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South Side Hit Men

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Everything posted by South Side Hit Men

  1. Will never buy another ticket, or any liquor these people distribute (here or in Vegas). Also, stopped watching the rest of the NHL since they failed to conduct an independent investigation and left this family to continue as if nothing happened.
  2. Brantley keeps raking. Atlanta in trouble with bullpen spent, Morton down and Fried battered early, would return for Game 6 back in Houston unless brought back on short rest. MLB not satisfied with pimping gambling and blue pills, now pimping crypto currency.
  3. Did the club offer a refund for games fans were unable to attend due to COVID restrictions the first few months of this season if you did not intended to renew for 2022? Could get dicey next year. The NFL issued full refunds for their scab game slate back in the day, and nearly all fans accepted. Attendance was typically 4-6 thousand fans for this games. Several MLB teams offered a partial, not full refund for games played by scabs. The common percentage was a 50% refund for games played by scabs. Many fans choose to renew to keep their seat locations, teams held that over their heads. Peter Angelo refused to field a scab team, that that was primarily due to wanting to cash in on Ripken’s consecutive game streak, which would be denied if scab Orioles played.
  4. Yep, and must have just been a coincidence that they had HR personnel files when it was convenient to discredit one of the two people suing them (the other one wisely choose not to participate in this charade), but oops no file for Aldrich. Sane with having emails at times, but none which would lead to the person ultimately responsible within the organization that was not mentioned a single, solitary instance. Not sure how anyone gives this report credibility, when there are so many unanswered questions, and no information about what Rocky knew, when he knew it, what if anything he did about it. All evidence (emails from McDonough, HR files from Aldrich) which would document Wirtz involvement were unavailable, not a single question or statement was posed to Wirtz, at least as presented in the Wirtz funded investigation, and the Wirtz funded final report. Wouldn’t answer a single question at their sham press conference. Bullshit, all of it.
  5. Not sure I'll be able to say this again, or at least until Bob tweets Jerry and or Tony are no longer with the Sox, but thank you Bob, you done good. Mister we could use a man, like William Sherman again....
  6. The roller derby team and protentional legal issues were noted during the rollout earlier this year, and reiterated today. https://fox8.com/sports/there-cannot-be-two-cleveland-guardians-teams-in-cleveland-roller-derby-team-sues-baseball-franchise/ Expecting Manfred to chime in and state the team will now be named the Savages, Redskins, or some other name that he will claim Native American groups in the area are fine with, matching his comments yesterday regarding alleged Native American support for the Braves and "The Chop"
  7. The good thing is, you can cross the last thing from your list. You have managers like Dusty Baker who support the players, be it against owner collusion or using Scab players. https://theathletic.com/477001/2018/08/17/rosenthal-dusty-baker-opens-up-on-the-nats-his-career-racism-the-state-of-the-game-and-the-smell-of-collusion/ You have others like Tony, who was angered by the players union's stance of retirees honoring the picket line, and purposefully crossed the line to join the scabs. https://www.sfgate.com/sports/article/A-s-Duncan-feels-he-s-caught-in-the-middle-3151679.php And also is in full support of illegal ownership collusion against free agents. https://nypost.com/2012/10/27/8-years-143m-should-keep-wright-with-mets-for-life/
  8. The Onion tries hard, but can never top real life, especially with Manfred still walking the planet. https://theathletic.com/news/mlb-commissioner-rob-manfred-defends-braves-name-the-chop/tdrQkzkqKwun/ “The Native American community in that region is wholly supportive of the Braves program, including 'The Chop.' For me, that’s kind of the end of the story. In that market, we’re taking into account the Native American community."
  9. Well Tony will continue to get paid regardless of whether owners lift a lockout over the next two seasons. Jerry is happy. Tony is happy. Players and fans can pound sand, Just make sure to send in your 2022 Season Ticket money, Jerry will take good care of it on your behalf.
  10. I wouldn’t assume this aspect. Rocky paid for each and every word in that report and investigation. This law firm’s primary purpose was to exonerate the person who paid for this sham investigation. It is not credible that John McDonough did not discuss these incidents with Rocky Wirtz, who first stated he never knew of these allegations until the lawsuit was filed, and then after his statement, his organization later stated they conducted an investigation, and that the accusations of abuse and coverup had NO merit. This law firm did not and would not allow cross questioning of victims or other witnesses, wouldn’t even commit for months to make any findings public. This was not an open, independent, or transparent process. Several key witnesses and one key victim did not participate due to the lack of independence or reciprocal efforts to “seek the truth”.
  11. Valdez wasted too many pitches after getting ahead in the count. Also left too many pitches up, should bounce back in Game 5 taking care of these two issues.
