid to protest on behalf of that, but expressing disdain for our country as a whole is a poor way to make that point. And I see there are a few internet hardasses here yapping about “faketriotism”- well, I fought in a war for that flag so fuck off with that shit. I don’t have anything to do with police brutality in America (other than thinking it shouldn’t exist) so how scorning what I hold sacred is supposed to be effective for me, I just don’t know. 

  20. 2 hours ago, RagahRagah said:

    Trolling doesn't phase me. If you don't have anything useful to say, I just laugh at you.

    There's nothing funnier than silencing someone's poor takes with reasoning for them to fail to provide counterpoints and eventually disappear only to reappear later to attempt a pitiful "revenge" post. I'm interested in good, productive discussion; not dick-measuring contests to try to gain attention and get people to admire my wit.

    Disappearances are silent concessions. Not commendable, but at least subtle. Then stuff like this happens. You're better off just staying silent.

    Trolling doesn’t phase you? Guy, you’re on an anonymous internet message board. You’re not gonna get punched, you’re not going to get fired, and you’re not going to lose your place in mommy’s basement. Not over anything that occurs here. If anything here phases you, it’d be an even greater sign that you need counseling. You get zero credit for being unphased.

    The reason I “disappeared” from our last conversation is the same I reason I made a joke about you here. You talk a lot about logic and reason but show little of it. You criticized the logic I used in making a purely subjective statement of my own beliefs, which doesn’t make any sense. Rather than making you some sort of Glorious Man of the Enlightenment, your talk about logic is just air.

    Seriously, only a teenager could combine your level of pretension and idiocy into one small package. So have fun prepping for the SATs and wondering if you’ll get a handy after prom, little man. Adios.

  21. 1 minute ago, Look at Ray Ray Run said:

    I hear ya, it was frustrating for sure. Maybe he loses focus sometimes, I would have no idea. I get how he rubs some more serious people the wrong way, but him playing the game the way he does is great for drawing kids and etc into the game and the team. He has fun in a different way than Tim for example. I enjoy them both.

    Please don’t get me wrong- I think he’s a great ball player. After Tim, he is my favorite of the young talent and it’s not really close. I think he’s a terrific hitter and I don’t think we’ve yet seen his full ability either (would bet money on .300/40/100 next year) I agree with what you say about drawing people in.

    I did rewatch Yelich’s homer against us. I was wrong to say he did it for a laugh (I think there was another play where he got caught in the net and was laughing about it?). But he was probably eight feet from the wall when he missed the ball; he ought to have the ability to hit the brakes and get back in that play quickly. I think TLR is a good choice to harness his talent and move to a greater level of focus. Don’t think he’ll ever be great in the field (again doesn’t have to be) but he can definitely be less clumsy and avoid injuries out there.

  22. 3 minutes ago, Look at Ray Ray Run said:

    Eloy gets up at 4am to work out and grind for 14 hours during the off-season.

    I don't think he has a lack of urgency or work ethic. He was embarrassed falling into the net; he wasn't having a blast, at least I didn't see it that way. I don't think Eloy needs to change a damn thing about how he plays the game, I just think he needs to improve defensively which is probably a pipe dream because he's just not gifted in that way.

    I dunno, man. Watching that play it seemed like he almost went out of his way to fall into the net and have a laugh.

    Either way though, I don't expect him to be great in the field. With Robert in center, we can get away with below average more than most. I get that he's not gifted and that's fine. But there's still a limit, and some of the ridiculous moves that have gotten him hurt need to stop (the one where he drop kicked the wall). Just let it go!

  23. 3 minutes ago, Look at Ray Ray Run said:

    What's wrong with Eloy's personality? By all accounts he works hard AF, and he plays hard too. He has fun while he does it, and you want that taken out?

    I get that, and I know that anyone who hits 30 bombs in MLB has to have some great work ethic to get there. But the lollygagging on a relatively easy fly ball, tripping into the net and loafing there while it turns into an inside the park HR? C’mon man.

  24. Just now, mqr said:

    Look I get having beef with the way people are talking about age but this is NOT the “gotcha!” some seem to think it is. 


    Joking aside, the president has a massive staff to help run things. TLR has a couple of coaches and that’s it. Even if Trump wins, he’s done at 78. I’d rather not go through the manager search again in 2 years.

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