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South Side Hit Men

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Posts posted by South Side Hit Men

  1. 9 hours ago, SleepyWhiteSox said:

    You lose every ounce of credibility you may have had just by uttering the name gar forman

    Could be your take, but regardless of Gar’s qualifications, he left with a winning overall record during his tenure, something Rick Hahn will almost assuredly never be able to accomplish due to his abominable first seven years.

    Time will tell whether Hahn will ever have a team advance in the playoffs. Still haven’t seen a valid reason why an executive of a 16 team playoff wild card team bounced immediately is worthy of “executive of the year” honours.

    Any credit for improvement should be weighed by the fact he was responsible for digging the gargantuan hole in the first place.



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    • Haha 1
  2. 2012-2016: F-

    2017-2019: B+

    2020: B

    2021: A+ (Cooper and Ricky)

    Will be able to evaluate his tenure at the end, and hope it does include division titles and at least one AL Pennant / World Series win.

    The next 3-5 years will determine whether he can build a team capable of competing for a title, he has a few years to build a staff capable of competing. His moves his first four years were mostly bad, Keuchel was a good signing, time will tell if Grandal can work well with Giolito and others.

    His two main avenues to build this team,  an open international free agent bidding process (Abreu and Robert) and tanking trades (Eloy, Giolito, Moncada) are not available at this point. Anderson is the one outstanding draft pick so far at the ML level, though his recent picks look promising (Madrigal, Vaughn and Crochet).

    • Like 1
  3. 4 hours ago, mqr said:

    Rick and Kenny have a championship dude

    Dude, Kenny was GM and built the team, Rick served as Kenny’s George Constanza.

    Gar Forman’s team went 62-20, won their division and made it to the Conference Finals the year he deservedly won his award.

    Seattle is the only other AL team over Hahn’s tenure to not win a division or a playoff series. Hahn shouldn’t have been considered for the award until the team  crossed this minimal threshold of success.

    Since Hahn is likely here until Reinsdorf's departure, I hope he does win 1+ championships. That said, I will puke if the Sox raise a 2020 AL Playoff Participant / Wild Card Banner next season. Fun season to watch and hopefully build future success, but not the best executive. I would have voted for Erik Neander.

    • Haha 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, southsider2k5 said:

    This from a guy who is barely qualified to post on a message board about baseball.

    Over a hundred thousand post either linking or trolling other posters. Seriously get a life. 

    • Haha 1
    • Fire 1
  5. 55 minutes ago, Tony said:

    Or Jose Canseco? Or Melky Cabrera? Or Dallas Keuchle? 

    Shit happens. If MLB says these guys can play and you think they are a good fit and can help your team win....do it. 

    (I will say the Brett Myers think was awful and wasn't happy when the Sox brought him in. That was a mistake, but didn't stop me rooting for the Sox)

    You left off the highest paid player until the Sox signed fWAR, busted for cheating against the Sox prior to his signing.


  6. Steve Stone says a lot of shit, so I wouldn’t lend credence to Cooper having or not having any further role. 

    There is a reason Steve Stone never had any chance at the front office role he so desperately wanted over the past few decades. While he can be an interesting and entertaining color commentator, that role has no managerial responsibilities.

    in a front office role, you need to have people wanting to work for you, and for people above to want you to work for them. There is zero evidence Steve Stone has the ability for either in a professional organization.

    Broadcaster is the only role he is suited for.

    • Like 1
  7. 49 minutes ago, poppysox said:

    I would expect any high-end manager to insist on having total discretion in his coaching staff.

    I watched the entire zoom conference, the one area of concern is when Rick said a new manger would have “some” level of input regarding his staff.

    Looking forward to the new manager and staff announcements, and list of players non tender (Hope Parrot and Rodon among those listed). 

    The only speculation I’ll add is Hinch has an advantage over Cora with Jerry Reinsdorf, as Home Depot buckets are much cheaper than Apple watches. 



