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Posts posted by coldwatersox

  1. Robert appears disinterested and often lethargic. He likely sees himself as being entrapped on a terrible roster. He had expectations of being on a championship team rather than playing on a hopeless dumpster fire. Of course, he misses the companionship and mentoring of Abreu, and interaction daily with Eloy, Moncada, and Grandal. But, it's difficult to feel sorry for a millionnaire. 

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  2. Unless the plan is to build towards contention no sooner than 2029 why trade Crochet? or, Fedde? Every contending team is built on a stable of strong starting pitching. Crochet and Fedde are top of the rotation pitchers. Add Thorpe and Cannon and another arm to the mix and the Sox can be contenders. As to the remainder of the roster, cut Benintendi now and primarily use Fulks, Roberts, and Phamm in the outfield with Sheets, Colas, and Fletcher as depth. Stay with DeJong and Lopez up the middle, the former for both his bat and glove and the latter for his defense. Vaughn remains at first base alternating on off days with Sheets. Remain with Eloy at DH and pray for an uninterrupted season of play. Same for Moncada at third with help from Mendick and Sosa. DFA Maldonado at once and use Lee daily. Altrenatively, foolishly trade Crochet, Fedde, and Roberts and receive a collection of future stars and prospects few if any of whom will attain their perceived potential. By the way, team control of Crochet remains for two plus years and if Jerry dies before that date new ownership will pay market value for a proven Crochet. 

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  3. Giolito was absolutely rocked by Cincinnati last night. He has nothing in the tank. Basically, he has morphed into nothingmore than a pitcher (thrower) serving up beach balls to the hitters in a home run derby contest. It is remarkable how far he has fallen this season. He may only get a spring training invite next year without any guarantees. He can forget any possibility of a lucrative long term free agency contract. Who is the "real" Lucas Giolito? Maybe Donaldson was correct about the sticky stuff. His fastball velocity has dropped to the 91 range which eliminates the past effectiveness of his changeup. 

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  4. i am not giving up on the White Sox. But I have expanded my scope to include a seasonal subscription to MLB Extra Innings. Following only the up and down White Sox would swirl me into a deep depression. I am finding the Reds, Orioles, Pirates, and Tigers to be more enjoyable to watch as a supplement to the unpredictable White Sox. Of course, I do wish for the White Sox to be successful.

  5. The catcher was blocking the back half of the plate. Unless he is holding the ball, the catcher is prohibited from blocking any portion of the plate. Viewing the route Elvis was taking towards the plate, and as he confirmed in his post game remarks, his intent as customary for him was to slide towards the back of the plate and extend his left arm. The positioning of the catcher impeded the toute to the plate forcing Elvis to redirect his body and slide to the front of the plate. 

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  6. Thank you, Zach R for restoring my faith in the goodness of baseball played the correct way. Take a walk, lay down a perfect  bunt, catch a difficult foul ball over your shoulder, drill ahit through the left side to even the score, smash a ball to right field to tally the winning run with two outs in extra innings, and field flawlessly a blistering ground ball to second base for the final out. Humility is a virtue,

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  7. It would be interesting to have a person knowledgeable about pitching mechanics to explain to those of us who lack such knowledge what the heck is wrong with Crochet's arm. His velocity has dropped from near consistent triple digits to a pedestrian low 90s fastball. He no longer pitches at the level of MLB standards.  

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  8. The Detroit Tigers was my favorite team until they dumped their best players around 2015 except for Victor Martinez and Miggy.  Purging the roster was an insult to the fan base. After the death of Mike Ilitch his son, Chris, controls the purse strings and he is tight fisted.  Payroll dove from top 3 in MLB and attendance sunk from near 3 million annually to average of 1.4 million. The Tigers have morphed into a small market team. Searching for another team to follow I discovered the White Sox in 2018. The team was fun and entertaining to watch in 2019 and 2020. Sinnce midyear 2021 the White Sox have been as enjoyable as a daily root canal. Ownership will not change until Reinsdorf dies because only then will the tax basis of the value of the asset (franchise) step up to its then fair market value. To sell before Reinsdorf dies would result in a significant tax liability for his survivors. It seems that the White Sox have a mediocre roster which has been poorly constructed. The expectations for greatness are unrealistic. MLB is full of stories of underachievement similar to the actual on the field performance shown by Eloy, Yoan, and Luis, all three of whom have been grossly overpaid up front based upon expectation only rather than proven performance. Eloy and Luis are similar to Avi Garcia and Jorge Soler. Moncada has shpwn that he is above average fielding but mediocre at the plate. There is much more that could be written about other players and the front office, but the bottom line is that the White Sox today and likely tomorrow is a team mired in mediocrity. 

