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The Kids Can Play

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Everything posted by The Kids Can Play

  1. You're right the good GM jobs aren't available, because they are already filled by the best GM's. However the key ideally here is for Sox to create a new opening for their new Pres or Exec VP of baseball operations. Then a talented guy like Mike Chernoff for example, would consider leaving his GM job for a bigger title and responsibility, along with a big raise. Then the new Pres could go hire his own GM and other FO people from outside the Sox organization.
  2. I was at the ballpark for that Dylan Cease game. If we had a better pitching coach, we might just be able to get him back to that 2022 form.
  3. I love Remillard and hope he can be the permanent 2B going forward and into next season. My only answer to why he didn't come out like the typical failed Sox prospect. is the fact being 29 and being passed up for so long, he probably made a serious decision on his own to make his own critical adjustments, knowing he wasn't going to get that proper coaching advice in the Sox farm system.
  4. That is exactly right. Drafting is only one avenue, which of course Hahn failed at badly. However worse than that, he failed in getting the right scouts to find the best prospects to even draft in the first place. He also failed miserably in developing the proper coaching philosophy in the minors, in order to make sure the prospects were developed into major league productive players. Finally, Hahn bombed horribly over the years with free agent signings and major trades. When you Fu*k up all the above mentioned areas, that is how you get a trainwreck baseball organization that is a complete and utter embarrassment. This POS dysfunctional club gets a F grade in every aspect of the franchise.
  5. It's never going to change until one of two things happens: Jerry either passes away and the team is sold, or Jerry shocks the world and fires the entire front office and he actually goes to the outside and hires a GM from a winning org that actually knows how to build a winning franchise, by excelling in scouting, drafting and developing talent in the minors. Then Jerry needs to drop his stubborn ego and make this new GM President of the entire White Sox baseball operations. Most importantly, Jerry would need to stay 100 percent out of his way and allow this new Pres to hire his own people from outside this trainwreck White Sox org. Unfortunately I've accepted the harsh reality, that I will have to just be patient and wait until this POS demented, stubborn and arrogant owner passes away. Then we hope a good ownership group comes in, that actually wants to make winning the #1 priority at all costs.
  6. At this point, the only place I imagine the majority think about, is to see this team implode worst and finish in the bottom worst three teams to have a shot at the #1 pick. Of course if it's still the current FO making that selection, I'm sure they will fu*k that up too.
  7. I'm sorry but I totally disagree. Hahn doesn't deserve any credit. Baseball is a a unique sport and different from baseball or football. In those sports you can draft players and often they can make an impact right away. Baseball is completely different and no matter how much potential a baseball prospect has, it's takes several years to see that finished product at the major league level. Hahn convinced and fooled everyone that he handled the 2016 rebuild correctly, through all his wonderful and powerful trades and draft picks. Yet in the end, the trades and draft picks were a complete bust and trainwreck. I'm sorry, but Hahn doesn't get brownie points for getting the Sox close in 2020/2021. He especially doesn't get credit when he arrogantly told the media and fans...to talk to him at the parade. Keep in mind, Hahn is the one that was adamant to tear it all down and do a complete rebuild, which according to many sources, was not what Jerry or Kenny wanted to do. As a result, if Hahn stomped his feet loud enough to get his way...then he damn well should have backed it up and finished the job to a WS championship or at least sniffing the World Series.
  8. Mike Chernoff checks all the right boxes and would be a home run, but yes as you pointed out, he isn't leaving unless he is the president of baseball ops and is allowed to hire his own GM from the outside, as well as cleaning house from scouting to farm system coaches, etc. Sadly this is too logical and probably not on our POS owner's radar.
  9. Why would we expect these clowns to win games when they still have the same poor plate approach and discipline. 13 K's 0 BB, 11 groundball outs. This is a seriously flawed offensive team with a really dumb baseball IQ. That was Graveman's 4th blown save and 2nd in his last three attempts. When is Grifol going to make a note to himself, that it's not a good idea to let Graveman close games. Not only does Grifol need to be fired, but also Katz as he doesn't bring anything to this staff. Great job from Hahn in building a reliable bullpen, as well as having plenty of good arms to bring up from AAA. ?
