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Chick Mercedes

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Everything posted by Chick Mercedes

  1. Debatable for sure. One can argue offense is more of a premium at that position. Especially on this squad.
  2. I’d still give him a fair shot to get better, and let a rookie be a rookie. Guys can and do improve. But they need the reps and a job.
  3. At least Tony filled out a good lineup card today I see…. He is spotting dimes and eating onions!
  4. As such, he’s been playing out of position. To have a slap hitter (that doesn’t even hit) at one of the infield corners is shooting the lineup in the foot. So what do you do? What do, you do?
  5. Tony might be baseball senile, but he still respects the game and his people more than to do that. He’s just baseball senile, and has good feels about Leury. When his office phone rings, he might pick his glove and hold it up to his ear too however.
  6. Hahn is basically Ryan Pace at this point. Desperately clinging to his body of work.
  7. The absurdity of someone claiming that the GM of any team would have been forced by the deep state to sign Leury Garcia……
  8. That’s the basic description of a number of regulars on this team. Seriously, it can’t be worse than this.
  9. Rick Hahn can take solace carrying around his security blanket (the division) all he wants. His attitude really sucks right now. He should be ripping things off the hallway walls and inappropriately cursing out office staff instead of talking to the media like he is on lithium.
  10. The hell is up with LaRussa. If not for his reputation, he’s absolute cannon fodder for an angry media mob. For every game where he gets it right, there are like 5 head scratching lineups. And random, seemingly.
  11. I would say it like this. Kopech makes it look easy. But I don’t believe scouts would say he has an effortless delivery.
  12. Best of luck. It wasn’t happening here, definition of insanity and all. But the Sox kept at it long enough they are probably half-crazy
  13. Months ago I was a play Burger at third, and Moncada at second originalist. This drew much opposition, but I am still riding that horse. More similar thinking seems to have been growing, at least with the Burger at third part
  14. Terming Eloy in the outfield a success just because he made it without being hurt sort of misses the point that the failure was in planning to play him in the outfield
  15. TLR has all his best hitters at the top of the order today. Noted for posterity
  16. The legendary big early lead. I have heard of this…
  17. Robert is still on his feet. That’s the only real positive change from last year’s team that limped into vacation. That pitching staff was lightning in a bottle. I hope so, but we have been watching baseball teams long enough to know what we’re looking at.
  18. Although I grant you that JR had an relapse by hiring Tony. Hopefully he stops meddling with the baseball decisions
  19. Fumny thing is, JR let these guys try this new thpe build despite being up there in age. Said he did it for the fans and the long term. There were a few years of losing invested to get to this team. That will make weak -willed people question what they are doing. I’m sorry this didn’t work yet, but please don’t go back to acquiring the Todd Fraziers and Adam LaRoaches and surrounding them with cheap pluggers. As bad as this is to watch, building upside teams with prospects is way more fun than grinding with teams of the past. Hahn and Kenny Williams seem like this is not who they really are though. They tried it like a second marriage to different type of woman that is totally incompatible. They all gots ta go. And JR has to stay worried about the long term future. Stay patient. But get these guys outa here, they can’t take the final steps Under all this pressure to win quick. They will make bad decisions.
  20. Weird. Is there such a thing as having a groin cramp? Groins don’t just completely go away in a couple days
  21. The pitching isn’t the big problem. It would be just like the Sox to double down on the Kimbrel move a year after it blew up in their face.
  22. They signed Harrison, and they got Leury. They will sink or swim with them no matter how bad that is. Who knows, maybe they are looking at Yolbert. That’s going to be the extent of improving SB
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