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South Side Hit Men

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Everything posted by South Side Hit Men

  1. I don’t believe he is the key to what I am laying out, there are other solid options. Ill take a deeper dive once the QOs are accepted / rejected, including Rodon, to determine the true FA class. FA graphs does a great job with their consensus estimates in terms of dollar and length, juxtaposed against prijected fWAR. Don’t expect much until a CBA is final, perhaps in time to play a meaningful 2022.
  2. I think Lynn and Kimbrel makes it enticing as they are both solid pitchers. Keuchel also is a good insurance plan to eat 100-150 innings, should be effective in the NL/Dodgers Stadium, is the only bad contract there and it's only $19M if they don't let him vest. Beyond egregious penalties in new CBA, I expect the Dodgers to not give a crap about paying any luxury tax. I put a high ceiling on Ray, but it likely will cost much less (say $22-$25M AAV over 3-4 years). Spotrac pegs his value at $18M. I like the fact he excelled in the toughest offensive division. The $146M allows also for an additional QO offer on Rodon, but my initial assumption is he rejects this and tests the market. If they sign him, $163M is still a reasonable payroll with JR, perhaps they then nix Ray and sign another leaving payroll in the $140M range.
  3. Seven deep of credible starting options is the standard if you want to be able to survive the season and have a solid rotation available. It's why I proposed getting younger studs like Pablo Lopez, Tony Gonsolin, perhaps using the savings of trading off the high priced veterans and sign another top starter like Robbie Ray. Coupled with Giolito, Cease, and Kopech, you have a tremendous young pitching core which will extend the window, and the depth to absorb one or two major injuries the Sox were fortunate to avoid this season. Eloy was the one core player I proposed trading, because he doesn't have the desire, nor likely the ability, to contribute consistently at the DH role, and you can get solid value for him now. Coupled with Mercedes, I believe Kim Ng would love to acquire those two players, as she has tons of pitching but little in terms of hitters. Lynn also holds a lot of trade value know, he will likely regress between health and age. The Dodgers are likely one of the few, if any. other teams willing to take on $16M for Kimbrel (and if not, eat the $2M and move on). With Lux and Gallo two solid LH bats, you improve the lineup against RHP, and the pitchers will also benefit with having catchers able to block sliders in the dirt, catching plays at the plate. A new manager would implement modern defensive alignments, and will lay off the CS failed Hit and Runs, the wasted runs playing the infield in early in games, the poor defensive injury prone LFer and finally field a credible RF. It would be difficult to pull off all of the moves, but at the same time it illustrates how keeping, not trading young cost controlled players is the key to creating and lengthening a long term competitive window. The Sox have moved in the opposite direction via their trades and signings the past two seasons, and have severely restricted flexibility while reducing their window. Hitters $79.4M + Pitchers $67.0M = $146.4M SS Anderson (Age July 1, 2022 29; 2022 actual/projected salary $9.5M) 3B Moncada (27 $13.8) # 1B Abreu (35, $19.7) RF Gallo (28 $9.5)^ CF Robert (24 $6.0) DH Sheets (26 $0.6) ^C Contreras (30 $9.0) LF Vaughn (24 $0.6) 2B Lux (24 $0.6)^ Bench: Gomes (34 $3.5), Engel (30 $2.0), Garcia (31 $4.0), Gonzalez (25 $0.6). SP: Giolito (27, $8.3), Ray (30, $30.0), Pablo Lopez (26, $2.5), Kopech (26, $0.6), Cease (26, $0.6), Gonsolin (27, $0.6). RP: Hendriks (33, $13.3), Bummer (28, $2.5), Crochet (23, $0.6M), Reynaldo Lopez (28, $2.0), Ruiz (27, $0.6), Free Agent TBD (30, $3.0), Free Agent TBD (30, $3.0) Trades: Eloy and Mercedes to Miami for Pablo Lopez. Lynn, Keuchel and Kimbrel to Los Angeles N.L. for Gavin Lux and Tony Gonsolin. Grandal to New York A.L. for Gallo. Burger, Collins, prospects to Chicago N.L. for Willson Contreras.
