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South Side Hit Men

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Everything posted by South Side Hit Men

  1. He might be able to pitch, but there is no evidence any other MLB team wants him or Bauer at this point. Looked at MLB scores and followed Yoan's at bat on Gameday. Now up to .669 OPS. I believe he will finish over .700 if he's healthy to close the season. Tim Anderson 2-4 today.
  2. The one way this time is potentially different is Jerry has had inbred sycophants in place for over 3 decades. He is 87 and may not want or soon may not be able to interfere in the day to day as he had in the past. If he brings in someone he knows and trusts, like a Kim Ng or someone else we might not be aware of, they will have a better chance at bringing in meaningful operational change that an internal candidate who sat there nodding to KW and RH like Getz cannot. If Getz is the guy, then I am not going to waste any time following the day to day until Jerry is dead or a vegetable no longer running the team, because there won't be any significant operational change. If they bring in an external candidate not named Tony La Russa (or one of his cronies like Dave Stewart), then there is credible chance of a change in they way the White Sox conduct their business, I don't believe everything can or will change, but enough substantial changes that don't upset Jerry, primarily having competent people draft, develop and analysts, would go a long way. It won't guarantee instant or perhaps even near term success (see Bulls), but at least fans will have legitimate hope the Sox could perform a legitimate rebuild and in 3-4 years see what they thought/hoped they would see to start this decade.
  3. Yes, Block 78 is no longer available. The only feasible spot it might work downtown is the old post office sitting empty forever and adjacent land on the west to the Kennedy. Beyond lack of core Sox fans near AH being an issue, adequately staffing the thousand plus mostly minimum wage jobs in that area would be difficult. The public transportation options and location with the current stadium is very important for accessibility of stadium game day staff (ushers, ticket takers, vendors, food prep, custodians, etc). There are very limited public transportation options in AH. Could struggle through 10 games a year, but 81 would be a stretch. They have trouble filling positions as it is with low crowds.
  4. Not for someone experienced, since this has a strong possibility of being a short term opportunity based on Jerry’s age, one of the oldest owners in sports (with Virginia). Still would be attractive to someone at the assistant GM level who had reasonable assurances they could make most baseball decisions without interference. If they had to go through Jerry like the previous group for seemingly any trade / free agent decision of consequence, then it’s not an attractive position, and they are only going to get guys like Dayton Moore types or internal guys without other options. Joe Espada saw the mess here, had the patience to turn down the managerial job and wait for a better situation. Similarly positioned GM candidates (widely known and coveted) would also likely not be interested if they didn’t feel they had the authority to run the organization in an optimal way (be stuck with Pedro and other coaches or FO staff, not have autonomy to revamp analytics, scouting, development, coaching staffs or sign free agents independently within a reasonable budget, etc.).
  5. $50 bills are bad luck, but I’d bet more with people I knew, could collect or pay directly. Determined via real evidence, not unsubstantiated statements either in a cop or Sox message board (by me or others) or BS CYA follow up statement(s) without court worthy evidence issued by the White Sox or CPD/City. Without a visible altercation / fight, which one witness stated but no further evidence has yet emerged, the likely explanation at this point is an unintentional discharge of a concealed weapon brought in by the person in their group or immediately adjacent, based on the limited video and witness statements. Puts the Sox in a bad spot as it exposes a breech in their security / metal detectors, and also opens up potential lawsuits by the victims if it came from another group within the stadium. On the flip side, if Sox/CPD quickly determined the persons shot were due to an unintentional discharge, it did make it reasonable to continue the game and conclude fans were safe. They responsibly blocked off the few sections to allow police work, and cancelled the concert to allow police to conclude their work without interruption, in a lit ballpark (lights would have gone out for the concert / fireworks),
  6. What station? As is this one. Far more plausible explanation than magic bullet(s) from 8 + blocks away striking two people, let alone at least one witness on record hearing shots in the park. Pristine Magic
  7. Pedro better watch out or Tony is going to fire him too. Unwritten Rules Uber Alles
  8. Update on Second City Cop: This from the Second City comment section. Consistent with reports yesterday that those involved were released from (or escorted out of) the stadium, as the perp and the woman she was with were transported to area hospitals. Far more likely than the magic bullet theory 2.0 from a mile away, especially if casings were found.
  9. I’m done following games until the FO is announced, but hope Yoan passes .700 OPS and Benintendi before the end of the season. Builds momentum for 2024. Sad if they get even more Royals trash with a Getz and Moore pairing, after Pedro and Benintendi this year. More Royals = More Trash
  10. Setting aside the Boob tweets and BS z rains article, it was one of the best Sox weeks ever, at least until Friday. We are five days closer to Jerry being gone, perhaps all of this will hasten it.
  11. The maintenance budget, paid for by the ISFA, not Jerry, is far greater than his rent payments. There is absolutely zero reason or need to build a new stadium in terms of need.
