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The Kids Can Play

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Everything posted by The Kids Can Play

  1. If no other Sox player was wearing a mask then that was their decision. The Health officials in New York were heavily encouraging people to wear masks during that time and encouraged to stay inside. Other nearby cities with teams actually cancelled the baseball games. Moncada's lack of sprint speed is due to being heavier and maybe not training hard enough in the off-season. Btw, when Moncada was having a great year in 2019, he wasn't any speed demon then.
  2. The Sox plan is simple; they will bring up all that great talent and depth that Rick Hahn and Chris Getz as Director of Player development created in AAA and AA levels, to bring up to the White Sox major league roster.
  3. Our Sox will be sure to make the necessary adjustments and tweaks for Trayce so he produces big time, since the Sox are so great at player development and fixing players.
  4. I've had covid too and my doctor told me I am less likely to get it again due to getting the antibodies protection in me. For the record it is not telling seeing Moncada wear a mask during the recent Yankees series. If you recall, New York had a horrible dangerous air quality level due to the Canadian fires. At the time of that series, the air quality was one the worst in the country in New York. That is why Moncada was wearing a mask.
  5. If Moncada was having long term covid issues we would know about it just like we did when he had them the first time. His problems have nothing to do with covid. I understand there are some rare cases where some have issues, but Moncada is not one of them. If he is, please don't speculate and show us the written documentation from the Sox confirming this. His issues are probably nutrition, weight, and lack of proper core muscle strength in the mid section. My younger brother has struggled with back issues for some 20 years and had back surgery 3 years ago. Through proper diet, losing weight and proper and consistent daily back exercises and core strength work, he has gone 3 years without any repercussions or setbacks since surgery. His job involves a lot of manual labor and not sitting at a desk. Back surgeries are not like there were 20-30 years ago when they were dangerous and uncertain of the results. Just like surgeries have improved with ACL injuries, the same goes for back surgeries.
  6. I don't know if this was posted on SoxTalk earlier here or in another post and if it was sorry for the redundancy. Lucas Giolito is starting tonight for the Angels at the Blue Jays. I hope he has a great game and can show Hahn and Jerry what a losing embarrassment they both are. Actually Gio pitched well against the Blue Jays earlier this year in his one outing vs. the Blue Jays. He gave up only 2 runs through 6 innings and left with a 3-2 lead. Go figure though, Kelly gave up 2 more runs in relief and the Sox lost 4-3.
  7. Well said. I agree with you that Covid crap is ridiculous. There are tons of pro athletes who had covid and are excelling in their sport. Maybe if Moncada would have had maintained better nutritional habits and had better physical training, he might have been able to keep that lean weight and continue to play 2nd base which is what he was brought here for.
  8. I remember that second Mark Buehrle game. He was so fun to watch pitch, as well as a class act great guy.
  9. I only dream of the day after Reinsdorf is gone when we can maybe have a team like the Rays. A Sox team that is actually run with such a smart owner and front office. You're right though, they really are a fun team to watch. They play smart baseball which is something the Sox have no clue on. Btw, as you know, just as fast as they can lose 15 of 20, they can also go on a hot streak. I am personally pulling for the Rays. My parents after retirement for several years here, decided to go to the Tampa area and at first were snow birds and then eventually moved there full time. My dad early on latched on to the Rays when they moved there. Going to their home over the years, I got an early glimpse of the magic Andrew Friedman along with Joe Maddon. They had great teams every year with one of the smallest payrolls. I will never forget the day the Cubs hired Maddon. I was driving listening to sports radio in my car. After it was announced, the Cubs fans were clueless of who he was. The Cubs fans were calling in and blasting Theo on what a dumb hire it was. The entire time I saying to myself...you stupid Cubs fans don't deserve a manager as good as Maddon. Instead we had Robing Ventura when he was hired.
  10. 41-63 .394 - 22 games under 500. On target to go 64-98 .395 100 losses is almost a lock with Gio and Reylo gone and several more to follow. 62-100 is .383
  11. At least you have a winning team to root for, to offset the misery of watching your favorite team constantly lose.
  12. White Sox Baseball is like...accepting you will be a extreme masochist fan for most of your life accept for the occasional lucky exception here and there.