  4. They investigated themselves, by definition it's a sham. Any credible organization or entity would have an independent investigation conducted. Investigating yourself, having no evidence from 10 years ago when it doesn't support your case, such as the rapist's HR file, while having others magically available, from the same time period. Just a coincidence. Or what 98% of the population would conclude is a sham. And the sham just keeps on rolling. Truth = Secretariat Rocky Wirtz = Sham
  5. He can "believe" or state whatever the hell he wants. What did he do exactly at the time to help Kyle Beach when he was still with Wirtz' organization? That was the time to stand up and be counted, not thumping your chest ten years later and praising the guy who profited off of this filth. The facts remain Wirtz' organization conducted a sham investigation, destroyed any evidence which did not support their legal position, discredited the one rape victim who did participate in this sham process, refuse to answer any questions about their involvement. Wirtz' organization recently stated they conducted an investigation and found these claims to have no merit. They also covered up the disgraceful Bill Peters racist incident, the same time Kaner was being investigated for rape. Rape, racism, and more rape. With a racist logo to cheer. Here are your Chicago NHL Hockey team. Cheer us, and give us your money. Do it.
  6. Nah, he called me scum for calling out Bruce Levine's tweet, claimed Bruce is too old to tweet or use his phone properly. Haven't read a post of his that indicates a "great moral compass', just posts trolling actual White Sox fans, throwing hissy fits about "cancel culture", hatred of any black sports media person, and love of all the drunken idiots who have been rightfully shitcanned over time. Of course you did, your "great moral compass" compelled you. The world continues toward progress. Those OK with racism, rape, sexual harassment, misogyny and other inhumane conduct are going the way of the Klan. KKK leader David Duke lost 90% of his voter support from his 1990s election results to his latest run a few years ago, but it took three long decades to get there. My alderman in the 1980s openly declared he will not allow any N (plural word) to move into our ward, he is dead, and his son who led the state senate had to quit in disgrace last year. Offensive people will lose their "math teacher" jobs, people will continue to shun "entertainment" promoting trash, one by one, team by team, city by city. It has taken decades to get to where we are now, and will still sadly take many more years to eradicate these viewpoints. Some people become aware through education or personal reflection that things once shamefully accepted / tolerated / profited from are no longer acceptable. Others will cling to their ignorant views until their last breath. There is still time for those reading this post to do the right thing.
  7. That's one half of the daily double. Moving to another team that actually employs proper defensive shifting would be another. Unless Tony does not return, it's not happening here.
  8. The entire franchise needs to be cancelled until all of the cancer is eradicated. The entire report was concocted to protect the scumbag at the top profiting off of it all.
  9. You are the joke,, the same clown who threw a hissy fit about anything happening to Bruce Levine for texting Hillary Clinton dick picks. You also lack being able to grasp the context that this was written in the same room where a widely known rape had occurred, by a person in power over a player trying to break into the league. You and your kind are dying out of society. Godspeed.
  10. You need to find a new group of “buddies” if that is how they act or conduct themselves.
  11. We learned at an early age about sexual predators with Gacy’s arrest a few miles away, a friend who was sexually assaulted by a scout leader in a different parish, and of course others sexually abused by priests and others. This between the ages of 10-15. One of the victims was mocked by a dumb ass. The douche taunter got his ass kicked (by someone other than the victim), and deservedly so. This “young adult” excuse for the players doesn’t fly, at least by by those who knew better as a pre-teen or teen. The C stands for coward, the A for asshole.
  12. LOL. Not sure if you held a job this millennium, or the last few decades of the prior one. Can’t imagine anyone writing that on a whiteboard, at least in a professional environment. Last type of slur I can recall at a job was a consultant telling a lame joke in the late 1990s and he was gone as a result. Has nothing to do with “woke” or “politics”, but rather just being a decent human being.
  13. Not as naive as anyone who believes Rocky Wirtz first learned about the rapist in his organization when his franchise was sued.
