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Everything posted by JTB

  1. Fuck him. Leave him out there to get hammered and take away his clubhouse pass when leaves after the game.
  2. My middle son (sophomore) was voted honorable mention all-conference catcher today. I think he would have caught that.
  3. https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/selectatouchtest.html I have found Harvard’s project implicit “tests” to be interesting.
  4. I’m not speaking for shoeless. The term trans in general means a person is born as one gender, but identify or express themselves as the opposite gender. Some trans people transition to the opposite gender (Katlyn Jenner, sorry if I misspelled her first name). That’s the basics. There is more depth to it. And shoeless…you are a strong person. Thanks for sharing. The world is a better place that you opted to stay around.
  5. Fuuuuuuuuuck, this is fun! Can’t wait for tomorrow!
  6. What did they do? I’ve been watching hoops.
  7. JFC…Matt Foster! Sit em down! That was impressive and fun to watch.
  8. Those numbers are meaningless without the league wide winning percentages at those benchmarks.
  9. The problem with Ozzie is if he does get it turned around then you’re probably stuck with him next year and beyond. Other than Ozzie and his kids nobody wants that.
  10. Bet her double or nothing we score at least one run! You may need odds. ?
  11. Yes. When the team is going well you try to get everyone involved so they feel a part of the success. When you’re scuffling you put your best team out there and live or die with them.
  12. Had the entire Twins dugout done a bat flip in front of the dugout I would have considered it to be justified as far as that bomb was hit!
  13. From what I can find the Sox were 54-35 at the ASB last year. They finished 93-69 (39-34 post ASB). Add this year’s 6-8 and they’re 45-42 since last year’s ASB. Counting the post-season they are 46-45 by my math. Certainly possible that I missed something.
  14. Just wait until Pete and his Ilk start chanting negative things at games and putting up billboards, he’ll be out of here in no time flat. ?
  15. JTB

    Casual Fans

    Or maybe, just maybe the fans who can walk away from that shitshow have some perspective. I’m 58. I discovered years ago that enjoying the wins and being able to shrug off the losses makes life much more enjoyable. Not to mention my son went 4-4 in the first game of a DH and was the winning pitcher, not that he pitched well, in game two. That trumps anything the Sox did, win or lose.
  16. LaRussa is trolling the fans at this point, isn’t he? There can’t be a reasonable explanation for Garcia hitting third.
  17. Good thing we had a lefty to face Kiermeier. Game could have gotten out of hand if we didn’t.
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