  8. 10 minutes ago, Dick Allen said:

    That is the one thing that as much as Hahn tried to spin and as good as he is in spinning it, he couldn't get it done. If he wants the new guy to have the latitude to hire his own staff, why didn't everyone "mutually part ways"? Only Coop. So Coop was clearly fired. There is no other explanation. 

    I’m going to listen to the entire press conference @Buehrle5687 so graciously posted in another thread before commenting further.

    However, I’m ok with what I’ve read here, and ok with making a special mention of Cooper due to his tenure and what appears to be the Sox wanting him out of that role, if not complete gone, while still retaining or not publically commenting on the remainder of the staff until the hiring process is complete. A new manager should be able to make his staff at that time, and the club either able to retain or announce the departures of the existing staff still under contract.

    I don’t want to see one or more coaches inherited without input, which occurred when Rick Renteria was hired.

  9. 1 hour ago, Dick Allen said:

    The White Sox make the playoffs for the first time in 12 years, and fire their manager for the first time in 17, and their pitching coach for the first time in longer than that. Who could ever have thought of this being a possibility? This is the same owner than wanted to keep Jim Boylen around. 

    Ozzie didn't get fired. Robin didn't get fired. 

    This is probably one of the most remarkable days in White Sox history.

    DonCooper literally outlasted two, possibly three (world not sure if Kim Jong Un still alive) North Korean Supreme Leaders.

    Hope the White Sox will allow any new manager to replace ANY and ALL coaches, at his sole discretion.

    • Thanks 1
  10. https://chicago.suntimes.com/white-sox/2020/10/12/21513150/white-sox-expect-michael-kopech-at-start-of-spring-training

    This may be the best news out of the press conference, didn’t see a thread about it. 

    “Zero mystery whatsoever,” Hahn said Monday. “We look forward to having Michael back with us come the start of spring training. He’s been in contact with primarily the minor league pitching coaches and sharing the program he was working on, getting their input on it. In fact, he recently reached out to recommend an individual who was let go by another organization as a potential add for us to our organization.”

    “So he’s obviously fully invested and committed and remains the same view of him as when we announced he was opting out of the season, that we still see his future as very bright and has the potential to be a very impactful arm for us for a very long time.”

    If anyone has a link to an archived press conference video or audio please post. I’m in Vegas and wasn’t able to listen. Thanks.

  11. 1 hour ago, YourWhatHurts said:

    BTW just in case anyone cared, Yas burned the shit out of his scrambled eggs this morning.  What happened was that there was a spider crawling across the ceiling in the kitchen, and it was really high on the ceiling but still kind of in the area where the stove is, and he was watching the spider because the spider may have been poisonous, but regardless, if the spider decided to descend on some silk into his eggs then certainly his eggs would be ruined.  So he watched the spider for about 4 or 5 minutes until he smelled something burning which is exactly when he realized he fucked his eggs.  So then he took the pan off of the flame and went to flip the eggs over with the spatula to see if they could be salvaged, but then just as he was flipping the eggs, out of the corner of his eye he caught sight of the spider descending from the ceiling, at which point he dropped the pan onto the floor with the spatula in it.  But then as he tried to catch the spatula with one hand, somehow he accidentally kicked the pan with the eggs in it about 6 feet across the floor until it hit the bottom of the refrigerator.  When his wife came in and asked what happened, he of course explained himself and said it would never happen again.

    You left out the best part. Grandal's 2020 fWAR went up 0.4 this morning for his spatula framing. 

    • Thanks 1
  12. 34 minutes ago, jamesdiego said:

    Train wreck is my description of his last week.  And is that really crazy to say?  Big Frank himself  had his own strong words about how the last week was handled.  

    Don't see the Front Office going to Frank Thomas, Ozzie Guillen, Steve Stone, or any other public detractor of Rick Renteria for advice. Besides Rick Renteria is the final card Rick and Kenny can play to buy a few more years if things don't pan out. They will hold onto that card as long as possible, no need to play it now after their first marginally successful season in decades.

