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South Side Hit Men

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Everything posted by South Side Hit Men

  1. He is the same Karen who gets triggered and whines across pages of threads about the gross offense of reading "OK Boomer". Another troll called "Boomer" the equivalent of "The N-Word". These cowards who do the "chop" are upset they can't call Blacks what they did without getting their ass kicked and jobs taken away, so they settle for disparaging Native Americans. it's pathetic, embarrassing to baseball fans, and needs to end yesterday.
  2. Set it to qualifiers, still behind Adam Duvall, who'll come at half the cost. Sox need Jermaine Dyes, not another $15M-$20M / year player. They are restricted enough at this point with a top heavy payroll.
  3. He's 44th among RFers on Baseball Savant. https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/leaderboard/outs_above_average?type=Fielder&startYear=2021&endYear=2021&split=no&team=&range=year&min=10&pos=9&roles=&viz=show What stat do you have that shows Conforto is even close to being an quality RFer? Leury and Adam Duvall ranked ahead of him last season. The way to win is not spending on a top heavy payroll and hope guys can match what they did when they were in their prime. Sox already have half their payroll on Lynn, Keuchel, Grandal, Abreu, and are considering $16M more for Kimbrel. People keep crowing about Conforto as this 4 bWAR/fWAR player and he barely touched that in his peak year, but averages 2 and change each year. He is going to be expensive, and is not "worth the squeeze". Conforto restricts any other quality signings, and the team is dealing with multiple holes to fil this offseason.
  4. He is a defensive hole, expensive, a 2.4 bWAR player. 2015-2021 bWAR: 2.1; 0.6; 3.7; 2.7; 3.6; 2.1; 0.9. 2015-2021 dWAR: 0.8, -0.2, -0.5, -1.0, -0.7, -0.1, -0.9. Hard Pass.
  5. Will MLB allow the World Series to be played in Georgia, or will their home games also move to Denver? https://www.forbes.com/sites/anthonystitt/2021/10/18/tbs-should-be-held-accountable-for-showing-fans-doing-racist-tomahawk-chop/
  6. As long as the Sox gave up similar prospects or players, I don’t concur there would be similar outrage. All had/have much higher upsides than OFers such as Goodwin or Lamb they were carrying at the time. Dodgers going with an opener (Joe Kelly) tonight. Thought the Dodgers had the momentum after their Game 3 comeback, but were silenced yesterday. Braves have been on a pitching roll, and have Fried on the bump tonight. Should be a great game.
  7. Yep, $22.5M is his tag plus $1M 2023 buyout. 2B plus RF are holes, but they remain holes with Profar and or Myers. Rather have the flexibility to sign a solid FA option, then sign Kimbrel and flip for expensive garbage. Kimbrel should be good next year, now that he built his innings back up. However, it makes no sense to keep him in terms of roster construction. You can’t spend $30M-$35m on a bullpen unless you’re the Dodgers / well over $200M. That’s been my primary concern with the Grandal signing ($18.3M of a $120M-$140M payroll). More palatable if they bump total payroll to the $180M-$200M range.
  8. Speculative article mentioning Profar or Kim in a return for Kimbrel. https://www.eastvillagetimes.com/a-trade-with-white-sox-for-kimbrel-makes-sense-for-padres/
  9. Yes, I found it odd the team’s paid PR guy even mention Vaughn at second base. Vaughn is going to be a major asset. He did great filling in on the fly, but it is best he is comfortable playing a reasonable range of positions he can be successful at long term (1B or LF).
  10. WTF? What gives any indication I'm "upset"? Just tracking it, find it odd it hasn't happened.
  11. Day Ten since the end of the White Sox season. Locked On Sox discussed Hahn's lack of a year-end press conference to date. Chris was told the press conference would take place early this week, which has come and gone. 14:50 mark Herb's speculation is a possible late Friday bury the news call. Chris thinks they are taking a deep look at their roster and coaching staff, and what this organization is lacking in terms of metrics, defensive alignment and other tangible factors they need to fix. Chris also speculates of the firing of DBo due to atrocious OF play.
  12. Abreu should be fine next year, but I don't trust any contract beyond that, especially with a manager who doesn't have the balls to even rest Abreu for a day without Jose's permission, let alone reduce playing time if he declines at some point over a new contract. He will be 36 entering 2023, if any deal it is offered it should be a year with an option. In a perfect world, he would opt for a front office or coaching role once he is unable to perform at the high standards he has over his White Sox career. I don't think he will want to linger in mediocrity or worse like Konerko did during his final contract, but at the same time any player's natural stance when they reach the end of the line is "just is just a slump, I can turn it around, need to play everyday to do so."