  12. Total 2023 YTD Homicides + Wounded 173 Austin 34 + 139 162 Englewood 41 + 121 146 Garfield Park 39 + 107 121 North Lawndale 20 + 101 110 South Shore 17 + 93 91 New City 12 + 79 82 Grand Crossing 22 + 60 79 Near West Side 12 + 67 73 Auburn Gresham 13 + 60 72 Roseland 15 + 57 67 Chatham 22 + 45 52 Humboldt Park 13 + 39 51 Little Village 11 + 40 690 All Others 134 + 556
  13. I suggest a helicopter or car with manual transmission if you're going to live there. CPD 12th District Boundaries: NS Division to Cermak/River & EW Western / Kedzie to the Kennedy/River. https://home.chicagopolice.org/wp-content/uploads/18_PDFsam_CompStat-Public-2023-Week-34.pdf Motor Vehicle Theft: Aug 14-20: 65; Year To Date 1,439 (147% YOY increase, 367% from 2019 YTD).
  14. Actually, the "Ghetto" WGCI promoters of Chicagoan Lil Durk's concert ended the concert early for precaution and concern for the 10K plus in the UC. There were only (false) reports of shots fired, no victims transported to area hospitals or pools of blood. Compare and contrast this response to the White Sox limited to protecting White Sox/Athletics employees and families (no reports of Jerry being or not being there), and then securing the actual crime scene once police arrived. Both stadiums were about half full at the time, if anything the UC was closer to capacity based on footage from the aftermath plus floor seating above sport even capacity. https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/breaking/ct-lil-durk-united-center-false-shooting-report-20230813-m6fnboj4w5ek5frld54tijllqm-story.html
  15. We’ve had it since 2018. Over 100 cities have this including likely a few in Texas. “Activists” wanted to be the program, and the mayor publicly ran on ending the program, but the contract was renewed last October.
  16. From Second City Cop: http://secondcitycop.blogspot.com/?m=1 Hopefully uncensored and accurate details will emerge over the next few days.
  17. CWBChicago has an update. https://cwbchicago.com/2023/08/bullet-that-struck-2-fans-during-white-sox-game-may-have-been-fired-a-mile-away.html Let’s just say everything is preliminary to say the least. My first suspicion is CPD / City wanted to find any evidence beyond the ballpark, and the ShotSpotter ping was the closest they could offer at this time. I’ll try to find a bigger screen to view the video, but I did not see a flash nor note any altercations around the video tweet from Jay Cohen..
  18. Consider the source. Both the team and city cancelled any updates to have consistent alibis / excuses, and make this go away with minimal information released as possible. I can see the Sox and the City / CPD both saying they cannot comment further as this is an ongoing investigation and that being the end of it. Also, there is a zero point zero percentage chance the shooting was from outside the ballpark, worse than the magic bullet "theory" . The ABC report stated they escorted the persons involved outside of the ballpark. If this is accurate, why weren't they detained so that they could be arrested and processed at 009 / Deering? Relevant section 52 seconds - 1:25:
  19. Pushed by petty power trip assholes like John McDonough responsible for toxic work environments wherever he landed. Sounds a lot like Brooks Boyer's schtick with the White Sox. John pushed low level staffers to wearing suits on Zoom calls or risk their jobs. Also pushed not reporting Brad Aldrich to the police, or reporting the incident to HR as was / is corporate policy, after Brad raped a young prospect. John covered it up through the playoffs, allowing Brad Aldrich to work and travel and potentially rape additional employees with the team, so as "not to disturb team chemistry." https://theathletic.com/1779537/2020/04/27/john-mcdonough-leaves-behind-complicated-blackhawks-legacy/ https://defector.com/the-blackhawks-were-rotten-all-the-way-through
  20. Jerry is safe sleeping in Highland Park. Minimizing / quelling any coverage to minimize impact on future revenue is the priority and primary concern of SVP Chief Revenue & Marketing Officer Brooks Boyer, SVP Stadium Operations Terry "Technical Difficulties" Savarise SVP Communications Scott Reifert Management in Park Operations / Security.
  21. Jerry's counterpart on Sesame Street: Things improving for the White Sox while Jerry/Oscar is here represented by a Big Bird's imaginary character, Mr. Snuffleupagus.
  22. There were false reports of shooting at Jerry's United Center a few weeks ago, but some attendees took the time to loot the merchandise. Few security working at the Cell these days, Jerry be broke, I'll post video of the shooting or aftermath if I come across tonight/tomorrow.
  23. They are already past it, about 1.6M, as paid attendance regardless of whether anyone actually goes. Next year might be a different story with Tony Getz and Moore in charge. Corporate & NFP (WTTW, WBEZ, Sun Times) media is worthless, they intentionally downplay crime, advocate for lenient to no accountability over the past few decades. Same with sports coverage or just about everything else. CWB Chicago is solid for actual crime reporting, 16th & 17th Police Scanner (named for police districts, I live in 016) is legit as well, though hope Twitter at some point reorders posts for people not logged in sequentially or that nitter (a shell to view twitter posts) returns to functionality. Brooks should have been fired before or at the same time as Hahn and Kenny.
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