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  1. What's the worst 30 game stretch of all time? We're pretty much a lock for 1-29, so that outta at least tie the record.
  2. Welp, number 20 is pretty much signed, sealed and delivered in the first thanks to garbage defense at 2nd
  3. July 25 and we have 3 total wins this month. Don't stop now boyeeeez!
  4. Man, Bernstein and Holmes were just absolutely destroying Kopech today on their show over his postgame comments about being reticent to throw anything other than fastballs.
  5. So what, is he supposed to call the game completely depressed and upset about how terrible we are? It's like most on this board want him to call the game as if he was a disheartened soxtalk poster. Have you ever in your life heard someone call a game/team like that? Of course not. Sure some of his stuff is a little silly, but the expectation that he deliver the game with the doom and gloom mentality that some of you wish is ridiculous to consider.
  6. Another routine extra inning loss. You really have to try extremely hard to be this bad at it. Law of averages says you outta win one every once in a while
  7. But of course Kopech actually pitched well and only through 10 pitches so yank his a$$ Pedro!
  8. No kidding! Takes strike one and then check swings on two sliders way out of the zone
  9. Julks hasn't played much lately. Is he injured?
  10. If the ump had rung up that clear strike three, the spike would never have happened and we'd all be talking about how Kopech has looked a little better recently
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