  10. Northwestern wouldn't even consider this loser on a list for first interviews.
  11. We wholeheartedly agree Hahn should be fired ASAP and not involved with any trades and Jerry go find a new GM from the outside to come in and clean house. My only point was Grifol promised this team would be hustling and controlling both sides of the pitching zone. For him to complain now is just ridiculous. I get Grifol is dealing with a horrible roster, but he should have demanded more effort and smarter play....and if they didn't do it, then he should have made them sit on the bench sometimes to get their attention.
  12. Grifol is a joke and he promised all these things would be corrected under his watch at the initial press conference when he was introduced by Hahn. This is why Grifol has to be fired at the end of the season. For those that say oh, its not Pedro's fault, he was given a bad roster is all BS. If you had a real manager running this team, like a Francona or Botchy to name a few, maybe the team wouldn't have won many more games, but for damn sure, they would be hustling more and playing smarter baseball...or they wouldn't be playing period.
  13. The Buehrle perfect game is still one of the all-time White Sox special moments in my time.
  14. Jerry forgot the golden rule about when people let you down. "Fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice, shame on you!" It would seem to me and probably most sane logical people, if you are that miserable and upset in the way things have gone, it might be a good idea to fire the person responsible for his misery. It might not end his misery right away, but it sure would make him feel better, knowing the loser that made him so miserable...is GONE!
  15. You're probably right. However that's pretty pathetic and sad when his ego trumps his the baseball team that he owns. The fact his ego stops him from dealing with the fact; his team is a total embarrassment, not making as much money as it should be and being a consistent losing team. Again I keep thinking of his arrogant comments of how much smarter he is versus the other owners. You would think logically speaking, that would bother his demented and delusional EGO.
  16. I'm glad Reinsdorf is miserable and hope his misery gets even worse. If indeed Reinsdorf is miserable with how this rebuild went, then isn't Hahn in serious trouble of being fired? Here is my reasoning. I don't know if this is true or not, but I read or heard somewhere that before Jerry gave his blessings to the rebuild in 2016, there was a conflict between Kenny who apparently was totally against a full rebuild and Hahn who wanted a complete rebuild. The rumor I heard or read was Jerry went with Hahn and agreed to a full rebuild. Again this I what I heard and maybe it's not true. However if that were the case knowing how miserable Jerry is right now, what owner, including Jerry, wouldn't be extremely pissed and want Hahn gone, for the simple fact Hahn totally embarrassed him and completely let him down.
  17. Isn't it amazing that all these ideas we come up with on SoxTalk make so much sense, and yet the owner who said he couldn't believe how dumb many of the owners are in the owner meetings, is completely ignorant and insanely stubborn to realize drastic change needs to occur and he doesn't see it or want it!
  18. 100 percent correct! No GM in baseball is more embarrassing than the extensive losing track record and results of Rick Hahn.
  19. You're absolutely right Hahn needs to be fired and not allowed to be part of the trade deadline, but Grifol has to go at the end of the season. Even though we will have a bad team next year, we desperately need to bring in a winning manager that is leader and disciplinarian, who will be committed to strong fundamentals and smart baseball strategies.
  20. Book it Dano! Top 3 will be in the books by the end of the season.
  21. Yeah, that's a great idea, let's put a walking boot on Vaughn's bone bruise instead of placing him on the IL. Stupid is as Stupid Does!
  22. I'm sorry and anyone can criticize me, because I don't care, but it won't be a sad day for me, when Jerry passes away and the team is sold.
  23. On Tuesday, August 1, 2023 at precisely 5:01pm, if Hahn and Reinsdorf insanely decide to make zero trades and keep the team intact, then that day will officially tell all Sox fans...they are fu*ked as fans with the #1 most dysfunctional loser team in baseball, that absolutely will never change....until Jerry dies and the team is sold! It will be official that Jerry has completely checked out mentally and doesn't give a sh*t anymore. It will be his final stamp of approval to let his genius GM Rick Hahn continue on his quest for the "parade!"
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