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Danny Dravot

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Posts posted by Danny Dravot

  1. Just now, joesaiditstrue said:

    that AB by Grandal was about as bad as I've ever seen.  yeah it was a great curveball, but he didn't even go into protect mode.  fucking really dude.  hoping McCann plays tomorrow

    I disliked the Yas signing when it happened. He makes McCann ride the bench and he puts together a ton of shitty ABs. Totally overrated.

  2. 4 minutes ago, bmags said:

    absolutely. Orioles got crapped on last year but they had a number of guys surprise. This team has none of that, and unlike the tigers, no respectable vets keeping it somewhat afloat.

    Even the bad Sox teams of the past few years had exciting players. There were too many innings where I felt like taking a nap or running to the store, but there were still at bats and starts that I had to see. Closest the Pirates have to that is, what, Polanco? Yuck.

  3. 8 minutes ago, chitownsportsfan said:

    I had 4 AAPL 470c 8/21 I sold out of last wednesday

    even... What I'm saying is don't doubt apple and don't doubt this sox club!  

    Thanks, COVID quarantine, for giving me the time to learn exactly what that goofy combination of letters and numbers means.

    When I get out of my current positions in the next month or so, I’m gonna load up on ITM AAPL LEAPs. Sep 2022 or so. Cheap after the split!

  4. 1 hour ago, Texsox said:

    I'm not certain that being boring to watch is a solid metric but I do feel like I'm strapped into a car driving off a cliff at 3 mph. I know where it's going so let's just crash and get it over with.

    I laughed. And yeah, it's not a performance metric, but part of this is entertainment. Watching Reynaldo throw three balls over the course of three minutes is not entertaining.

  5. 4 minutes ago, JoshPR said:

    Dude he's given up 2. If Eloy catches that its most likely different. This board overreacting is a big lol

    Dude, his peripherals were shit in 2018, his "good year". He was openly shit last year. He got wrecked in his first start this year. He has a seeming tendency to pitch while hurting rather than telling someone, like an adult. His pace is slow so he's excruciatingly boring to watch. This isn't a new thing. This isn't today. Reynaldo Lopez is a poor MLB pitcher.

  6. My job has me so lost about what day of the week it is, I first thought, “Who do we play on Saturday? Is that one of the games vs. the Pirates? Maybe that could work?”

    Oh. No. Today is Saturday. ReyLo vs the Cubs.

    Why, God? WHY????

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