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Stinky Stanky

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Everything posted by Stinky Stanky

  1. You would think that after being made to look like fools every night, the Generals would finally figure out the Globetrotters' plays, but nooooo! Anyway, Globetrotter great Goose Tatum's real first name was Reece, so here we are back to Reese McGuire. I love the internet.
  2. It's why he walks so few. Too few, sez I. He could stand to nibble a little more, even at the cost of a couple more walks. His flat fastball down the middle is very hittable, esp. if it's not mixed in with some breaking stuff.
  3. Vince throws nasty stuff, has some measure of control of it and I think that he has the potential to be coached up. It's in Katz's hands. In other words, I think most of us are more down on the guy than we need to be. Better than Foster and has the tools to improve.
  4. Saying what should be said and I thank you for it. But it takes guts to go with a rookie instead of an overpaid veteran and some of us would be on their butts for doing it. Although it's tough to DFA big money. Liam threw four hard hit balls and two wild pitches out of four batters, got a save. He is one lucky duck. We all are. Quack, quack. I love this game. BTW, all three of the 7,8,9 guys threw some hard hit balls. Lopez only had a fastball, but it was a moving one and he hit 100. He needs some work to get the feel back, coming off the IL. Do not give up on him. The offense continues to blow bubbles. Can they win the next two? Color me dubious.
  5. Never say never right back at you. One good game... fans clamoring...even Tony still has 5 senses. Maybe.
  6. Got gifted the two runs that they scored, otherwise they're shut out. Five hits. Four singles and a Little League triple. Fire away at me if anyone wants, but on the sac fly mixup between Vaughn and Pollock, Vaughn was in a much better position to make the play and he's an ex-pitcher, so he can throw. Pollock was running away from the play to make the catch and would have had to skid to a stop and reposition his body to make a right handed throw home. I don't care that Stoney kept harping on the opposite opinion. Pollock should have laid off and let Vaughn make the play.
  7. He needs to make better pitches than a flat fastball down the middle when he goes 3-1. Even if he walks a few guys doing it. Since he walks almost no one. A hittable fastball is like giving in to the batter.
  8. Kasper's terse style is better suited to TV than radio. You need someone who can paint a word picture on radio and Len isn't it.
  9. Nailed it. JR wouldn't do it to Tony. Might not do it anyway, but for sure not w/ Tony here. Jog your memory, but the White Flag trade was about not wanting to spend the money to re-sign the players that were traded away and due for new contracts. At age 86, he's not looking forward to a rebuild now. He may even have gotten three or four brain cells smarter.
  10. If you're saying that the fans are smarter than the people that run the teams, what damn fool doesn't already know that? ?
  11. Kimbrel is not a good example. He's a HOF closer who sucked with the Cubs (ask any Cubs fan) but they managed to get him fixed enough to palm him off on the Sox, where he returned to sucking. And I wouldn't call his current status in SD as anything other than mediocrity. He's over the hill. Saving or not saving.
  12. Enough of this "non-save" argument. If Hendriks can't get himself up to do his best with the season on the line because of a scorer's rule, he's not much of a competitor. Anyway, the "non-save" argument is supposed to be about situations where you use a closer in a blowout win, not situations like this. And Steve Stone can shut up about it any time he wants.
  13. Two allegedly big boppers looked pathetic, didn't they, in the 3rd. They're a bunch of lucky ducks to get this one. CLE looks better than us, sad to to say.
  14. Don't forget the other Chicago Italian Original, Chicken Vesuvio. Some East Coast chef has a YouTube video of himself making it and it's a bleepin joke.
  15. This whole thing is like a Rorschach test that we can interpret according to whatever our personal axes-to-grind are. Nice thread. Mine says that it's a slap at Tony.
  16. Cease has enough command and movement to make him harder to square up. When Kopech is throwing 94-95 down the middle he is very hittable.
  17. Stinky Stanky


    I didn't say he wasn't a sentimental old guy who doesn't know how to talk to people. And I don't ignore the bullshit and there was plenty of that. But neither can you dismiss the facts which don't support your fixed idea.
  18. Stinky Stanky


    This contradicts the Jerry I saw bawling at LaSalle and Wacker when Konerko handed him the WS game winning ball in 2005. Short memory?
  19. On life support but it feels good compared to the alternative. News flash: They're better than us. But don't stop hoping.
  20. I love his game, but he's hardly a parallel player to Zo.
  21. Wouldn't have been the first 8-2 lead they blew this year. But Joe K does have wicked stuff.
  22. My AM paper quotes the guy himself as saying he's through. I'll take his word for it. Avoid at all costs.
  23. Lorenzocaine. Always sounded like something you rub on a sore arm. Or whatever.
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