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Snopek last won the day on February 5 2024

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  1. Guys other than top prospects need developing too.
  2. Fun win. Enjoy em when you can. Vargas and Sosa being dudes would be so huge. Yoan looked rounder than I remember.
  3. Looking forward to Robert’s homer today.
  4. The only thing I can confidently identify is bread.
  5. I mean there's a difference between tanking for a high draft pick and just not being in a position to be competitive. I don't think they were necessarily tanking, but I don't think they were trying to be competitive either. I think they were trying to field a respectable enough team to play out the season while focusing mainly on the early stages of the teardown. That the team they put together ended up being the worst in history deserves every bit of criticism and ridicule it's gotten, but I don't subscribe to the notion that it happened while they were trying to actually compete.
  6. Definitely extends past blame and anger stuff. Just a very binary approach to things and lack of nuance in general. Anyway, get off my lawn.
  7. I think this says more about JR than it does Getz, but maybe that was your point.
  8. I don't know who these "most" are that you're referring to because I have not seen that opinion. But to answer your question, yes, Getz is to blame for last year. As is JR. As is Hahn. As is Grifol etc. It's a long list. I don't understand the obsession with trying to choose a single person to assign blame to.
  9. Lol I think you're taking that prediction post a little too seriously.
  10. Eh, I don't think so. I think Haniger's toast and the guys you mention are only "almost toast." Unless Haniger has some defensive value that I'm not aware of.
  11. I guess I'm putting more weight on process than results. Results wise, obviously it couldn't have gone any worse. But process wise, I think doubling down on the remaining core instead of tearing it down to the studs would have been way worse.
  12. I think I mostly agree here, but I'd say the grade is more about how patient you're willing to be rather than your current belief in the process. Most of the hires made and changes being implemented are longer term things, so it'll be awhile before we know what kind of results they'll yield. For that reason, I disagree equally with giving an F because the roster right now sucks and giving a higher grade because changes have been made without knowing if they were beneficial changes yet.
  13. It’s sort of a weird time to assign a grade since we’ve only experienced the painful (but necessary) steps of the rebuild so far. That being said, I gave a D. Not an F because it seems like there’s a plan slowly coming into focus, and because it was always gonna be a difficult overhaul for the state the franchise was in when he took over. But definitely nothing higher than a D because many of his trades and roster moves have not been impactful enough for the future (so far). If we do this again in a year, the grade can be a B just as easy as it can be an F.
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