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Everything posted by JTB

  1. Stop walking shitty hitters. Seems like a good plan.
  2. Well, here goes nothing. I want to be excited that it’s opening day, I really do. It’s just not happening. Maybe once I can sit down to watch after my son’s game tonight it will kick in. ??‍♂️
  3. I was a HS coach when we got married. Also, she was joking. She has a director’s for the Federal Govt and makes a helluva of a lot more money than I do. ?
  4. I’m a college basketball coach. My ex-wife used to tell me my job was organizing recess. (That’s not why she’s my ex. ?)
  5. Today is national fart day. https://nationaltoday.com/national-fart-day/
  6. It isn’t any of our business, I agree. That it’s not our business doesn’t make philanderers any less of the assholes that they are.
  7. May I suggest a minor surgery? Maybe extract a couple of wisdom teeth. Whatever it takes for him to feel OK about being a DH.
  8. f*** cancer. Go win this Liam.
  9. Oh f***! If the foodies say it’s BS does that mean it’s true?
  10. I would like to commend you for using anyway instead of anyways (there are those who will tell you that’s not a word) and couldn’t care less correctly.
  11. This literally made me lol. The truth is often better better than fiction.
  12. There is a Mendoza line joke in there somewhere.
  13. Whoever he is, he’d be better than LaRussa and Guillen. ?
  14. Frank is a bit like Aaron Rodgers to me as a Packer fan. Rodgers is a complete tool, but he’s our tool. Frank may have been a moody douche, but he was our moody douche.
  15. If it’s Guillen…I’m not sure I can support them anymore or at least until Reinsdorf is gone. I know I say that and I know I’ll be back watching, but how fucking stubborn or dumb or whatever can a guy be to hire LaRussa and then Guillen. Zero self awareness. Please let this rant be for naught. Please hire Long or anyone who’s been in a dugout this decade. I don’t think that’s too much to ask.
  16. I absolutely believe the part about being afraid to go outside the org.
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