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Chick Mercedes

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Everything posted by Chick Mercedes

  1. On this team this year, Burger DH and Yoan playing third makes a lot of sense. Going into the future, Moncada makes too much money to play third base just as a glove. A team can put a cheap glove at third all day long. Jake on a rookie deal at third base makes a lot of sense if he is for real.
  2. He has a way of leaning on a pitch even if a little extended. Popeye has forearm strength
  3. TLR has a semi-consistent lineup now. If 2 days in a row counts as consistent.
  4. Bumslayer mode. But this is like 2 bums swinging on each other behind 7-11
  5. Somebody find that fan. He needs a radio interview.
  6. Well. There is no shame in this circumstance. And good meds out there too for us!
  7. Tony likely was getting told the correct information in the dugout, but his old ass got it backwards.
  8. Well, one player is making mega millions with a negative WAR. The other is in positive territory on a rookie deal.
  9. As mentioned in another thread, this team has to start considering how it is allocated money going forward. Burger is a cheap date, and often puts out. Moncada otoh, fancy restaurants and lots of waiting.
  10. The rookie has some tools. I don’t know how much projection he has. But the good player oftentimes shows the flashes as a rookie. Now its a matter of tightening up his D, which I haven’t heard any reason why that won’t happen. He’s not going to be Aurelio Rodriguez, but a lot of good third baseman have been pretty average with the glove, but the bat plays well.
  11. Eloy is becoming a coach killer. Err, a team killer. There are a number of people on the White Sox like that. We know who they are. The money allocated has poor return. There should be some long conversations this offseason.
  12. Well it’s a conundrum for sure. When a team is allocated a ton of financial resources into 3rd base, the offense has to be a considerable factor. Otherwise an organization can just stick a cheap glove there at third base as well.
  13. Debatable for sure. One can argue offense is more of a premium at that position. Especially on this squad.
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