  13. LOL, the only people being "cheated" are people who forked over 2022 Season Ticket money to JR for a bushel full of carrots. "That's All Folks!"
  14. Indeed, MLB spent more money paying off lobbyists and Congress to pass the "Save America's Pastime Act" in 2018 which enabled owners to pay less than minimum wage to Minor League Players. After Owners and Congress "saved America's Pastime", they went on to shit can over 1/4 of minor league employees and communities. https://apnews.com/article/minor-league-baseball-lawsuits-ap-top-news-government-spending-laws-cb183f59e88948e8b9cd49ad07bde807
  15. Wonder if there are any other surgeries (beyond Grandal and Marshall) or other shoes to drop before Hahn addresses the media for an end of season press conference, assuming he does.
  16. They signed Eaton on December 10. For $8M guaranteed. And cut him with pay in mid July. Eloy is not an OF. If he can't DH, move him while he still has value.
  17. At this point the players and coaches and FO completed year-end organizational meetings. Unless something big is in the works, can only speculate why Hahn hasn't hosted this discussion. Chicago N.L.: Jed Hoyer - October 9th Teams eliminated in the Division Series Year End Press Conferences: Tampa Bay: Erik Neander - October 12th Milwaukee: David Stearns - October 15th San Francisco: Farhan Zaidi - October 18th Chicago A.L.: Rick Hahn ??? - Date ??? The FO stonewalled last winter after Tony's latest publicly known DUI arrest was known a few days after his hire. Tony was not available at the Managers meetings in December. Hahn made no comments or took no questions on it through the winter, and refused to answer Danny Parkins' question about it at Hahn's Spring Training Press Conference, still very relevant with the news below breaking earlier in the day from Reinsdorf's leak receptacle.
  18. It's not intentional. Jerry has never given a rats ass what the team does or doesn't do on the diamond or court, as long as he is making max cash. Hahn doesn't know any better.
  19. A quality GM passes on guys like Adam Eaton in the first place, a poor signing for both health and production reasons. The only defense sycophants here could muster at the time of the signing was he had a good week against the Astros a few seasons ago, or saying he was good five - seven years ago. And they put Eloy at DH from the onset, to limit his injuries. if he can't learn to hit at that spot, than move him because that is his future if a team wants to compete for "multi championships",
  20. I had Bellinger in a bunch of my leagues for his dual position eligibility. Had some injuries, had a terrible year (.542 OPS), but started hitting the final week, and then he came back from an injury the final week and looked pretty good. Then comes the postseason, and he became Cody Bellinger again, 1.159 OPS this series. They also have a catcher who, you know, can rake in the postseason (1.092 OPS this post season, vs. SF and Atlanta pitching). Grandal never got a single start in the 2017 World Series for them, Austin Barnes started all seven games (Grandal did go 0 for 3 pinch hitting). Barnes did start every game again over Grandal in 2018, and then all but one when the Dodgers won the World Series in 2020. Will Smith is their starter now, and he is a stud both offensively and behind the plate. Was drafted 5 years ago by the Dodgers. Wish the Sox could draft and develop catchers like Will Smith. Sox also went with a catcher in the first round that year, 22 picks ahead. Zack Collins. Yep.
  21. My God, can Michael Brantley rake. It's a shame. He was there for the taking this offseason, and Hahn had other "ideas", and priorities.
  22. Again, you are more "concerned" about the "tone" of the content, rather than the content. Tisk tisking fans around you for cheering Boston, yet perfectly content spending money on the bread and circuses (assuming you aren't a hog at the trough with free tickets courtesy of taxpayers via the Illinois Sports Facility Authority). In terms of "supervillian" status, he has reveled in that role for four decades and counting. Unlike other owners with their own warts (Ricketts and the McCaskeys), at least they have the courage to face the fan base and media with Q & A sessions, with Reinsdorf and Wirtz hide behind their paid for media (either in house or favored leak receptacles) and lawyers (Wirtz with RapeGate) I'm not the one who went on television and instead of celebrating the AL West title, instead used his time to call former employees Caray and Piersall scum. Didn't head collusion with other owners, Jerry was specifically called out in the arbitration rulings. Didn't threaten to move the team or shake down taxpayers to the tune of hundreds of millions. Didn't cancel the 1994, nor attempt to field scab teams in 1995 until Sonia Sotomayor personally b**** slapped him and his puppet Selig. Didn't sign Albert Belle to spite the other owners, and then pull the plug on the season four months later waiving the white flag (and dump Belle the following season) after his spite ran it's course. And that just covers the first decade plus. So yeah, Supervillain is a role Jerry has embraced and reviled in during his time as owner.
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