  9. I am fatigued reading about Moncada. He was grossly overpaid up front and due to the effects of human nature he lacks motivation and desire --- at least that is my interpretation of his rather casual performance on the field. As most of us posting here, I do not know Moncada on a personal level and my reading of his personality might be unfair and inaccurate. But, what I see on the ball field is a rather mediocre player who has had only a single season (2019) of impressive statistics. My preference would be to package him in a trade with possibly Vaughn or Roberts in return for multiple AAA level pitching prospects. Burger goes to third base on a daily basis, Sheets plays first if Vaugn is traded, and Colas plays centerfield if Roberts is traded. 

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  10. After Eloy returns it is a certainty that Burger will be inserted into the regular lineup at 2nd base.  A player who has experience at third base can adjust quickly to adequately playing second base. Assuming Eloy resumes hitting, Sheets continues to furnish a power left hand bat, and Burger maintains his run producing output, the experiment with Jake at second base is necessary and unavoidable. 

    • Haha 3
  11. My recall is that Cease was calling or selecting his pitches in the opening game against the Astros. He was using the inside cap device which became necessary to attach to his belt during the course of the game.  He was making his pitch selections without any delay or hesitation. He seems to have abandoned that arrangement since opening day and his performance has declined steadily. Am I incorrect as to my recall of how Cease was self-selecting his pitches on opening day against the Astros? If I am correct, why has that method been abandoned in favor of having the catcher determine the pitch selection? 

  12. Leave Sosa at second and pencil in Burger in the everyday lineup at third base. Continue with the outfield as is. Vaughn plays at first base with some alternating days to give some starts to Sheets who also gets a large share of DHs. Arrange a package trade of Moncada, Eloy, and TA for an attractive group of bullpen arms. Bring up Montgomery to play shortstop and Elvis is the all around utility infielder. Release or trade most of the bullpen except for Lopez and Graveman. Repeat the same batting order daily. 

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  13. Jason and Steve are treasures. Yes, Sox Math is nonsensical and the annoying Nationwide jingle should go away, but the analysis of the game by this pair is unequaled. Please do away with both Kasper and Beckham, the latter of whom makes Dizzy Dean seem like a master of grammatical structure.  And, let's have more of Big Hurt in the post game shows. 

  14. There have been news reports addressing the presence of scam artists operating outside and off White Sox property approaching cars having exited from the Dan Ryan on the way to stadium parking lots. The scammers are wearing yellow vests which add an appearance of authenticity to their activities, the purpose of which is to collect cash "tolls" ($40) in window exchanges of money paid for a bogus parking pass or permit. To be on the receiving end of this experience is both frightful and intimidating. You Tube videos can be accessed which capture this illegal activity, often occurring in plain sight of passive uniformed police officers.

    Why is this hoodlum activity allowed to take place in the sunlight of  an afternoon game at Guaranteed Rate? The White Sox avoid taking responsibility for fear of liability, claiming the activity is occurring outside the boundaries of White Sox property and therefore beyond its control and jurisdiction. But, obviously, the White Sox have a financial interest in eliminating this problem by arranging for safe and unimpeded travel of their fans to and from the exit/entry service lanes adjacent to the Dan Ryan used for access to and from the stadium. 

    Have you, your friends, or family members experienced this problem situation? Suggested solutions?

  15. This season has been for me an exercise in exhaustion and frustration. Many common cliches and platitudes can be applied accurately to this team's roster. This is a pennant winning team on paper only but, of course, games are not won or lost on paper but on the playing field. Most of the players who have underperformed have been operating on cruise control since the All Star break of 2021. The mantra has been "stay rested, don't over do it, be ready for the post season, with each and every player being in tip top shape." for a long run in the post season. That is not, however, the way of life. I have no personal knowledge or insight as to how the players interact either in the clubhouse or away from the ball parks. Are there snobby, exclusive cliques? Do the players enjoy meals together, as a group? Do players isolate in a hotel room, alone, or gather together to talk baseball or play cards while on a road trip? Do they have breakfast together on the road? Make excursions to community attractions in the late mornings awaiting travel to the stadium for a night game? 