    ' "Deep Thoughts" by White Sox "John Paxton" Kenny Williams, regarding "Big Frank":

    "He's an idiot. He's selfish. That's why we don't miss him"

    "We don't miss him, by the way, if you go out there and ask any one of my players or staff members, we don't miss him. We don't miss his attitude. We don't miss the whining. We don't miss it. Good riddance."

    "If he was any kind of a man, he would quit talking about things in the paper and return a phone call or come knock on someone's door. If I had the kind of problems evidently he had with me, I would go knock on his door."


  13. 21 hours ago, caulfield12 said:

    Are the Marlins willing to pay $12.5 million for a veteran in his final contract year for a full season?  Without fans?

    When have the Marlins ever had any fans? Despite that fact, they still won two World Series as an expansion franchise, and may have a third before year end. 

    Perhaps the White Sox will advance in the playoffs more than once in the next forty seasons. We can only hope.

    • Like 1
  14. 59 minutes ago, Dominikk85 said:

    Stone is an old man yelling at clouds.

    Yeah, had to laugh when he was praising Sox ownership in late August, literally calling out the outlay of paying Jarrod Dyson over $200,000 to finish the season here as a major commitment on the Score.

    Was sad seeing him grovel without a contract last off-season when he went in attack mode over the "Jerry Reinsdorf carrot" revelation. Sad sycophant, then again, you can say that about many in Jerry's orbit. Can see why Ozzie loves Fidel Castro so much. Fidel developed the current core White Sox lineup, and played a major role in 2005. Far more  than anyone Jerry has on his payroll. 

    Steve Stone, Ozzie Guillen, Rick Hahn, Kenny Williams and his snitch Don Cooper. "Mayonnaise", though lacking youth or the possibility of redemption.


    • Haha 1
  15. On 10/2/2020 at 5:01 PM, Harry Chappas said:

    Think they gotta start another rebuild.

    Calling game yesterday hurt cub more than Marlins as Marlins bullpen was fresh.

    While I am mad the Sox lost at least their arrow is pointing in the right direction.

    Schwarber, Baez, Rizzo and Bryant - 1 hit amongst them

    Theo will either step down tomorrow, or announce a transition plan to likely Jed Hoyer through next season.

    I agree with his philosophy that he and Bill Walsh regarding the need for change every 10 years. Sad that isn't the case on 35th and Shield.

  16. 1 hour ago, southsider2k5 said:

    Invest in a spell check if you are going to call people names. Really if you keep it up, you aren't going to be on this page for long anyway.

    Spellcheck won't save someone who does not know the difference between you're and your, principle or principal, their they're or there, etc..

  17. 3 hours ago, Dan of Steel said:

    Rick Hahn didn't inherit jack. 

    That 2012 team was essentially the remains of the old guard. It was an aging lineup, where the most producing OPS guys were all on the wrong side of 30. 

    Konerko, Rios, AJ and Youkilis were all pretty much fell off after that season, and there was next to no talent to replace it. 

    Hahn inherited one of the worst farms in the system and was urged by Jerry and KW to essentially build the team from the ground up and keep competing. Took them 3 goddamn years to finally commit to rebuilding. 


    Hahn, along with White Sox GM Ken Williams and chairman Jerry Reinsdorf collaborated on all important baseball decisions in Chicago.

    - 2010

    The ten years leading up to the 2012 promotion, with "jack" in place for the next decade, was largely based on Hahn's input. Other teams raped the Sox dumping their washed up veterans that did nothing here once Hahn was promoted. See Tatis and Oakland "didn't do their homework" A's winning pitchers and #3 hitter. Theo pwned Hahn's ass in the two drafts he picked directly after, selecting Schwarber and Happ over Fulmer (Gone) and Rodon (Gone).

    The two areas Hahn has shown some level of success are no longer available, unless Jerry is still running things and keeping him for the next rebuild (tanking trades). Abreu and Robert came from international free agent signings, now capped after Jerry and his fellow "broke" owners had enough of bidding on these players and implemented the cap.

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