  14. So glad this trash has only won one World Series, when they faced an equally karma challenged opponent. They could have done the right thing, changed their team name to the Hammers, replaced the Native American music with MC Hammer, given out hammers for fans to use. Thirty years later, MLB is still facing the same questions, and have doubled down in the ignorance. MLB had over 30 million viewers for the 1990 World Series against two small market teams (Cincinnati and Oakland). 30 years later, they have a commissioner supporting the racist Chop, handing out "The Piece of Metal", and have lost 2/3 of the audience, with 10 million watching the first two games in 2021 with the seventh and eight largest television markets playing. Cincinnati is 36th, Oakland is 6th only because it is lumped in with San Francisco and Santa Clara, and despite a 1/3 increase in population over the past 30 years.
  15. Nah, the joke is your faux outrage in this thread and claiming this trashy chant entering it's 4th decade is "awesome". It's an embarrassment to the sport, and just another example of why baseball, a great game, continues to lose interest and audience year after year. Young and diverse people MLB gives lip service to trying to attract to stave off dying interest in this sport cringe when they witness this shit. There are no positive connotations continuing with this garbage, same as waving a confederate flag at an auto race.
  16. The team intentionally moved to a 89% white area, with no public transportation, similar to if the Sox moved to Plainfield in Kendall County. https://www.ibtimes.com/atlanta-braves-move-cobb-county-about-race-not-transportation-1470814
  17. Gave proof through the night That Bowman was still there..... https://www.nhl.com/blackhawks/team/frontoffice Top dog, Scotty Bowman HOCKEY OPERATIONS Scotty Bowman Sr. Advisor, Hockey Operations
  18. I want: New owner, FO, Manager and staff beyond Paddy, whoever Paddy wants to keep in scouting, and Katz. Eloy and Mercedes for Pablo Lopez. Lynn; Keuchel and Kimbrel for Lux and Gonsolin. Grandal for Gallo. Burger, Collins, prospects for Willson Contreras. FAs Robbie Ray, Yan Gomes, Leury Garcia, plus two $2M-$4M decent RPs. The White Sox to shift defensively like the other 20+ competent teams. SS TA 3B YM # 1B JA RF JG^ CF LR DH GS ^C WC LF AV 2B GL^ Bench: Gomes, Engel, Garcia, Gonzalez. SP: Giolito, Ray, Pablo Lopez, Kopech, Gonsolin, Cease. RP: KH, AB, GC, Rey L, JR, FA, FA I’ll get: “Nothing and like it.”
  19. I said at the time and say now, adding Heuer to the deal will cost the Sox more in terms of their “multi-championship” window. They overpaid in trade capital for his option year, that doesn’t even work in terms of roster construction even if he did pitched well (which he should next year). Just too much $ for the bullpen, when it’s needed at RF 2B SP. Lynn’s mid season extension, Keuchel and Grandal remain for two more years if Dallas vests. Coupled with Abreu this season (and likely beyond) plus Kimbrel / Hendriks your over $100M for these six, limits any other moves unless they significantly bump payroll further than what they did in July. I just don’t see it happening, but perhaps we will be pleasantly surprised.
  20. I boxed up all my memorabilia, no warm memories about any of it. Had full season tickets for over a decade, still think I’ve been to more Sox games over the years. For everyone, it’s different, and it can be fine if this doesn’t greatly impact enjoyment of past current or future. They did make some progress in terms of removing some persons responsible. Rocky remains, a few key players who taunted victims or were there and did nothing (with a C or A on jersey) also remain, so it doesn’t work for me. Actually it’s much harder in Vegas since they also carry beer there (my liquor if choice these days) and two of my favorite breweries out there. They sold their beer portfolio to the “Red House” (Lakeshore Beverage) I believe earlier this year. Have to confirm whether Wirtz gets a cut for onsite consumption at the breweries (Able Baker and Tenaya Creek), will be a tough blow for me if they do. The three tier system is very corrupt / anti-consumer.
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