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Everything posted by Bossanoveralls

  1. These mopes chapped my ass so bad last year that I could not possibly care less where they finish this year. I'll watch. I'll boo and his and woo hoo just like always. They are not gonna make me care. Not even a little bit. Go Bears ????
  2. Why does it seem like Gordo is just a dumb jock that has been handed a job that he doesn't have to take seriously and doesn't, who knows that he will be stuck in our faces regardless which gives him a certain arrogance that comes through the screen in spades? He is a dingbat. An entitled dingbat, but dingbat through and through.
  3. This one is teed up so high I can't even get a jumpin' swing at it.
  4. I can't wait for the Sox to move on from Leury. The toying with my emotions is becoming quite unbearable. Here at Stately Bossanoveralls Manor, I am surrounded by motherfuckers wanting to rejoice muchly. We all rockin' on ready and sittin' on go up off in here.
  5. There will be MUCH rejoicing here at Stately Bossanoveralls Manor. Much. Rejoicing.
  6. Manfred must be a NASCAR fan. Young France has turned NASCAR into the WWE. Manfred wants to "tinker" with the rules every year just like his buddy, France. Inquiring mind motherfuckers.
  7. I'll still root for the Sox although I won't be as thrilled about watching these jamokes play. And I will always root for Steve and Jason to have a perfect Nationwide jingle. They always stick the landing, but they need more solid and confident starts. Tighten up the first note: Excelsior!
  8. I can't stand the fuckin' puke ever since the Cleveland fight. Can not believe he is going to be in a Sox uniform. Guess I'll just have to hang my head a little lower when I watch Da Sox dis year.
  9. ? Nationwiiide is on your siiiiiide ?
  10. Two words. Billy and Hamilton. If he doesn't make the big league club, we're doomed. If he does make the club, I say it's Katie bar the door.
  11. Thanks, Lip. Saved me the mlb.tv fee this year. It is a noble and wothwhile thing you do, I always say.
  12. I'm rethinking my decision to buy mlb.tv this year, yet again. I am as big a fan of Stone & Benetti as the next guy. But the next guy's fandom has it's limitations.
  13. I've got a bulb! They should have Da Vuc come in and negotiate for them! Because...
  14. They shouldn't make those two negotiate without an agent. BOO!!@
  15. I say the over/under all boils down to Leury Garcia. Leury Garcia.
  16. Benetti is doing the Illinois Wisconsin game right now. On Fox.
  17. When do QBs start watching film to study defenses? High school? College? How many years has Fields watched film to learn to read defenses? At this point, I don't believe he is able to read a defense until he has held the ball too long after it is snapped. How much more film must the young man study before he can read a defense fast enough to QB a football team with a realistic chance of winning on the reg? I understand he is a threat in the running game. But that's why there's Montgomery and Herbert and Ebnah. I want a QB that can read a defense, like, right now. And I want him now. Maybe Fields gets it someday, but let some other team learn him up. I say get what you can for Fields now while his value is high. And get a QB good at studying film and actually learn from it. Not just sit there like he's watching TV. People talk about Brady identifying the defense as he breaks the huddle walking to the line. A QB that is doing that would increase Da Bears chances of winning logrhythmically I always say.
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