  13. One of the all-time comedy classics that sadly is obscure and shouldn't be.
  14. Just another disturbing fact of how fcuked this owner and front office are. Gio was not only a good pitcher, but a great guy and class act who gave this team his best effort each time on the mound. Even when he wasn't pitching, he gave his teammates tons of energy and support. What a great message this sends the others like Cease, Robert, etc. I was listening to an interview from the Bears Ryan Poles and he said a veteran player came up to him after the practice yesterday and said what Poles did in signing TE Cole Kmet, sent a huge positive energy and vibe in the locker room with all the players and he thanked Poles for that type of belief in his players. That is called be a smart leader, which Jerry and Hahn have never understood.
  15. I agree Renteria wasn't a good manager strategical, but his players loved him and played hard for him. What should have happened is Renteria being. told that to keep his job he needed to get all new coaches and especially a strong bench coach to help him in game time situational baseball decisions. Hahn's problem was he assumed if he fired Renteria he would get to hire whoever he wanted. He forgot to have a chat with his boss and see if Jerry was on the same page.
  16. That's probably true, but just another reason why Jerry is a huge POS owner and probably the worst one in baseball. Btw, that is not the norm for baseball owners. They usually don't make decisions because one of their good players is a player rep. Most owners unlike Jerry, let their Pres and GM run the team.
  17. Virginia is an aberration and trust me, she is making zero decisions for the bears. That would be fine if Jerry would take the role of Virginia and let his sons run it.
  18. At 95, the mathematical chances are slim based on national averages. Even if he was still alive at 95 which is quite possible, the greater chance is, he will have seriously lost his cognitive skills either by Alzheimer or Dementia and not able to run the Sox anymore.
  19. These votes aren't valid to the number of negative comments over the last two years regarding Rick Hahn and his rebuild failures. 21 people think the rebuild is a 10, which means they are giving the rebuild an A grade and calling it super successful! Ok that isn't too delusional and and full of bullsh*t. Will someone please show me 21 separate SoxTalk members who wrote glowing posts this past year about the successes of Rick Hahn's rebuild.
  20. The scale or grading chart should have been A B C D or F and not 1-10.
  21. I didn't say it would happen, I realize what a loser and idiot Jerry is. I was just saying if the org wanted to improve their image and status to their fans, it would be a good idea. Plus a nine figure contract is normal today for a great pitcher, what makes it bad or good, is how many years and what nine figure amount?
  22. If this organization ever wanted to improve its terrible image, resigning Gio as a FA in the off-season would be so huge.
  23. The Cleveland Guardians do this simply because they have one of the lowest payrolls every year. This turns out to be a blessing in disguise. As Andrew Friedman, the current Pres of the Dodgers once said in an interview, what he attributed to his success, was the fact during his Tampa Bay days as the GM, he always had the lowest or one of the lowest payrolls each year. He wasn't allowed to sign big free agents. Thus he had to build the Rays through proper scouting, drafting, and player development. Hence why the Rays always had one of the best farm systems every year under his watch. Interesting how Friedman keeps doing the same farm system results with the Dodgers. Where this applies to Cleveland is the fact, the Guardians also have one of the lowest payrolls each year. They have simply done this with one of the premier managers in baseball in Terry Francona and one of the best young GM's in all of baseball in 42 yr. old Mike Chernoff. Since 2016 for managers: The White Sox had Renteria, LaRussa and Grifol as their managers and Guardians just Terry Francona. Since 2016 for Front Office: The White Sox had Kenny Williams and Rick Hahn. The Guardians had Chris Antonetti, Pres of Baseball Ops and Mike Chernoff as GM When a FO can't spend a lot of money, if forces them to excel at the core basics, which is building a successful team through young prospects and developing them in the minors into major league players. The Guardians once again have one the best farm systems in baseball. When is Jerry going to figure this out? That's right, he won't. We'll have to wait for the next Sox owner after Jerry is gone.
  24. Last night's loss has the Sox at 41-62 and a season high of 21 games under 500. Current record 41-62 .398 If Sox continue at this W-L % pace, they finish 64-98 .395 Keep in mind, we just lost one of our best starting pitchers and and a reliever...with more players to be shipped out. When you factor in bringing up the minor leaguers, a 100 plus loss season is very attainable.
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