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Stinky Stanky

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Everything posted by Stinky Stanky

  1. Good history, Balta. Thx. Do you recall Obama saying that he would prefer the single payer system but the employer financed system was already in place and he had to work with it? I guess that places O to the political right of Ted. Which makes me ask, doesn't the employer financed system hurt the smaller employers with labor-intensive businesses and favor the capital-intensive businesses with fewer employees?
  2. For those of us hoping a vaccine will fix it all and is right around the corner, this is not good. https://bgr.com/2020/10/30/coronavirus-immunity-reinfection-experiment-russia/
  3. Respect for institutioms is important. Like when Tony, Pujols and Theriot chose not to come to the White House with the rest of the team when they were honored after the Cards won it all.
  4. Single issue voters are the key. Get enough of them by identifying them and appealing to one specific issue and you just might win. Abortion is just one of many such categories.
  5. I'm an old dinosaur and I love the shifting. It works, duh. Do we need to say more? Like make a rule that a fielder has to stand where he has the least chance of catching a baseball? Now, that's messing with the game we love.
  6. Engel and Mazara. Mazara was coming around at the end, hitting the opposite way, true, but looking comfortable at the plate. Spend the money elsewhere. I think he was sicker than anyone is saying. But spend the money.
  7. I think Ricky got sacked for losing it with the umpires during that bad stretch, more than anything else. He wasn't a steady hand at the wheel when they needed one. And you're right about a veteran. Bochy is the obvious answer to me.
  8. ?For all you kids watching out there: Look the ball into your glove. Otherwise, talk about a train going off the tracks, this thread passes all the tests. I now know that if it weren't for Eddie, the games would be on free for all and we'd be drinking Falstaff from a free tap in our dens. And Falstaff was great before people decided they preferred the taste of tan water.
  9. Calling the other guy "idiot" is always the last stage of any political discussion. This is actually a pretty respectful board and I'm happy to be here. But the effective vaccine can't get here soon enough. The masks, not even the fancy ones, don't keep out 100% of the bad bugs, and too many of us won't wear them anyway for whatever reason. Bless us and save us. I've got stuff I want to do with other people and we already lost almost a year out of our lives.
  10. Luke Voit II and he's ours. I'm semi-serious. I love his stroke.
  11. Casey Stengel did once say after being named Manager of the Year "I couldn't have done it without the players." Smart man who could sound like a fool if you didn't listen carefully.
  12. I wonder if Jim Miller of the local Fox postgamer sees himself in Nick Foles. Immobile, good leader, good field vision, nice touch at times, slightly better than mediocre. I do.
  13. I'm bouncing between that the boss has an uncanny way with decisions that makes us and him look bad every single time and "Any publicity is good publicity." He's needed a media consultant for almost 40 years and still does. Did I just say 40 years? Even smart guys are dumb in certain ways.
  14. It's in Gonzo's article in the Trib today. Tony doesn't want kneeling during the anthem on his team, demands respect for the flag. I forget what the excuse was for him, Pujols and Theriot not showing when the championship team was honored at the White House. ?
  15. The likely MVP (or whomever) gets a clutch hit in G 2 or 3 and we're not having this thread. Just saying.
  16. I hope it's good, clean mucus with no virus to spread at his rallies.
  17. LaRussa speaks Spanish, I'm almost certain. His mother was Spanish. Not for me. I want to remember him as I last saw him, in the dugout at the ASG the year after he retired, wearing TV makeup.
  18. Couldn't come up big in game of 5 of the 2016 WS. Woulda been great too. For that reason alone, no.
  19. I don't follow much, but I saw Herron for the first time on the Bears postgamer. He's a keeper.
  20. Smart as heck, check. Baseball smart as heck, check. We all love the guy, check. Has coaching experience, uh... Likes working with young players, uh... Maybe not.
  21. And a teeny tiny bit of negative attention? Ya think?
  22. Thighs. Harder to muck up and twice the taste of breasts. Wood smoke too? I do. Indirect, of course, but I cheat a little at the end and crisp them up a bit.
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