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Chick Mercedes

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Everything posted by Chick Mercedes

  1. Whatever bridge Riordon has burned, Schriffen also has burned a bridge to sports radio media.
  2. Whether or not Marriotti was one’s cup of tea with his antics and personality, I support his combat posture that he took. Given the ownership and franchises he was paid to write about, he had no other choice if he was on the side of angels. General disdain is what was called for, and still is
  3. Yeah I do. A skeptic. Why would the press ever be skeptical while observing Chicago teams and ownership I wonder
  4. The Packers are known for quarterbacks, the Sox may actually be known for first basemen. Maybe we should lean into this ?
  5. It’s not insignificant insomuch as it indicates a disturbing MO if drawn out. Kind of typical Sox historically
  6. towards his next bruise, cut, gash, tear, pull, slash, gouge, illness, impairment, disability, incapacity, disablement, affliction.
  7. It doesn’t matter who is “openly hostile”. Sometimes you earn hostility towards yourself. Right is right. This outsider had no right to come in here and tell Sox fans how to fan.
  8. It’s from White Sox Beat (Merkin). I tried to post it all but for some reason it was stretching the page. But as far as I can tell, there’s no context which changes the meaning of that quote
  9. If I knew how to delete one of these I would. Sorry
  10. ““Every sportscaster was piling the jokes on, ‘The Twins were sucking it up, and now, thankfully, the White Sox come to town, and they are going to get us right. I can’t wait. Wish we can play the White Sox all the time,’” Schriffen said. “The jokes like that, all the people who think they have jokes on us now, it’s like, ‘OK, haters, we see you, but we’ve got something coming for you.’”
  11. Certainly not plan A. I don’t know the family structure of Blackhawks ownership, but Bill Wirtz died and Rocky took over. The rest is history. Probably a one off to what usually happens, which is inherited mediocrity. But we seem to be locked into this situation. I stepped away from following the team after the Tatis deal, and had a wonderful time away. Then, they began an attractive youth movement, which was obviously a failed direction, but it brought me back. And now this s%*# show is how I am rewarded for taking the leap of faith. I’m sure I can’t go on like this.
  12. Second place eh. Must be nice. I don’t know. One cannot explain Jerry unless you’re taking into account that Jerry probably appreciates safe steady money instead of chasing a more uncertain, increased overhead approach. We’re not going to be signing Ohtani type pkayers anytime soon. HAHAHA Ha Ha. Ha. Ah. a
  13. I anticipate reality to feel like a release from bondage.
  14. Continuing as an annual apologist and consumer won't ever help the team get better. You wouldn't raise your children this way.
  15. Tanking is fine if you know how to do it. There is no direction likely to work under an incompetent FO
  16. I say again, Jerry isn't stupid. He is a liar
  17. Well said. And Im not sure Getz is supposed to be accomplishing something better than status quo. But if he actually undershot the status quo historically as a miscalculation, bring it on. The star of the franchise is actually a milkshake.
  18. I don’t have an answer for that, but status quo seems insane. We’re looking at the richest contract in franchise history in left field as illustrative of massive dysfunction of a moribund franchise. Just let it burn. Nothing’s going to happen positively either way. At least more people will point at Jerry Reinsdorf as a clown. At least people will look at his stadium proposal as a joke. At least he can’t relax in his suite if the team is a laughing stock that North America has never seen before. If Jerry is uncomfortable, that is worth something to me, because I’m pretty god damn uncomfortable.
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