  12. Atlanta got out of it, but Morton really had to work hard that inning. Shaping up to be a great game.
  13. He and his kids have said a lot of stupid shit over the years, though none more dumb than saying he loved Fidel Castro while managing in Miami, home of a million and a half Cuban-Americans. Ballclubs are unwilling to brining in a clown car full of Guillens. It has nothing to do with it being "PC", it's just bad business and an unnecessary distraction from your product. That said, if he can stick to baseball, he would be a good fit in SD. He is a good players manager (at least for a 3-5 year window), is solid strategically, would definitely be an upgrade over many current managers including in the Sox dugout. He might be the right fit to run the clubhouse and keep Preller from micro-managing. Preller would benefit from Ozzie's insight and the fact he is from outside of Preller's circle. I think Preller will still go with someone he can control, or control more than Ozzie, but perhaps he learned it's good to have a mix of thoughts and ideas, and interfering with day to day games is counterproductive to overseeing the big picture. Surprised you like Ozzie since he chews tobacco.
  14. Manfred addresses Astros scandal at Braves Spring Training site, during owners MLB lockout in June 2020. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wsj.com/amp/articles/world-series-astros-braves-rob-manfred-mlb-11635256463
  15. They also retain their name and logo, the organization has had a permanent disconnect with proper messaging. Today was nothing more than a self-serving way to avoid any ownership responsibility and attempt to regain credibility. It would be a perfect day to wipe the entire slate clean, not lose a penny by promoting Danny and hiring a new president, and forming a new identity like the Cleveland Guardians are doing. The team is behind perma-scum such as Dan Snyder at this stage. Would love nothing more than for John McDonough to spill the beans on what he told Rocky Wirtz about these incidents and Rocky's response. Also what was discussed regarding Bill Peters, and whatever else went down over there that the public is not aware, though this public airing will never happen.
  16. Well, Maryland is the lone Union Slave state who remained loyal to the cause 160 years later, including their support in their official state song. Maryland finally surrendered a few months ago. Dear Mother! burst the tyrant's chain, Maryland! Virginia should not call in vain, Maryland! She meets her sisters on the plain— "Sic semper!" 'tis the proud refrain That baffles minions back amain, Maryland! My Maryland! I hear the distant thunder-hum, Maryland! The Old Line's bugle, fife, and drum, Maryland! She is not dead, nor deaf, nor dumb— Huzza! she spurns the Northern scum! She breathes! she burns! she'll come! she'll come! Maryland! My Maryland!
  17. Just like MLB's investigation of the Astros which served primarily to exonerate their Owner who remains in place, Rocky's paid for investigation whitewashed any involvement by Rocky Wirtz (0 mentions in the report). He must also resign as chairman to complete the cleansing of this sordid organization.
  18. Hopefully it's legitimate interview for Ozzie's sake.
  19. He has always played in challenging home run parks. Comiskey Park was 352 down the lines (with 12 foot high walls), 375 to the alleys and 410 to CF. Cleveland Municipal Stadium was 395 to the alleys and 410 to CF. Minnie still finished top 10 in slugging eight times, including second behind Williams in 1954 (and finished with the highest bWAR that season). Minoso was a 13 time All Star, Top 4 four times in MVP balloting, finished with a .299 / .387 / .461 career. Certainly a better addition to the HOF than most of the Veterans Committee elected White Sox already in the HOF, who also did not have the biographical background and discriminatory burdens Minoso faced.
  20. Not true. Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland and Delaware had significant support within their population for the Confederacy, but never officially joined, nor did they abandon their representation in Congress or the Electoral College during the Civil War. Owning slaves remained legal in those states throughout the Civil War. Lincoln only “freed” slaves in states he did not preside over in his Emancipation Proclamation, though he did try (the four border state legislators rejected emancipation for compensation bills). Slaves were not freed in the four states noted above, including Missouri, until after the 1864 election, when the 13th amendment was passed. I also did not recognize territories claimed by the Confederacy, such as Oklahoma (NBA 2012 Oklahoma City vs. Miami).
  21. Yep. He is also upset Stone and others here recognize Eloy as a Dominican, not Cuban.
  22. Well the four who took credit for winning 3 cups lucked into it, because it was Bill Wirtz and his guy Dale Tallon who acquired the core team responsible for the Hawks' on ice success. Rocky, John and the Bowmans took credit for the work of others, but when it came time to rectify their racist coach's behavior (Bill Peters) or report their serial rapist video coach to the authorities, they turned the other way. Stan approved demoting the black player subject to abused by Bill Peters. Rocky's organization not only condoned a culture of taunting the sexually abused players, but later recommended Aldrich for jobs with access to children, who Brad of course also raped until he was finally arrested, convicted and jailed. Bill Peters was fired by a responsible organization, for Bill's actions while he was with Rocky's organization. Then again, Rocky's team logo is also racist, so there is no evidence Rocky, John or the Bowmans consider rape or racism wrong, or that they are responsible for either at this juncture. John was finally purged to save Rocky ca$h during COVID and give his son a job. Rocky, Scotty and Stan need to go immediately, if not sooner, as well as anyone else still there in a position of authority who aided and abetted Aldrich either during his time in Chicago, or provided employment recommendations after his departure.
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