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AJ'S Cousin

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Everything posted by AJ'S Cousin

  1. As I said that runner on third with nobody out will haunt us, but don’t worry we got Elvis and Grandal.
  2. I Don’t even know what team to adopt now to root for. Maybe the Cardinals because it would Cubs ass if they won it.
  3. And I’m getting sick of Stone backing every move they make, according to him. Elvis was a great move, looks like I’d rather of had Garcia tonight
  4. He looks like Cy Young. We’re going to miss that run when we had a man on 3rd no nobody out.
  5. Lance looks like last years Lance. Cueto tomorrow Cease Sunday things are looking up, SO FAR.
  6. It’s too bad we are going to have 18 million tied up in Grandals contract, no takers no trade possibilities unless we pay at least half or maybe 3/4 of next years contract could of used it to upgrade 2nd base or right field or a starter.
  7. We’ll that’s about what Giolitto does lately I think the major mistake was not making the offer to Rodon. He probably would of opted for free agency anyway because of who his agent is, we would of got and extra draft pick or Rodon might of said, I think they’ll win it and I want to be part of it. But that was not going to happen because of his agent. We lost him and got nothing.
  8. What do you mean, didn’t he get called out. Taking that pitch didn’t raise the pitch count, right? If he swings maybe he fouls it off or worse case scenario someone has to make a play.
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