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Everything posted by Bossanoveralls

  1. I just looked at the standings. Fifty-Four fookin' games from front-running Guardians. COMFORTABLE NUMBNESS NOW!!!!!
  2. I forgot to add: Limit 1. I will now switch over to good ol' Natty Light in a particularly lovely glass.
  3. Ceylon Apple Maker for me. My better half and I peeled and cored a half bushel of Jonagold and a half bushel of Golden Delicious apples de udder day, ran 'em through the juicer and wound up with three gallons of cider with lots of delicious pulp. So you take and pour some Maker's Mark in a mason jar, pour in some pulpy cider and top it off with some ceylon cinnamon. Serve with a chopstick to keep it stirred up for every sip cuz the pulp settles and the cinnamon don't mix in very well but it tastes fantastic. Ceylon Apple Maker I love the fall.
  4. Everbody flush the loo precisely when Houston makes their 3rd out at the bottom of the 8th here. And grab this TA string. HEAVE!!!
  5. C'mon y'all. Let's all get pulling on the same string TA talkin' 'bout. Ready? HEAVE!!! HEAVE!!! HEAVE!!!
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