    The roster needs a significant redo. Keep Vaughn and play him in left field, every game throughout 2023. Retain Sheets and have him play right field every game next season. Also, expect (demand) that both spend every day of the offseason learning the fine points and skills of playing the outfield. Give Robert another year in centerfield but expect and demand that he display more hustle and more energy, less casualness and ho=hum mannerisms in the outfield. Also, he needs to devote himself to improving his play going back and against the fence or wall. Cut Moncada andn Grandal, or make trades for promising singleA players with potential. Eat the salaries and recognize the signings of Moncada and Grandal were huge mistakes. Play Burger at third base and demand that he spend the offseason taking 500 ground balls daily at third base on a playing field somewhere with a paid veteran infield mentor drilling with him. Trade Anderson and sign Andrus to play shorstop until Montgomery is ready for the majors in 2024. Place Mendick or Gonzalez in second base. Resign Abreu and let him play regularly at first base. Eloy remains to be only a dedicated designated hitter and he needs to study the biographies of Edgar Martinez and David Ortiz to understand the potential greatness that could be his as a full time designated hitter.  Cut ties with Pollock and eat the salary wasted on him. Cut Engel. Give Haisley a full year on the roster as the fill in outfielder with his left hand bat. Zavala stays and sign a back up catcher. 

    Keep Cease, Lynn, and Cueto. Give Giolito five starts next spring to demonstrate that he regained his veolcity or DFA him out of spring training. Cut Kopech or trade for the backup catcher behind Zavala. Move Lopez to the starting rotation. Add Martin as the fifth starter in the rotation. Leave the bullpen as is and pray for improvement from the entire group. Of course, the manager and coaching staff must be replaced. 




  16. From my vantage point, there has been too much laxity and forgiveness of poor playing performance. Accountability and expectations begin with the manager and require follow through by the support of both the front office and the entire coaching staff. The underperforming and underachieving players on the White Sox are coddled as if they are emotionally fragile and necessitate the treatment given to a tempermental nine year old playing his first year of organized baseball.  Moncada, Robert, and Eloy rose too quickly to the majors without marinating in minor league baseball where they would have been instructed "how to play the game properly" creating the time and opportunity for correcting their flaws and improving their skill sets. Moncada and Robert, particularly, are playing on natural skills only, lacking execution of the finer points of the game. There are too many young millionnaires on the roster who did not earn their lofty financial status; success should be earned through actual performance rather than based upon forecasts of future performance. Perception follows reality. The reality is that Robert, Moncada, and possibly Eloy will have careers no more distinguished than Joreg Soler and Avi Garcia. 

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  17. Let's assume that the season ends without the White Sox winning the American League pennant and playing in the World Series. Miracles can occur but let's be realistic with our expectations regarding this 2022 team and its disappointing performance to date.

    What major mistakes were made that brought the team to this point? 

    First in a long list should be the long term contracts bestowed upon unproven players who had not demonstrated the performance (time in service in MLB games played) necessary to justify the generosity of the sums promised based upon uncertain future performance. The notable recipients of this high level of unproven charitable giving are Yoan, Eloy, and Luis. None among that trio has posted a minimum number of games played with results matching the expectations that accompanied the contract given to each player. 

    Unless the player has the very rare competitive instincts of Michael Jordan, Cal Ripken, or Tom Brady, a person needs to earn his way to the reward of a large dollar contract. A hunger must fill the belly of an athlete to fuel him to go out on the field or court daily and play at the highest level of competition. Every pitch, every at bat, every run to first base must matter as if it is the most important pitch, at bat, or run to first base which will occur during that person's entire career. Apathy and loafing are never acceptable to the champion athletes. 

    Giving large lengthy contracts to Yoan, Eloy, and Luis before they had proven their potential appears now to have been a mistake. Each has the financial security that reduces the heat of the flame that fuels an athlete's need to prove his worthiness to receive the award of a large long term contract. 

    Maybe 2023 will be the season to replace Yoan, Eloy, and Luis with rookies who are given the opportunity to prove their worth in everyday performance. Colas, Cespedes, Montgomery, Sosa, and others are ready to have their chance to earn the opportunity to receive a future payday and a long term contract. Retain Sheets, Vaughn, Burger, Kopech, Cease, and Crochet, and give the fans an exciting and fun team to watch in 2023. And, of course, replace the manager and entire coaching staff. 

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