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Everything posted by Bossanoveralls

  1. He's absolutely spot on. This team is a fookin nightmare going somewhere to happen. Trade everybody for good players. Cut anybody you can't trade and replace them with good players. Fire everybody you can't trade or cut and get people who actually know something about baseball. Aaaaaarrrrrguh.
  2. The other teams get to have good relief pitchers. Why don't we get to have good relief pitchers?
  3. At least Dr. Death ain't pitching. The Royals always play us tough. We need to catch the fookin' ball. Seriously.
  4. We shouldn't have to put up with this shit. Something must be done. And soon.
  5. "Ya get them big cocksuckers that can hit the fuckin' ball out the ballpark" ??? It sounds just like Weaver off the record. ???
  6. Not warm and fuzzy in the least. Gonna need a couple touchdowns.
  7. Seems to me Dallas "Dr. Death" Kevorkian's game relies heavily on the ump's calls on pitches just outside the lines where he colors. Is that what you call a finesse pitcher?
  8. Leury Garcia is kinda like a Little Debbie's snack cake. They're both a great value.
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