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Stinky Stanky

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Everything posted by Stinky Stanky

  1. You probably know this Lip Man, but it's an English adaptation of the 1898 Neapolitan song "O Sole Mio" and it pains me to say it but another English adaptation of it was a big hit in the 1950's for Tony Martin under the title "There's No Tomorrow." Now I've scared myself. Here's hoping there is a tomorrow.
  2. And the Engel game. And the Gonzalez dropping Kopech's pickoff throw game. And the Hendriks can't make a 50 foot throw to first base game. All in the last few weeks. A litany of woe.
  3. My confidence level in a sweep is lower than the Mariana Trench. But CLE was up 3-1 on the Cubs and choked it away. I'll take hope over reality any day.
  4. Trubisky II? Ah, baseball's a better game anyway.
  5. If he got a hit in G 2 or 3 then Ricky is still here. I can't get over that either. But he was the MVP!
  6. You forgot smart as hell and not the right guy for managing a team. Excuse me, but Abreu's 71 RBI's batting where he does is not what I'd call clutch. Time to move on from him.
  7. Tough move, but they need to do it. For once, they didn't leave the game on the bases today!
  8. Brilliant idea! Would a hologram qualify? Or get Madame Tussaud working on a replica?
  9. Every win since Tony's been gone goes on his record since he's still the official manager. Hope that satisfies the old coot.
  10. That's your way of looking at it. My way is that all but the collision injury were caused by being overweight and not stretched out. Edit: Didn't we all forget getting hit by a foul ball in the dugout?
  11. I don't see much similar between Eloy and Tim. Except for ...oh never mind. Why don't we all watch a couple of cat videos and relax.
  12. Ruling that a fielder has to stand where he has less chance of catching a baseball is idiocy. And all because the LHH's refused to take advantage of all the empty space they were getting left of 2nd base. And MLB let the hitters have their way!
  13. In that case you should have no problem with it, because home plate umpires are gods, not humans.
  14. A pacemaker can take you from listless to normal like magic. Ask someone who had one done. But some of this stuff sounds like it's also a perfect excuse for what needs to be done, and Tony's in on it. Either way, we're in a big, big hole on the loss side and Cleveland has its momentum back.
  15. Hope I'm wrong, but as soon as Clase sees our guys, it fixes all his ills. Huge blowup tonight.
  16. Also noted that Hendriks threw only one fastball, used it as a shoulder high bait pitch for strike three. But somehow our guys got two in the 8th under the same conditions. Need Cease to eat innings tomorrow. Kopech wore out the bullpen today.
  17. Add high outside fastballs to that. He has plenty of company on both.
  18. Simple approach to JR: You're spending too much on the wrong things because we can't identify talent and develop it so we have to go out and try to buy it. Like the current bullpen. So be prepared to spend more but find a FO that knows how to spend it more wisely. The current one has failed at that.
  19. At least he wasn't hit hard tonight. Still scares me worse than Colome did, but does it faster. Just about a month ago he faced four batters, all of whom hit the ball hard and walked off with a save, despite two wild pitches.
  20. Offense was what you'd expect after a 13 run outburst the day before. A Law Of Nature. The Good Gio showed up. Although this is a different Gio than his short-lived glory days of a few years ago.
  21. You and I are conditioned to look for conspiracies and this certainly smells like one, but I still give it only a 10% chance of being true. But that's still a chance.
  22. I'm thinking of a flashing cursor, or was it a cursing flasher. Feeling sorry for the fan who was picked to win a new Nissan Rogue on the pre-game lead-in on AM 1000 if the Sox pulled off a no hitter.
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