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Everything posted by Snopek

  1. Vance Joseph was actually a failed HC with the Broncos in 2017-2018, so even better.
  2. And now the Lux for Robert trade to undo all of the Getz goodwill from the Crochet deal.
  3. I was expecting the “That’s bait ☝️” gif from you.
  4. Lol'ing at the thought of Getz spinning this into a bullet point for his resume for the GM position: Directed efforts to supplement organization with over 20 WAR from players with no previous MLB experience
  5. Daniels would’ve been awful on the bears. Caleb was the right pick then and he’s the right pick now. Despite his current flaws, he’s still the most direct path to a franchise qb.
  6. What does this even mean? If you're saying they were hoping he'd be one of the top starters, sure, why not. If you're saying they were expecting him to be one of the top starters, I'd like to know where you're getting your information from.
  7. Just under. I know it’s hard to do, but I think the roster is that bad.
  8. Yep. I’ve been wanting the streak to end for a few games now with the hopes that it would allow him to stop being so conservative. I don’t that kind of play is best for his development. Especially in all these meaningless games where they could have been working on more downfield plays, which he clearly needs to work on.
  9. Right, and many teams are run well enough where they can absorb those mistakes and still be successful. Meanwhile, because the Sox have been bad at almost everything, they have way less margin for error. They don’t have other strengths to fall back on, and it’s nobody’s fault but their own.
  10. Thomas Brown with some head scratching 4th down decisions.
  11. I think the Sox presentation is just having him watch The Blues Brothers in its entirety, in which case he can get a feel for the city that way.
  12. Vargas. And not in a “he can’t possibly be worse” way. I think he’ll get a little comfortable and actually show something.
  13. I think he should apologize to the Sox for not taking steroids earlier in his career.
  14. Because despite his flaws and injury risk, Robert’s ceiling is still incredibly higher than Bellinger’s, and that’s enticing. And it’s not like some Jared Mitchell or Courtney Hawkins scenario where it’s just theoretical upside. We’ve actually seen it from Robert very recently, on a god awful team no less, which is why I don’t love the MVP argument. There’s way too much team context that goes into it.
  15. Took my dumb brain a second to process that the Sox did not in fact trade Chuck Garfien to the angels.
  16. Just under. I expect the offense and bullpen to be a little better, but the starting pitching to be much worse.
  17. They have indeed acquired Andrew Benintendi.
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