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Everything posted by JTB

  1. Unfortunately they aren’t going to win the WS and hopefully he retires to the old folks with multiple DWIs home.
  2. Three hits three fucking hits I know this is irrational and has little or nothing to do with tonight, but I hate that LaRussa is managing my favorite team. I have never liked him. He’s been connected to PEDs. I wish he would go away. I know this is my issue, but it takes away from my enjoyment of watching this team. I said I was salty tonight. ?
  3. Please Goodwin, don’t be on the post season roster.
  4. At least we have Goodwin leading off the 9th.
  5. Eloy has to take some pitches against this bum. I know it’s over and done with but fuck…give home the god damn take sign after four in a row.
  6. I’ve got Yaz walks and Eloy swings at the first pitch. Any takers?
  7. Can Goodwin go away? I’m a little salty tonight for some reason. ?
  8. When was the last time Eloy took a pitch.
  9. Agreed. And terrible camera angles for TV
  10. That’s two that guys has missed in a row.
  11. My 30th was better. Sox beat the Jays 6-1 in game 3. For about 25 years I thought it was 8-1 until someone here corrected me. I may have had several too many shots that night! ?
  12. It’s a joke, but still the Landrum game happened on my 20th birthday. I’ll never forget that guy or Dzybnski (sp) for his baserunning.
  13. Ok. Stone can fuck himself for those comments about Tito Landrum and the 83 Sox.
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