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  1. Just said what I would prefer, not that they should trade for a specific position. I do think if they trade Robert it will be for a primary prospect who they think will play up the middle, though,
  2. I'd think he will at some point, with De la Cruz there at SS for quite awhile and maybe to take a shot with Francona there. Maybe not for Robert though.
  3. I would prefer to get a SS as the primary piece for Robert, although I like Crawford as a prospect. Caba seems like he's got a good chance to be an MLB level SS defensively, but his offensive profile doesn't seem like more than a late order hitter who can get on and steal a base, but little else. My hope is that the Reds are interested. I'd prefer Arroyo to Caba or Crawford, and I actually really like Chase Petty as a second piece.
  4. Just using the MLB site. Not commenting on what I think he is, he certainly had a bad showing last year but is talented. And I said the Sox might not want him. I probably would ask for one of their young OF prospects instead as a second to Caba. https://www.mlb.com/milb/prospects/phillies/mick-abel-690953 Even if he's a 45 that seems like quite a bit for Robert right now.
  5. In that case it's way too much for Robert. I doubt Robert is worth 55-50-45-45. Philly could probably get Robert for Caba and Abel and just trade Bohm for the A's prospects. Although not sure the Sox would want Abel.
  6. I could have, but I've been pretty deep in the bottle lately.
  7. I have never thought Vaughn had much of a ceiling but I don't think there's any reason not to give him one more year. What's the alternative? Sheets everyday? Or some journeyman?
  8. I'd also add that on all message boards I've seen, for all sports, people use game threads primarily to vent.
  9. I think the interview let Getz sound like what he is, a putz without a plan. When interviewers start getting hostile, it serves as an excuse for the interviewee to shut down or turn the blame on the interviewer. Mike North never seemed to get that. Fans should be emotional, and the interview was enough to evoke emotion without the hosts getting emotional imo.
  10. You don't see too many 18 year olds hitting no doubt oppo bombs with a wood bat.
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