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Everything posted by CentralChamps21

  1. Then we have a QB but an aging, worsening defense, still a shitty OL, and no draft picks to improve. You still have a 7-8 win team, albeit a more exciting one.
  2. No, because for batted balls, WAR takes into account the probability that a ball hit to a certain spot in the field will be a hit, rather than relying on how the play actually gets scored.
  3. Terrible decision by GB to go for 2 on their last TD.
  4. The difference between a 6.0 WAR and a 4.0 WAR is quantifiable, the difference between a 4.4 WAR and 4.0 WAR, not so much, if that helps.
  5. Rather than try and go into detail, I'll just link to Fangraphs' explanation: https://library.fangraphs.com/misc/war/ The big thing about WAR is that it takes into account averages for each position, how easy it is to hit/pitch in the various ballparks and the quality of opposition. A .900 OPS at 1B for the Sox and a .900 OPS at CF for the Cubs don't result in the same WAR (ignoring the defensive component for a moment). As for MVP voting, it's subjective, the voters may or may not pay attention to WAR, and even if they do, a slightly lower WAR that pushes a team over the top into the postseason could be considered more valuable than a higher WAR that pushes a team from 5th to 4th place.
  6. What other unemployed starters can we help get signed by another team by starting a thread about them here?
  7. I really doubt it will change anything other than moving some national content to the Peacock pay tier. NBC Sports is an entity that has three national and seven regional sports networks, as well as showing content on NBC Broadcast, non-sports cable channels, and the premium Peacock service, all of which are available on the NBC sports app. The only thing that is changing is that one of the national sports networks (the eponymous one) is going away, with its content shifting to USA and Peacock.
  8. Seems like Hector doesn't understand how negotiations work and sees an exchange of numbers and runs with it as a signing being imminent.
  9. Well, Biden only has six weeks to get anything done, because according to QAnon, he is getting deposed and Trump re-inaugurated on March 4. I wish I was kidding.
  10. Probably doesn't affect RSNs, but it sounds like part of a plan to push more content onto Peacock so they can squeeze more money out of sports fans.
  11. Why did we ever start allowing international travel after it was initially shut down?
  12. It became political because the scientifically sensible course of action in combating the virus would have a negative impact on the stock market and the President's entire view of his own self worth and his re-election chances were based on the performance of the markets.
  13. I have friends in a couple school districts in my area that could share similar stories.
  14. Hank Aaron, 86, still the legitimate home run king.
  15. The Bears can't trade this year's first round pick as part of a package for Watson or anybody else. It has to be used on an offensive lineman. Otherwise, things are never going to get better.
  16. Count me as part of the camp that thinks Madrgal + Heuer is too much to give up for Burnes. The trade is fair only if Burnes hits his ceiling and that's not how trades should work.
  17. I will agree that basic finance isn't taught at school and should be, but it should also be taught at home. From my early teens, my parents started explaining to me how our household budget works. I knew how much they made, what percentage of that got deducted for taxes, insurance, etc. I knew how much our house was worth, what the mortgage payments were, and what was budgeted monthly for food, gas, car payments, utilities, church, etc. I naively assumed most parents did this. Then I noticed one of my friends whose parents were both attorneys and lived in the nicest part of town would often complain about how he was treated by "spoiled rich kids living in million dollar homes". He literally had no clue how much his parents made or how much their house was worth (turned out to be $925K). I came to learn that very few parents tell their kids things as basic as how much they make or how much their house is worth. I may or may not end up with student loans at some point, but if I do I'll know exactly what I'm getting into.
  18. It's a matter of philosophy. A deal like Springer's increases your chances of winning within the next 1-3 years but greatly decreases your chances after that. The Cubs went this route and it worked out for them because they got their WS in 2016, but they are going to suffer for it for a few years now. Given the fluky nature of the postseason, I like the approach of trying to avoid albatross contracts in order to have a longer window. Your odds aren't as high for winning in any single year, but you keep your odds up for a longer period of time.
  19. I think the problem is that we all have different ideas about what "being successful" means. These idiots were dangerously close to being able to take out one or more of Pence, Pelosi, and other Democratic members of Congress. That by itself would not have accomplished the ultimate goal of keeping Trump in office beyond 90 minutes from now, but it certainly would have been some level of success to millions of delusional followers.
  20. These people are pu***s. They only stormed the Capitol because they thought they would get away with it. They never expected to be arrested. At 11:01 they no longer have the President covering for them and they'll crawl back into their holes.
  21. Hold on . . . Dude did this while working for the Cubs in 2016. Then from 2017-19 he works for Arizona, which (maybe or maybe not coincidentally) is where TLR was working. Then suddenly shortly after 2020 when he's hired by the Mets does this story finally poke its head out, causing him to get fired. I haz questionz.
  22. Arrested? I agree, but it takes 2/3 to expel, and I don't see Republicans having the balls to expel one of their own.
  23. You can't butcher the English language like that. "Touchability" is a binary state. You can't be it to a lesser extent.
  24. Hector promised really good news, not lukewarm news that gets mentioned on the news after the discussion about the Hawks being so bad.
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