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  1. I just can’t root for this team as I have for over 40 years with Pedro as manager. I am not sure if I have ever seen a manager less inspiring and just plain tone deaf. The correct response, ‘we want Oscar to contribute to the team in 2024 and we feel this move gives him the best chance to do that by continuing to build on his foundation.’ The scapegoating has to stop. Does anybody really wonder why this team lacks any sense of motivation or urgency?
  2. Haven’t we been down this road? You feel confident that anything will change? Sorry, I just want this season to end so I can attempt to find some solace for a new season in 2024. This year has just been a nightmare and the most difficult in over 40 years rooting for this team. I am finding it hard to wrap my head around Pedro being back and obviously revered. Need the break from caring.
  3. Honestly, Getz would earn a lot of respect from me if he tells Pedro to clean out his locker. Why do I not see that happening? Just a death march to bad and losing baseball.
  4. Just a tone deaf response by JR.. Been a Sox fan for a long time. Been through a lot of losing seasons. Why does this year seem to be the worst? Why do I care as much as I do? I certainly seem to care more than I did years ago. The Sox used to lose and I would shrug and say, hey, we suck but it’s baseball and it’s fun. This year is just an embarrassment on some many levels.
  5. These comments just encapsulate what is wrong with Pedro as a manager. So many issues here. For one, haven’t we heard this all year? Again, whatever you are doing is not working. Ultimately, though, I detest the scapegoating. I have watched this team slog through a season and when I read comments like these for the hundredth time, throwing a 24-year old rookie under the bus in the process, I wouldn’t want to play for you either, Pedro.
  6. The more I think of this report, the angrier I get, honestly. Like Sox fans haven’t suffered enough this year. The old feelings from the late ‘80s have returned when I truly felt the Sox wanted to move to FL and only a sweetheart deal kept them in Chicago. Just really starting to question my loyalty to a team that I have supported, gone to games even in lean years, bought jerseys, hats, etc, and even raised my kids as diehard Sox fans. The year that keeps giving just keeps giving.
  7. Tampa-St. Pete was a lot more than a bargaining ploy. Now, granted, this today is probably a negotiating salvo. I honestly don’t know how I feel about it, though. Been a fan for 50 years and tired of being used this way. Almost willing to call JR’s bluff even if it isn’t one.
  8. And the Sox aren’t toxic now? Not saying one way or another on Ozzie but it does make one wonder from where the toxicity came and continues to come.
  9. While this is a good point and I won’t disagree, there is more in play than just a bad Sox bullpen. A manager just can’t let his pitcher stand out there, gassed, and hanging breaking stuff the third time through the order. I had no problem with Scholtens going out for the 7th but he needed to be pulled after giving up a runner. Scholtens had every right to feel good about his performance. It’s called team morale and as we all know this team has taken more than a few hits this year and in the past week specifically. A manager can also help build confidence by doing the little things to help win ballgames. If the fans feel the frustration, what do you think the dugout feels? Lastly, it wasn’t just the bullpen usage. Pedro also seems to love pinch runners which has caused some glaring mismatches - last night, Colas against an elite lefty specialist and Trace against Williams. Too often, Pedro just does put this team in a position to win. Sure, maybe he doesn’t have the bullpen and bench to get those desired results but a manager never will if he doesn’t do more than just sit there and hope.
  10. Game has been a clinic on good and bad managing.
  11. What a good manager does. Was hoping Eloy would see the lefty.
  12. Considering Hahn is a lawyer by trade, he may be throwing you off with ‘position’ player. Pitcher is a position. So, technically, they both could be telling the truth.
  13. Said during the 10-game losing streak that Grifol needed to be fired, that things are only going to get worse. I was hoping to be proven wrong and take no glee in seeing things are as bad as they are. A losing culture is simply infectious and to stop the spread requires strong leadership. Leadership just does not exist on the Sox. I knew they wouldn’t fire Grifol because that would be admitting to a mistake and, um, require true leadership skills. This is what happens when you continually devalue and undermine the manager position. No one in management should survive this year but we will see. I have my doubts.
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